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llie Partridge; has pleted an explosive which is more powerful than any at present known。 His fatheryou have heard of him; of courseDwight Partridge。〃
 Mr。 Sturgis nodded。
 〃His father was working on it at the time of his death; and Willie has gone on with his experiments where he left off。 To…day at lunch he showed us a test…tube full of the explosive。 He put it in my husband's safe in the library。 Lord Wisbeach is convinced that these scoundrels are trying to steal this; but I cannot help feeling that this is another of those attempts to kidnap my son Ogden。 What do you think?〃
 〃It is impossible to say at this stage of the proceedings。 All we can tell is that there is some plot going on。 You refused; of course; to allow Mitchell to e back to the house?〃
 〃Yes。 You think that was wise?〃
 〃Undoubtedly。 If his absence did not handicap them; they would not be so anxious to have him on the spot。〃
 〃What shall we do?〃
 〃You wish me to undertake the case?〃
 〃Of course。〃
 Mr。 Sturgis frowned thoughtfully。
 〃It would be useless for me to e here myself。 By bad luck the man who pretends to be your nephew has seen me。 If I were to e to stay here; he would suspect something。 He would be on his guard。〃 He pondered with closed eyes。 〃Miss Trimble;〃 he exclaimed。
 〃I beg your pardon。〃
 〃You want Miss Trimble。 She is the smartest worker in my office。 This is precisely the type of case she could handle to perfection。〃
 〃A woman?〃 said Mrs。 Pett doubtfully。
 〃A woman in a thousand;〃 said Mr。 Sturgis。 〃A woman in a million。〃
 〃But physically would a woman be?〃
 〃Miss Trimble knows more about jiu…jitsu than the Japanese professor who taught her。 At one time she was a Strong Woman in small…time vaudeville。 She is an expert revolver…shot。 I am not worrying about Miss Trimble's capacity to do the work。 I am only wondering in what capacity it would be best for her to enter the house。 Have you a vacancy for a parlour…maid?〃
 〃I could make one。〃
 〃Do so at once。 Miss Trimble is at her best as a parlour…maid。 She handled the Marling divorce case in that capacity。 Have you a telephone in the room?〃
 Mrs。 Pett opened the stuffed owl。 The detective got in touch with his office。
 〃Mr。 Sturgis speaking。 Tell Miss Trimble to e to the phone。  。 。 。 Miss Trimble? I am speaking from Mrs。 Pett's on Riverside Drive。 You know the house? I want you to e up at once。 Take a taxi。 Go to the back…door and ask to see Mrs。 Pett。 Say you have e about getting a place here as a maid。 Understand? Right。 Say; listen; Miss Trimble。 Hello? Yes; don't hang up for a moment。 Do you remember those photographs I showed you yesterday? Yes; the photographs from Anderson's。 I've found the man。 He's the butler here。 Take a look at him when you get to the house。 Now go and get a taxi。 Mrs。 Pett will explain everything when you arrive。〃 He hung up the receiver。 〃I think I had better go now; Mrs。 Pett。 It would not do for me to be here while these fellows are on their guard。 I can safely leave the matter to Miss Trimble。 I wish you good afternoon。〃
 After he had gone; Mrs。 Pett vainly endeavoured to interest herself again in her book; but in petition with the sensations of life; fiction; even though she had written it herself; had lost its power and grip。 It seemed to her that Miss Trimble must be walking to the house instead of journeying thither in a taxi…cab。 But a glance at the clock assured her that only five minutes had elapsed since the detective's departure。 She went to the window and looked out。 She was hopelessly restless。
 At last a taxi…cab stopped at the corner; and a young woman got out and walked towards the house。 If this were Miss Trimble; she certainly looked capable。 She was a stumpy; square…shouldered person; and even at that distance it was possible to perceive that she had a face of no mon shrewdness and determination。 The next moment she had turned down the side…street in the direction of the back…premises of Mrs。 Pett's house: and a few minutes later Mr。 Crocker presented himself。
 〃A young person wishes to see you; madam。 A young person of the name of Trimble。〃 A pang passed through Mrs。 Pett as she listened to his measured tones。 It was tragic that so perfect a butler should be a scoundrel。 〃She says that you desired her to call in connection with a situation。〃
 〃Show her up here; Skinner。 She is the new parlour…maid。 I will send her down to you when I have finished speaking to her。〃
 〃Very good; madam。〃
 There seemed to Mrs。 Pett to be a faint touch of defiance in Miss Trimble's manner as she entered the room。 The fact was that Miss Trimble held strong views on the equal distribution of property; and rich people's houses always affected her adversely。 Mr。 Crocker retired; closing the door gently behind him。
 A meaning sniff proceeded from Mrs。 Pett's visitor as she looked round at the achievements of the interior decorator; who had lavished his art unsparingly in this particular room。 At this close range she more than fulfilled the promise of that distant view which Mrs。 Pett had had of her from the window。 Her face was not only shrewd and determined: it was menacing。 She had thick eyebrows; from beneath which small; glittering eyes looked out like dangerous beasts in undergrowth: and the impressive effect of these was accentuated by the fact that; while the left eye looked straight out at its object; the right eye had a sort of roving mission and was now; while its colleague fixed Mrs。 Pett with a gimlet stare; examining the ceiling。 As to the rest of the appearance of this remarkable woman; her nose was stubby and aggressive; and her mouth had the coldly forbidding look of the closed door of a subway express when you have just missed the train。 It bade you keep your distance on pain of injury。 Mrs。 Pett; though herself a strong woman; was conscious of a curious weakness as she looked at a female of the species so much deadlier than any male whom she had ever encountered: and came near feeling a half…pity for the unhappy wretches on whom this dynamic maiden was to be unleashed。 She hardly knew how to open the conversation。
 Miss Trimble; however; was equal to the occasion。 She always preferred to open conversations herself。 Her lips parted; and words flew out as if shot from a machine…gun。 As far as Mrs。 Pett could observe; she considered it unnecessary to part her teeth; preferring to speak with them clenched。 This gave an additional touch of menace to her speech。
 〃Dafternoon;〃 said Miss Trimble; and Mrs。 Pett backed convulsively into the padded recesses of her chair; feeling as if somebody had thrown a brick at her。
 〃Good afternoon;〃 she said faintly。
 〃Gladda meecher; siz Pett。 Mr。 Sturge semme up。 Said y'ad job f'r me。 Came here squick scould。〃
 〃I beg your pardon?〃
 〃Squick scould。 Got slow taxi。〃
 〃Oh; yes。〃
 Miss Trimble's right eye flashed about the room like a searchlight; but she kept the other hypnotically on her panion's face。
 〃Whass trouble?〃 The right eye rested for a moment on a magnificent Corot over the mantelpiece; and she sniffed again。 〃Not s'prised y'have trouble。 All rich people 've trouble。 Noth' t'do with their time 'cept get 'nto trouble。〃
 She frowned disapproving
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