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 my friends be literally thrown to the sharks。〃
    〃We're looking at a high…stakes game;〃 said Brogan。 〃Keeping Velikov in the dark may prove most advantageous。〃
    〃And sacrifice several lives for an intelligence gamble?〃 said Pitt bitterly。 〃No way。〃
    〃Please bear with me a moment;〃 Brogan pleaded。 〃I'll agree to leak a story saying we know the LeBarons and your NUMA people are alive。 Next; we'll accuse the Cubans of imprisoning them in Havana。〃
    〃How can Velikov be expected to fall for something he knows is crap?〃
    〃I don't expect him to fall for it。 He's no cretin。 He'll smell a rat and wonder how much we know about his island。 And that's all he can do wonder。 We'll also muddy the waters by claiming our knowledge es from photographic evidence showing your inflatable boat washed up on the main island of Cuba。 That should take the pressure off our captives and keep Velikov guessing。 The piece de resistance will be the discovery of Pitt's body by a Bahamian fisherman。〃
    〃What in hell are you proposing?〃 Sandecker demanded。
    〃I haven't thought it through yet;〃 Brogan admitted。 〃But the basic idea is to sneak Pitt back on the island。〃

    As soon as Pitt's debriefing had concluded; Brogan returned to his office and picked up the phone。 His call went through the usual batting order of buffers before the President came on。
    〃Please make it quick; Martin。 I'm about to leave for Camp David。〃 〃We've just finished interrogating Dirk Pitt。〃
    〃Could he fill in any pieces?〃
    〃Pitt gave us the intelligence breakthrough we discussed。〃
    〃Velikov's headquarters?〃
    〃He led us straight to the mother lode。〃
    〃Nice work。 Now your people can launch an infiltration operation。〃 〃I think a more permanent solution would be in order。〃
    〃You mean offset its threat by exposing its existence to the world press?〃
    〃No。 I mean go in and destroy it。〃


    The president had a light breakfast after reaching Camp David。 The weather was unseasonably warm; there was Indian summer in the air; and he was dressed in cotton slacks and short…sleeved sweater。
    He sat in a large wing chair with several file folders in his lap and studied the personal histories of the 〃inner core。〃 After reading the last file he closed his eyes; pondering his options; wondering what he would say to the men who were waiting in the camp's main dining room。
    Hagen entered the study and stood quietly until the President opened his eyes。
    〃Ready when you are; Vince。〃
    The President slowly pushed himself from the chair。 〃Might as well get on with it then。〃
    They were waiting around the long dining table as the President had arranged。 No guards were present; none were required。 These were honorable men who had no intent to mit crime。 They respectfully rose to their feet as he entered the room; but he waved them down。
    Eight were present and accounted for General Fisher; Booth; Mitchell; and Busche sat on one side of the table opposite Eriksen; Senator Porter; and Dan Fawcett。 Hudson was seated by himself at the far end。 Only Raymond LeBaron was missing。
    They were dressed casually; sitting fortably like golfers in a clubhouse; relaxed; supremely confident and showing no signs of tension。
    〃Good morning; Mr。 President;〃 greeted Senator Porter cheerfully。 〃To what do we owe the honor of this mysterious summons?〃
    The President cleared his throat。 〃You all know why I've brought you here。 So we don't have to play games。〃
    〃You don't want to congratulate us?〃 asked Clyde Booth sarcastically。
    〃Tributes may or may not be offered;〃 said the President coldly。 〃That will depend。〃
    〃Depend on what?〃 Gunnar Eriksen demanded rudely。
    〃I believe what the President is fishing for;〃 said Hudson; 〃is our blessing for allowing the Russians to claim a share of the moon。〃
    〃That and a confession of mass murder。〃
    The tables were turned。 They just sat there; eyes with the look of fish in a freezer; staring at the President。
    Senator Porter; a fast thinker; launched his attack first。 〃Execution gangland style or Arsenic and Old Lace poison in the tea? If I may ask; Mr。 President; what in hell are you talking about?〃
    〃A small matter of nine dead Soviet cosmonauts。〃
    〃Those lost during the early Soyuz missions?〃 asked Dan Fawcett。
    〃No;〃 answered the President。 〃The nine Russians who were killed on the Selenos lunar probes。〃
    Hudson gripped the edge of the table and stared as if he had been electrocuted。 〃The Selenos spacecraft were unmanned。〃
    〃The Russians wanted the world to think so; but in reality they each carried three men。 We have one of the crews on ice in the Walter Reed hospital morgue; if you care to examine the remains。〃
    No one would have thought it to look at them。 They considered themselves moral…minded citizens doing a job for their country。 The last thing any of them expected to see in a mirror was the reflection of a cold…blooded killer。 To say that the President had his audience in the palm of his hand would be an understatement。
    Hagen sat fascinated。 This was all news to him。
    〃If you'll bear with me;〃 the President continued; 〃I'll indulge in mixing facts with speculation。 To begin with; you and your moon colonists have acplished an incredible achievement。 I pliment you on your perseverance and genius; as will the world in the ing weeks。 However; you have unwittingly made a terrible error that could easily stain your acplishment。
    〃In your zeal to wave the Stars and Stripes you have ignored the international space law treaty governing activities on the moon; which was ratified by the United States; the Soviet Union; and three other countries in 1984。 Then you took it upon yourselves to claim the moon as a sovereign possession and; figuratively speaking; posted ‘Trespassers Will Be Shot' signs。 Only you backed it up by somehow destroying three Soviet lunar probes。 One of them; Selenos 4; managed to return to earth; where it orbited for eighteen months before control was reestablished。 Soviet space engineers attempted to bring it down in the steppes of Kazakhstan; but the craft was damaged and it fell near Cuba instead。
    〃Under the guise of a treasure hunt; you sent Raymond LeBaron to find it before the Russians。 Telltale marks of damage inflicted by your colonists had to be obliterated。 But the Cubans beat you both to the downed craft and retrieved it。 You weren't aware of that until now; and the Russians still don't know。 Unless。 。 。〃
    The President hung on the word。 〃Unless Raymond LeBaron has spilled his knowledge of the Jersey Colony under torture。 I have it on good authority he was captured by the Cubans and turned over to Soviet military intelligence; the GRU。〃
    〃Raymond won't talk;〃 Hudson said wrathfully。
    〃He may not have to;〃 the President replied。 〃A few hours ago intelligence analysts; whom I asked to reexamine Soviet space signals received during Selenos 4's reentry orbits; have discovered that its data on the lunar surface were transmitted to a ground tracking station on the island of Socotra; near Yemen。 Do you prehend the consequences; gentlemen?〃
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