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    〃That's nothing but fertilizer;〃 said Manny。
    〃is also a highly volatile chemical;〃 Pitt continued。 〃If that amount of ammonium nitrate were to explode; its force would be far greater than the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki。 They were air drops and much of their destructive power was lost in the atmosphere。 When the Amy Bigalow blows at ground level; most of her power will sweep through Havana like a hurricane of molten lava。 The Ozero Zaysan; whose manifest claims she's carrying military supplies; is probably crammed to the top of her holds with munitions。 She'll unleash her destructive horror in a sympathetic explosion with the Amy Bigalow。 Next; the Ozero Baykai and her oil will ignite; adding to the devastation。 Fuel storage tanks; refineries; chemical plants; any factory with volatile materials; will go up。 The conflagration can conceivably last for days。〃
    Outwardly; Manny; Moe; and Jack appeared unprehending; the expressions on their faces inscrutable。 Inwardly; they were stunned by the unthinkable horror of Pitt's vision of hell。
    Moe looked at Clark。 〃He's on dead center; you know。〃
    〃I agree。 Langley misread the Soviets' intent。 The same results can be achieved without resorting to nuclear terror。〃
    Manny rose and clasped Pitt's shoulders between two great clamshell hands。 〃Man; I gotta hand it to you。 You really know where the crap flows。〃
    Jack spoke up for the first time。 〃Impossible to unload those ships before the celebration tomorrow。〃
    〃But they can be moved;〃 said Pitt。
    Manny considered that for a moment。 〃The freighters might clear the harbor; but I wouldn't bet on getting the tanker under way in time。 We'd need a tug just to shove her bows toward the channel。〃
    〃Every mile we put between those ships and the harbor means a hundred thousand lives spared;〃 said Pitt。
    〃Might give us extra time to look for the detonators;〃 said Moe。
    〃If they can be found before we reach open sea; so much the better。〃
    〃And if not;〃 Manny muttered grimly; 〃we'll all be mittin' suicide。〃
    〃Save your wife the cost of a funeral;〃 said Jack with a death's…head smile。 〃There won't be anything left to bury〃
    Moe looked doubtful。 〃We're way short of hands。〃
    〃How many ship's engineers can you scrape up?〃 asked Pitt。
    Moe nodded across the room。 〃Manny there used to be a chief engineer。 Who else can you name; Manny?〃
    〃Enrico knows his way around an engine room。 So does Hector when he's sober。〃
    〃That's three;〃 said Pitt。 〃What about deckhands?〃
    〃Fifteen; seventeen including Moe and Jack;〃 answered Clark。
    〃That's twenty; and I make twenty…one;〃 said Pitt。 〃What about harbor pilots?〃
    〃Every one of them bastards is in Castro's pocket;〃 snorted Manny。 〃We'll have to steer the ships clear ourselves。〃
    〃Wait just a damned minute;〃 interjected Moe。 〃Even if we overpowered the security force guarding the docks; we'd still have the ships' crews to fight。〃
    Pitt turned to Clark。 〃If your people take care of the guards; I'll eliminate the crews。〃
    〃I'll personally lead a bat team;〃 replied Clark。 〃But I'm curious as to how you intend to acplish your end of the bargain。〃
    〃Already done;〃 Pitt said with a wide grin。 〃The ships are abandoned。 I'll guarantee that the crews have been quietly evacuated to a safe place outside the destruction zone。〃
    〃The Soviets might spare the lives of their own people;〃 said Moe。 〃But they'd hardly give a damn about the foreign crew on the Amy Bigalow。〃
    〃Sure; but on the other hand; they couldn't risk a nosy crewman hanging around while the detonating device was placed in position。〃
    Jack thought a moment; then said; 〃Two and two make four。 This guy is sharp。〃
    Manny gazed at Pitt with a newfound respect in his eyes。 〃You with the pany?〃
    〃No; NUMA。〃
    〃Second…guessed by an amateur;〃 Manny sighed。 〃Time to take my pension。〃
    〃How many men do you estimate are patrolling the ships?〃 Clark asked him。
    Manny took out a soiled handkerchief and blew his nose like a honking goose before answering。 〃About a dozen guarding the Bigalow。 Same number around the Zaysan。 A small patrol boat is moored next to the oil tanker。 Probably no more than six or seven in her crew。〃
    Clark began to pace back and forth as he spoke。 〃So that's it。 Gather up your crews。 My team will take out the guards and protect the operation。 Manny; you and your men will get the Amy Bigalow under way。 Moe; take the Ozero Zaysan。 The tugboat is your department; Jack。 Just make sure there isn't an alarm when you pirate it。 We've got six hours of daylight left。 Let's make good use of every minute。〃 He stopped and looked around。 〃Any questions?〃
    Moe raised a hand。 〃After we make open water; what happens to us?〃
    〃Take your ship's motor launch and beat it as fast and as far as you can before the explosions。〃
    No one made a ment。 They all knew their chances bordered on hopeless。
    I'd like to volunteer to go with Manny;〃 said Pitt。 〃I'm pretty fair with a helm。〃
    Manny came to his feet and slapped a hand on Pitt's back that knocked the wind from him。 〃By God; Sam; I think I might learn to like you。〃
    Pitt gave him a heavy stare。 〃Let's hope we live long enough to find out。〃


    The Amy Bigalow lay moored alongside a long modern wharf that had been built by Soviet engineers。 Beyond her; a few hundred yards across the dock channel; the cream…colored hull of the Ozero Zaysan sat dark and deserted。 The lights of the city sparkled across the black waters of the harbor。 A few clouds drifted down from the mountains; crossing the city and heading out to sea。
    The Russian…built mand car turned off the Boulevard Desemparados; followed by two heavy military trucks。 The convoy moved slowly through the dock area and stopped at the boarding ramp of the Amy Bigalow。 A sentry stepped from inside a guard shack and cautiously approached the car。
    〃Do you have permission to be in this area?〃 he asked。
    Clark; wearing the uniform of a Cuban colonel; gave the sentry an arrogant stare。 〃Send for the officer of the guard;〃 he ordered sharply。 〃And say sir when you address an officer。〃
    Recognizing Clark's rank under the yellowish; sodium vapor lights that illuminated the waterfront; the sentry stiffened to attention and saluted。 〃Right away; sir。 I'll call him。〃
    The sentry ran back to the guard shack and picked up a portable transmitter。 Clark shifted in his seat uneasily。 Deception was vital; strong…arm tactics fatal。 If they had stormed the ships with guns blazing; alarms would have sounded throughout the city's military garrisons。 Once alerted; and with their backs to the wall; the Russians would have been forced to set off the explosions ahead of schedule。
    A captain came through a door of a nearby warehouse; paused a moment to study the parked column; and then walked up to the passenger side of the mand car and addressed Clark。
    〃Captain Roberto Herras;〃 he said; saluting。 〃How can I help you; sir?〃
    〃Colonel Ernesto Perez;〃 replied Clark。 〃I've been ordered to relieve you and your men。〃
    Herras looked confused。 〃M
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