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w officially occupied by the Swiss。 Two guards in Swiss Army uniforms swung open the high iron gate。
    Suddenly; with no warning; a taxicab whipped directly behind the limousine and followed it through the gate before the startled guards could react and push it closed。 The cab was still rolling when a woman in a militia uniform and a man clad in rags jumped out。 The guards quickly recovered and came running over as the stranger confronted them; crouching in a part…boxing; part judo stance。 They stopped; fumbling for their holstered automatic pistols。 The delay was enough for the woman to yank open a rear door to the Lincoln and climb in。
    〃Are you American or Swiss?〃 she demanded。
    〃American;〃 replied Clark; as stunned by the disgusting aroma that hung on her as by her abrupt appearance。 〃What do you want?〃
    Her answer was entirely unexpected。 She began to laugh hysterically。 〃American or Swiss。 My God; I sound like I'm asking for cheese。〃
    The chauffeur finally woke up to the intrusion; leaped from the car; and grabbed her around the waist。
    〃Wait!〃 ordered Hagen; seeing that the woman's face was badly bruised。 〃What's going on?〃
    〃I'm an American;〃 she blurted after gaining a measure of control。 〃My name is Jessie LeBaron。 Please help me。〃
    〃Good lord;〃 Hagen muttered。 〃You're not Raymond LeBaron's wife?〃
    〃Yes。 Yes; I am。〃 She motioned wildly at the struggle that was erupting in the driveway of the embassy。 〃Stop them。 He's Dirk Pitt; special projects director for NUMA。〃
    〃I'll handle it;〃 said Clark。 By the time he was able to intercede; Pitt had flattened one guard and was wrestling with the other。 The Cuban cab driver danced about wildly waving his arms and shouting for his fare。 Several plainclothes policemen also added to the confusion by appearing from nowhere on the street side of the closed gate and demanding that Pitt and Jessie be turned over to them。 Clark ignored the police; stopped the fight; and paid off the driver。 Then he led Pitt over to the Lincoln。
    〃Where in hell did you e from?〃 Hagen asked。 〃The President thought you were either dead or arrested=
    〃Not now!〃 Clark interrupted。 〃We'd better get out of sight before the police forget the sanctity of the embassy and turn ugly。〃
    He quickly hustled everyone inside and through a corridor to the American section of the building。 Pitt was shown to a spare room where he could take a shower and shave。 One of the staff who was about his size lent him some casual clothes。 Jessie's uniform was burned in the trash; and she thankfully bathed off the stench of the manure。 A Swiss Embassy doctor gave her a thorough examination and treated her cuts and bruises。 He arranged for a hearty meal and ordered her to rest for a few hours before being interviewed by Special Interests Section officials。
    Pitt was escorted to a small conference room。 As he entered; Hagen and Clark rose and formally introduced themselves。 They offered him a chair and everyone got fortable around a heavy…legged table hand…carved from pine。
    〃We haven't time for lengthy explanations;〃 said Clark without preamble。 〃Two days ago; my superiors at Langley briefed me about your planned covert raid on Cayo Santa Maria。 They confided in me so I would be prepared if it failed and there was fallout here in Havana。 I was not told of its success until Mr。 Hagen〃

    〃Ira;〃 Hagen cut in。
    〃Until Ira just now showed me a top…secret document taken from the island installation。 He also has a directive from Martin Brogan and the President asking me to be on the lookout for you and Mrs。 LeBaron。 I was ordered to notify them immediately in the event you were caught and arrested。〃
    〃Or executed;〃 Pitt added。
    〃That too;〃 acknowledged Clark。
    〃Then you also know why Jessie and I cut out and came to Cuba。〃
    〃Yes。 She carries an urgent message from the President to Castro。〃
    Pitt relaxed and slouched in his chair。 〃Fine。 My part in the affair is finished。 I'd appreciate it if you could arrange to fly me back to Washington after I've had a few days to take care of some personal business。〃
    Clark and Hagen exchanged stares; but neither could look Pitt square in the eyes。
    〃Sorry to screw up your plans;〃 said Clark。 〃But we have a crisis on our hands; and your experience with ships might prove helpful。〃
    〃I'd be no good to you。 I'm washed out。〃
    〃Can we take a few minutes and tell you what we're dealing with here?〃
    〃I'm willing to listen。〃
    Clark nodded; satisfied。 〃Okay; Ira has e direct from the President。 He's better qualified to explain the situation than I am。〃 He turned to Hagen。 〃You've got the floor。〃
    Hagen took off his coat; removed a handkerchief from his hip pocket; and wiped his perspiring forehead。 〃The situation is this; Dirk。 Do you mind if I call you Dirk?〃
    〃It's my name。〃
    Hagen was an expert judge of men; and he liked what he saw。 This guy didn't seem the type who could be conned。 There was also a look about him that suggested trust。 Hagen laid the cards on the table and spelled out the Russian plot to murder the Castros and assume control of Cuba。 He waded through the details in concise terms; explaining how the nuclear explosive was smuggled into the harbor and the projected time of its detonation。
    When Hagen finished; Clark outlined the operation to find the bomb。 There was no time to bring in a highly trained nuclear…device search team; nor would the Cubans allow them to step foot in the city。 He had only twenty men with the most primitive radiation…detection equipment。 He had the horrifying responsibility of leading the search; and it didn't require much imagination for him to get across the futility of his substandard efforts。 Finally he paused。
    〃Do you follow me; Dirk?〃
    〃Yes。 。 。〃 Pitt said slowly。 〃I follow。 Thank you。〃
    〃Any questions?〃
    〃Several; but one is uppermost in my mind。 What happens to all of us if this thing isn't found and disarmed?〃
    〃I think you know the answer;〃 said Clark。
    〃Okay; but I want to hear it from you。〃
    Clark's face took on the look of a mourner at a funeral。 〃We all die;〃 he said simply。
    〃Will you help us?〃 asked Hagen。
    Pitt looked at Clark。 〃How much time is left?〃
    〃Roughly sixteen hours。〃
    Pitt rose from his chair and began pacing the floor; his instincts beginning to sift through the maze of information。 After a minute of silence as Hagen and Clark watched him expectantly; he suddenly leaned across the table and said; 〃I need a map of the dock area。〃
    One of Clark's staff quickly produced one。
    Pitt smoothed it out on the table and peered at it。 〃You say you can't alert the Cubans?〃 he asked as he studied the docking facilities of the bay。
    〃No;〃 Hagen replied。 〃Their government is riddled with Soviet agents。 If we were to warn them; they'd ignore it and squelch our search operation。〃
    〃What about Castro?〃
     Penetrating his security and warning him is my job;〃 said Hagen。
    〃And the United States receives the blame。〃
    〃Soviet disinformation will see to that。〃
    〃May I have a pencil; please?〃
    Clark obliged and sat back quietly while Pitt made a circle on the map。
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