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    Quintana hurried up to Pitt and clutched his arm。 〃Damn you; get back to the beach! You know the orders=
    He got no further。 Pitt shoved the stubby barrel of the AK…74 into Quintana's gut and slowly pushed him back and against a wall。 Quintana had stood face to face with death many times before this moment; but staring at the ice cold expression on the craggy face; seeing the pure look of murderous indifference in the green eyes; he knew he had one foot in a coffin。
    Pitt did not speak。 He pulled back the gun; raised the baseball bat to his shoulder; and pushed his way through Quintana's men。 Suddenly he halted in his tracks and turned back。 〃The elevator is this way;〃 he said quietly。
    Quintana motioned his men to follow。 Pitt took a fast head count。 There were twenty…five; including himself。 He hurried toward the elevator that rose to the upper levels。 No more guards appeared in their way。 The passages were deserted。 With the prisoners dead; Pitt reasoned; Velikov probably saw no purpose in stationing more than one guard in the lower storage area。
    They reached the elevator and he was about to push the Up button when the motors began to hum。 He motioned everyone against the wall。 They waited; listening to the elevator stop at a level above; hearing a murmur of voices and soft laughter。 They stood frozen and watched the interior light shine through the crack between the doors as it descended。
    It was all over in ten seconds。 The doors opened and two technicians in white coats stepped outside and died without the slightest whisper of a sound from knives thrust into their hearts。 Pitt was amazed at the efficiency of the act。 None of the Cubans wore the slightest expression of remorse in their eyes。
    〃Decision time;〃 said Pitt。 〃The elevator can hold only ten men。〃
    〃Only fourteen minutes until the space shuttle lands;〃 Quintana said urgently。 〃We've got to find and cut off the pound's power source。〃
    〃There are four levels above us。 Velikov's study is on the top。 So are the living quarters。 Take your pick of the other three。〃
    〃Like drawing to an inside straight。〃
    〃What else;〃 Pitt said quickly。 〃We're also bunched…up fish in a barrel。 My advice is to split up into three groups and take each level。 You'll cover more territory faster。〃
    〃Sounds good;〃 Quintana hastily agreed。 〃We've e this far without a greeting。 They won't be expecting visitors to pop up on the inside at the same time in different areas。〃
    〃I'll go with the first eight men to level two and send the elevator down for the next team; who will hit level three; and so on。〃
    〃Fair enough。〃 Quintana wasted no time arguing。 He hurriedly selected eight men and ordered them into the elevator with Pitt。 Just before the doors closed he snapped; 〃You stay alive; damn you!〃
    The ride up seemed endless。 None of the men looked into the eyes of the others。 A few dabbed at the sweat trickling down their faces。 Some scratched at imagined itches。 All had a finger poised on a trigger。
    At last the elevator settled to a stop and the door parted。 The Cubans poured out into an operations room staffed by nearly twenty Soviet GRU officers and four women who were also in uniform。 Most died behind their desks in a hail of gunfire; dying in dazed disbelief。 In a few seconds the office resembled a charnel house with blood and tissue sprayed everywhere。
    Pitt took no time to see more。 He punched the Level I button on the panel and rose alone in the elevator to Velikov's study。 Pressing his back against the front wall; weapon in the raised position; he stole one quick glance around the opening doors。 The sight inside the study struck him with a mixed force of elation and savage anger。
    Seven GRU officers were sitting in a semicircle; watching in rapt fascination as Foss Gly performed his sadistic act。 They seemed oblivious to the muted thump of gunfire from the level below; their senses deadened; Pitt concluded; by the emptied contents of several wine bottles。
    Rudi Gunn lay off to one side; his face nearly battered into pulp; trying desperately out of some burning pride to hold up his head in contempt。 One officer held a small automatic pistol on a bleeding Al Giordino who was tied in a metal chair。 The brawny little Italian sagged forward with his head almost on his knees; shaking it slowly from side to side as if to clear his vision and rid himself of the pain。 One of the men lifted his leg and kicked Giordino in the side; knocking him and the chair sideways to the floor。 Raymond LeBaron sat beside and slightly behind Gly。 The once dynamic financier had the look of a man who was worn to a shadow; his spirit torn from his body。 The eyes were sightless; the face expressionless。 Gly had pressured and twisted him into a decaying vegetable。
    Jessie LeBaron knelt in the center of the room; staring at Gly in defiance。 Her hair had been crudely lopped short。 She clutched a blanket around her shoulders。 Ugly red welts and dark bruises covered her exposed legs and arms。 She looked to be beyond suffering; her mind deadened to any further pain。 Despite her pitiful appearance she was incredibly beautiful; with a serenity and poise that were remarkable。
    Foss and the other men turned at the arrival of the elevator; but seeing that it was apparently empty; they turned back to their sport。
    Just as the doors began to close Pitt stepped into the room with an almost inhuman icy calm; his AK…74 held at eye level; the muzzle erupting fire。
    His first carefully aimed shots took the man who had kicked Giordino onto the floor。 The second blast struck the chest of the bemedaled officer seated next to Gunn; pitching him backward into a bookcase。 The third and fourth bursts swept away three men sitting in a tight group。 He was swinging the gun barrel in an arc; lining up on Foss Gly; but the massively built turncoat reacted more quickly than the others。
    Gly yanked Jessie to her feet 'and held her in front of him as a shield。 Pitt delayed just long enough for the seventh Russian; who was sitting almost at his elbows; to unholster an automatic pistol and snap off a wild shot。
    The bullet struck the breech of Pitt's gun; shattered it; and then ricocheted into the ceiling。 Pitt raised the useless weapon and sprang at the same moment he saw the muzzle flash from the second shot。 Everything seemed to slow down。 Even the frightened expression on the Russian's face as he squeezed the trigger for the third time; but the blast never came。 The frame of the AK…74 sliced the air and caved the side of his head in。
    At first Pitt thought the second bullet had missed; but then he felt the blood dripping down his neck from the nick taken out of his left ear。 He stood there rooted; his fury still burning as Gly rudely shoved Jessie sprawling on the carpet。
    A satanic grin spread across Gly's evil face along with an expression of unholy expectation。 〃You came back。〃
    〃Very perceptive for a cretin; that is。〃
    〃I promised you would die slowly when we met again;〃 said Gly menacingly。 〃Have you forgotten?〃
    〃No; I didn't forget;〃 said Pitt。 〃I even remembered to bring a big club。〃
    Pitt had no doubts that Gly meant to
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