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    A piece of paper and a pen were held out by an enormous hand。 〃Please sign the confession。〃
    Pitt took the pen and signed the paper against a wall without reading the wording。
    The interrogator stared at the signature broodingly。 〃I think you've made a mistake。〃
    〃How so?〃
    〃Your name is not Benedict Arnold。〃
    Pitt snapped his fingers。 〃By God; you're right。 That was last week。 This week I'm Millard Fillmore。〃
    〃Very amusing。〃
    〃Since General Velikov has already informed American officials of my death;〃 said Pitt seriously; 〃I fail to see any good of a confession。 Seems to me it's like injecting penicillin into a skeleton。 What purpose can it possibly serve?〃
    〃Insurance against an incident; propaganda reasons; even a bargaining position;〃 answered the interrogator amiably。 〃There could be any number of reasons。〃 He paused and read from a file on the desk。 〃I see from the dossier General Velikov gave me that you directed a salvage project on the Empress of Ireland shipwreck in the Saint Lawrence River。〃
    〃That is correct。〃
    〃I believe I was on the same project。〃
    Pitt stared at him。 There was a familiarity; but it wouldn't frame in his mind。 He shook his head。 〃I don't recall you working on my team。 What's your name?〃
    〃Foss Gly;〃 he said slowly。 〃I worked with the Canadians to disrupt your operations。〃
    A scene burst within Pitt's mind of a tugboat tied to a dock in Rimouski; Quebec。 He had saved the life of a British secret agent by braining Gly on the head with a wrench。 He also remembered with great relief that Gly's back had been turned and he had not seen Pitt's approach。
    〃Then we've never met face to face;〃 Pitt said calmly。 He watched for a faint sign of recognition from Gly; but he didn't bat an eye。
    〃Probably not。〃
    〃You're a long way from home。〃
    Gly shrugged his great shoulders。 〃I work for whoever pays top dollar for my special services。〃
    〃In this case the money machine spits out rubles。〃
    〃Converted into gold;〃 Gly added。 He sighed and pulled himself to a standing position and stretched。 The skin was so taut; the veins so pronounced; they actually looked grotesque。 He rose from the chair and looked up; the smooth dome of his head on a level with Pitt's chin。 〃I'd like to continue the small talk about past events; Mr。 Pitt; but I must have the answers to several questions and your signature on the confession。〃
    〃I'll discuss whatever subject that interests you when I'm assured the LeBarons and my friends will not be harmed。〃
    Gly did not reply; only stared with a look that bordered on indifference。
    Pitt sensed a blow was ing and tensed his body to roll with it。 But Gly did not cooperate。 Instead; he slowly reached out with one hand and gripped Pitt at the base of the neck on the soft part of the shoulder。 At first the pressure was light; a squeeze; and then a gradual tightening until the pain erupted like fire。
    Pitt clutched Gly's wrist with both hands and tried to wrench away the ironlike claw; but he might as well have tried to pull a twenty foot oak out of the ground by the roots。 He ground his teeth together until he thought they would crack。 Dimly through the bursting fireworks in his brain; he could hear Gly's voice。
    〃Okay; Pitt; you don't have to go through this。 Just tell me who masterminded your intrusion on this island and why。 No need to suffer unless you're a professional masochist。 Believe me; you won't find the experience enjoyable。 Tell the general what he wants to know。 Whatever you're hiding won't change the course of history。 Thousands of lives won't hang in the balance。 Why feel your body being pulped day after day until all bones are crushed; all joints are cracked; your sinews reduced to the consistency of mashed potatoes。 Because that is exactly what will happen if you don't play ball。 You understand?〃
    The ungodly agony eased as Gly released his grip。 Pitt swayed on his feet and stared through half…open eyes at his tormentor; one hand massaging the ugly bruise that was spreading on his shoulder。 He realized that whatever story he told; true or fabricated; would never be accepted。 The torture would continue until his physical resources finally gave in and numbed to it。
    He asked politely; 〃Do you get a bonus for every confession?〃
    〃I do not work on mission;〃 said Gly with friendly humor。
    〃You win;〃 said Pitt easily。 〃I have a low threshold of pain。 What do you want me to confess to; attempting to assassinate Fidel Castro or plotting to convert Russian advisers to democrats?〃
    〃Merely the truth; Mr。 Pitt。〃
    〃I've already told General Velikov。〃
    〃Yes; I have your recorded words。〃
    〃Then you know that Mrs。 LeBaron; Al Giordino; Rudi Gunn; and I were trying to find a clue to the disappearance of Raymond LeBaron while searching for a shipwreck supposedly containing treasure。 What's so sinister about that?〃
    〃General Velikov sees it as a front for a more classified mission。〃
    〃For instance?〃
    〃An attempt to municate with the Castros。〃
    〃Ridiculous is the first word that es to mind。 There must be easier ways for our governments to negotiate with each other。〃
    〃Gunn has told us everything;〃 said Gly。 〃You were to head the operation to stray into Cuban waters; where you were to be captured by their patrol craft and escorted to the mainland。 Once there; you were to turn over vital information dealing with secret U。S。…Cuban relations。〃
    Pitt was genuinely at a loss。 This was all Greek to him。 〃That has to be the dumbest cock…and…bull tale I've ever heard。〃
    〃Then why were you armed and able to destroy the Cuban patrol helicopter?〃
    〃We carried no arms;〃 Pitt lied。 〃The helicopter suddenly exploded in our faces。 I can't give you a reason。〃
    〃Then explain why the Cuban patrol boat could find no survivors at the crash site。〃
    〃We were in the water。 It was dark and the seas were rough。 They didn't spot us。〃
    〃Yet you were able to swim six miles through the violent water of a hurricane; all four of you keeping together as a group; and landing intact on Cayo Santa Maria。 How was it possible?〃
    〃Just lucky; I guess。〃
    〃Now who's telling a dumb cock…and…bull tale?〃
    Pitt never got a chance to answer。 Without a flicker of warning; Gly swung and rammed a fist into the side of Pitt's body near the left kidney。
    The pain and the sudden understanding burst within him at the same time。 As he sank into the black pool of unconsciousness he reached out for Jessie; but she laughed and made no effort to reach back。


    A deep; resonant voice was saying something; almost in his ear。 The words were vague and distant。 An army of scorpions crept over the edge of the bed and began thrusting their poisoned tails in his side。 He opened his eyes。 The bright fluorescent light above blinded him; so he closed them again。 His face felt wet and he thought he might be swimming and threw out his arms。 Then the voice beside him spoke more distinctly。
    〃Lie easy; partner。 I'm just sponging off your face。〃
    Pitt reopened his eyes and focused them on the face of an older; gray…haired man 
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