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hind a convenient outcropping of rock; Lying motionless on stove…like rock; watching small lizards watch him through the vibrating air; he had to fight down the all…too…rational fear that this time his enemies had outguessed him; and a couple of them were really following him along on the high rims。 At any moment now; the head of one of them ought to appear in his field of vision; just about there。 From which vantage point it would of course be no trick at all to roll down a deadly barrage of rocks。 If they were lucky his head would still be recognizable when they came down to collect it。 Enough of that。
 It was a definite relief when the three men came into sight again; all trailing him directly along the bottom of the canyon。 They were walking their mounts now; having to watch their footing carefully on the uneven rock。 As their quarry had hoped; at this spot they had no more than half their visual attention to spare in looking out for ambush。
 The young man waiting for them already had an arrow nocked。 And now he started to draw it; slowly taking up the bowstring's tension。 He realized that at the last instant; he'd have to raise himself up into full view to get the shot off properly。
 The moment came and he lifted his upper body。 The bow twanged in his hands; as if the arrow had made its own decision。 The shot was good; but the man who was its target; as if warned by some subtle magic; begun to turn his body away just as the shot was made。 The arrow missed。 The enemy; alarmed; were all ducking for cover。
 The marksman did not delay to see what they might be going to do next。 Already he was on his feet and running; scrambling; on down the canyon。 Only two arrows left in his quiver now; and still he was not absolutely sure that there were no more than three men in pursuit。
 He hurdled a small boulder; and kept on running。 At least he'd slowed his pursuers down again; made them move more cautiously。 And that ought to let him gain a little distance。
 And now; suddenly; unexpectedly; he had good luck in sight。 As he rounded a new curve of the canyon there sprang into view ahead of him a view into the bigger cross…canyon that this one joined。 Ahead he saw a narrow slice of swift gray water; with a luxuriant border of foliage; startlingly green; all framed in stark gray rock。
 A little farther; and he would have not only water and concealment; but a choice of ways to turn; upstream or down。 The young man urged his tired body into a faster run。
 In his imagination he was already tasting the cold water。 Then the tree…tall dragon emerged from the fringe of house…high ferns and other growth that marked the entrance to the bigger canyon。 As the young man stumbled to a halt the beast was looking directly at him。 Its massive jaw was working; but only lightly; tentatively; as if in this heat it might be reluctant to summon up the energy for a hard bite or even a full roar。
 The young man was already so close to the dragon when he saw it that he could do nothing but freeze in his tracks。 He knew that any attempt at a quick retreat would be virtually certain to bring on a full charge; and he would have no hope of outrunning that。
 Nor did he move to unsling his bow。 Even his best shot; placed perfectly into the eye; the only even semi…vulnerable target; might do no more than madden a dragon of the size of this one before him。 His best hope of survival lay in standing still。 If he could manage to do that; there was a bare chance that his earlier rapid movement would be forgotten and he would be ignored。
 Then something happened that surprised the young men profoundly; so that now it was astonishment more than either terror or conscious effort that kept him standing like a statue。
 The dragon's vast mouth; scarred round the lips with its own quondam flames; opened almost delicately; revealing yellowed and blackened teeth the size of human forearms。 From that mouth emerged a voice; a kind of cavernous whisper。 It was perfectly intelligible; though so soft that the motionless man could scarcely be sure that he was really hearing it。
 〃Put down your little knife;〃 the dragon said to him。 〃I will not hurt you。〃
 The man; who had thought he was remaining perfectly motionless; looked down at his right hand。 Without realizing it he had drawn the dagger from his belt。 Mechanically he put the useless weapon back into its sheath。
 Even as the man did this; the dragon; perhaps three times his height as it stood tall on its hind legs; moved closer to him by one great stride。 It reached out for him with one enormous forelimb; armed at the fingertips with what looked like pitchfork tines。 But that frightening grip picked up the man so gently that he felt no harm。 In a moment he had been lifted; tossed spinning in the air; and softly; safely; caught again。 At this moment; that seemed to him certain to be the moment of his death; he felt curiously free from fear。
 Death did not e; nor even pain。 He was being tossed and mauled quite tenderly。 Here we went up again; propelled with a grim playfulness that tended to jolt the breath out of his chest; but did him no real damage。 In one of these revolving airborne jaunts; momentarily facing back up the side canyon; he got his clearest look yet at the whole small gang of his surviving human pursuers。 They had been even closer behind him than he had thought; but now with every instant they were meters farther away。 The three of them; two looking forward and away; one looking back in terror; were astride their riding beasts again; and never mind the chance that a mount might stumble here。 All three in panic were galloping at full stretch back up the barren floor of the side canyon。
 The dragon roared。 The tossed man's own whirling motion whirled the riders away; out of his field of vision。 He felt his flying body brush through a fringe of greenery。 His landing was almost gentle; on shaded ground soft as a bed with moss and moisture。 He lay there on his back; beneath great dancing fronds。 This position afforded him a fine view of the dragon's scaly green back just as; roaring like an avalanche; it launched a charge after the three riders。
 In another moment the riders were pletely out of sight around the first curve of the side canyon。 The dragon at once aborted its charge and ceased its noise。 It turned; and with an undragonly air of calm purpose came striding back to where the man lay。 He just lay there; watching its approach。 The creature hadn't killed him yet; and anyway he could never have outrun it even had his lungs been full of breath。
 Once more the huge dragon gently picked him up。 It carried him carefully for a little distance; deeper into the heavy riverside growth of vegetation。 Through the last layer of branches ahead the man could plainly see the swift narrow stream that threaded the canyon's floor。
 The dragon spoke above the endless frantic murmur of the water。 〃They will never;〃 it told the man in its sepulchral voice; 〃e back and follow a dragon into this thicket。 Instead they will return to their masters and report that you are dead; that with their own eyes they saw you crushed and eaten。〃 Saying this; the dragon again deposited the man on soft ground; this time
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