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lying time and churned up the surface of the water with wash from their rotor blades。 The blimp could remain airborne for two days and cruise at a walk。 From an altitude of 400 feet; the straight lines of a man…made object could be detected by a sharp eye a hundred feet beneath a calm and clear sea。
    Dawn was crawling over the Florida Straits as the ten…man ground crew assembled around the Prosperteer and began a preflight inspection。 The new sun caught the huge envelope covered by morning dew; giving off an iridescent effect like that from a soap bubble。 The blimp stood in the center of a concrete runway whose expansion cracks were lined with weeds。 A slight breeze blew in from the straits and she swung around the mooring mast until her bulbous nose faced into it。
    Most of the ground crew were young; deeply tanned; and casually dressed in an assortment of shorts; bathing suits; and denim cutoffs。 They took scant notice as a Cadillac stretch limousine drove across the runway and stopped at the large truck that served as the blimp's repair shop; crew chief's office; and munications room。
    The chauffeur opened the door and LeBaron unlimbered from the rear seat; followed by Buck Caesar; who immediately made for the blimp's gondola with a roll of nautical charts tucked under one arm。 LeBaron; looking a very trim and healthy sixty…five; towered above everyone at six foot seven。 His eyes were the color of light oak; the graying hair bed just so; and he possessed the distant; preoccupied gaze of a man whose thoughts were several hours in the future。
    He bent down and spoke for a few moments to an attractive woman who leaned from the car。 He kissed her lightly on the cheek; closed the car door; and began walking toward the Prosperteer。
    The crew chief; a studious…looking man wearing a spotless white shop coat; came over and shook LeBaron's outstretched hand。 〃Fuel tanks are topped off; Mr。 LeBaron。 The preflight check list is pleted。〃
    〃How's the buoyancy?〃
    〃You'll have to adjust for an extra five hundred pounds from the dampness。〃
    LeBaron nodded thoughtfully。 〃She'll lighten in the heat of the day。〃
    〃The controls should feel more responsive。 The elevator cables were showing signs of rust; so I had them replaced。〃
    〃What's the weather look like?〃
    〃Low scattered clouds most of the day。 Little chance of rain。 You'll be bucking a five…mile…an…hour head wind from the southeast on the way out。〃
    〃And a tail wind on the return trip。 I prefer that。〃
    〃Same radio frequency as the last trip?〃
    〃Yes; we'll report our position and condition; using normal voice munication; every half hour。 If we spot a promising target we'll transmit in code。〃
    The crew chief nodded。 〃Understood。〃
    Without further conversation LeBaron climbed the ladder to the gondola and settled in the pilot's seat。 He was joined by his copilot; Joe Cavilla; a sixty…year…old; sad…eyed; dour individual who seldom opened his mouth except to yawn or sneeze。 His family had immigrated to America from Brazil when he was sixteen and he had joined the Navy; flying blimps until the last airship unit was formally disbanded in 1964。 Cavilla had simply showed up one day; impressed LeBaron with his expertise in lighter…than…air craft; and was hired。
    The third member of the crew was Buck Caesar。 He wore a constant smile on a gentle; middle…aged face that had the texture of cowhide; but his gaze was shrewd; and the body held the firmness of boxer。 He sat hunched over a small table contemplating his charts; drawing a series of squares near a sector of the Bahama Channel。
    Blue smoke burst from the exhaust stacks as LeBaron turned over the engines。 The ground crew untied a number of canvas sacks containing ballast shot from the gondola。 One crewman; the 〃butterfly catcher;〃 held up a windsock on a long pole so LeBaron could note the exact direction of the wind。
    LeBaron gave a hand signal to the crew chief。 A wooden chock was pulled from the landing wheel; the nose coupling was released from the mooring mast; and the men holding the bow ropes heaved to one side and let go。 When the airship was free and clear of the mast; LeBaron eased the throttles forward and spun the large elevator wheel next to his seat。 The Prosperteer pointed her ic…opera snout upward at a fifty…degree angle and slowly drove into the sky。
    The ground crew watched until the huge airship gradually faded from view over the blue…green waters of the straits。 Then their interest turned briefly to the limousine and the vague feminine shape behind the tinted windows。
    Jessie LeBaron shared her husband's passion for outdoor adventure; but she was an orderly woman; who preferred organizing charity balls and political fund raisers over a time…wasting hunt for dubious treasure。 Vibrant and bouncy; with a mouth that had a repertory of a dozen different smiles; she was six months past fifty but looked closer to thirty…seven。 Jessie was slightly heavy…bodied but firm; her facial skin was creamy smooth; and she had allowed her hair to turn a natural salt…and…pepper。 The eyes were large and dark and bore no trace of the blank look usually left by plastic surgery。
    When she could no longer see the blimp; Jessie spoke into the limousine's inter。 〃Angelo; please drive back to the hotel。〃
    The chauffeur; a somber Cuban with the etched face of a postage stamp engraving; touched two fingers to the brim of his cap and nodded。
    The ground crew watched the long Cadillac turn and head through the deserted front gate of the former naval base。 Then someone produced a volleyball。 Quickly they drew out the boundaries and set up a net。 After choosing up sides; they began batting the ball back and forth to fight the boredom of waiting。
    Inside the air…conditioned truck; the crew chief and a radio operator acknowledged and recorded the reports from the blimp。 LeBaron religiously transmitted every thirty minutes; never varying more than a few seconds; describing his approximate position; any changes in weather; and vessels passing below。
    Then; at half past two in the afternoon; the reports stopped。 The radio operator tried to raise the Prosperteer; but there was no response。 Five o'clock came and went with still no word。 Outside; the ground crew wearily ceased their play and crowded around the door to the radio partment as the uneasiness inside began to grow。 At six o'clock; with no sign of the blimp over the sea; the crew chief put in a call to the Coast Guard。
    What no one knew; or possibly suspected; was that Raymond LeBaron and his friends on board the Prosperteer had vanished in a mystery that went far beyond any mere treasure hunt。


    Ten days later; the President of the United。 States stared pensively out the window of his limousine at the passing landscape and idly drummed his fingers on one knee。 His eyes didn't see the picturesque estates amid the horse country of Potomac; Maryland。 He took scant notice of the sun gleaming on the coats of the Thoroughbreds roaming the rolling pastures。 The images that reflected in his mind coursed around the strange events that had literally hurled him i
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