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mistakeably to other theses on the same subject。
 Jimmy's breakfast congealed on its tray; untouched。 That boon which the gods so seldom bestow; of seeing ourselves as others see us; had been accorded to him in full measure。 By the time he had pleted his third reading he was regarding himself in a purely objective fashion not unlike the attitude of a naturalist towards some strange and loathesome manifestation of insect life。 So this was the sort of fellow he was! He wondered they had let him in at a reputable hotel。
 The rest of the day he passed in a state of such humility that he could have wept when the waiters were civil to him。 On the Monday morning he made his way to Park Row to read the files of the Chroniclea morbid enterprise; akin to the eccentric behaviour of those priests of Baal who gashed themselves with knives or of authors who subscribe to press…clipping agencies。
 He came upon another of the articles almost at once; in an issue not a month old。 Then there was a gap of several weeks; and hope revived that things might not be as bad as he had fearedonly to be crushed by another trenchant screed。 After that he set about his excavations methodically; resolved to know the worst。 He knew it in just under two hours。 There it all washis row with the bookie; his bad behaviour at the political meeting; his breach…of…promise case。 It was a plete biography。
 And the name they called him。 Piccadilly Jim! Ugh!
 He went out into Park Row; and sought a quiet doorway where he could brood upon these matters。
 It was not immediately that the practical or financial aspect of the affair came to scourge him。 For an appreciable time he suffered in his self…esteem alone。 It seemed to him that all these bustling persons who passed knew him; that they were casting sidelong glances at him and laughing derisively; that those who chewed gum chewed it sneeringly and that those who ate their cigars ate them with thinly…veiled disapproval and scorn。 Then; the passage of time blunting sensitiveness; he found that there were other and weightier things to consider。
 As far as he had had any connected plan of action in his sudden casting…off of the flesh…pots of London; he had determined as soon as possible after landing to report at the office of his old paper and apply for his ancient position。 So little thought had he given to the minutiae of his future plans that it had not occurred to him that he had anything to do but walk in; slap the gang on the back; and announce that he was ready to work。 Work! on the staff of a paper whose chief diversion appeared to be the satirising of his escapades! Even had he possessed the moral courageor gallto make the application; what good would it be? He was a by…word in a world where he had once been a worthy citizen。 What paper would trust Piccadilly Jim with an assignment? What paper would consider Piccadilly Jim even on space rates? A chill dismay crept over him。 He seemed to hear the grave voice of Bayliss the butler speaking in his car as he had spoken so short a while before at Paddington Station。
 〃Is it not a little rash; Mr。 James?〃
 Rash was the word。 Here he stood; in a country that had no possible use for him; a country where petition was keen and jobs for the unskilled infrequent。 What on earth was there that he could do?
 Well; he could go home。 。 。 。 No; he couldn't。 His pride revolted at that solution。 Prodigal Son stuff was all very well in its way; but it lost its impressiveness if you turned up again at home two weeks after you had left。 A decent interval among the husks and swine was essential。 Besides; there was his father to consider。 He might be a poor specimen of a fellow; as witness the Sunday Chronicle passim; but he was not so poor as to e slinking back to upset things for his father just when he had done the only decent thing by removing himself。 No; that was out of the question。
 What remained? The air of New York is bracing and healthy; but a man cannot live on it。 Obviously he must find a job。 But what job?
 What could he do?
 A gnawing sensation in the region of the waistcoat answered the question。 The solutionwhich it put forward was; it was true; but a temporary one; yet it appealed strongly to Jimmy。 He had found it admirable at many crises。 He would go and lunch; and it might be that food would bring inspiration。
 He moved from his doorway and crossed to the entrance of the subway。 He caught a timely express; and a few minutes later emerged into the sunlight again at Grand Central。 He made his way westward along Forty…second Street to the hotel which he thought would meet his needs。 He had scarcely entered it when in a chair by the door he perceived Ann Chester; and at the sight of her all his depression vanished and he was himself again。
 〃Why; how do you do; Mr。 Bayliss? Are you lunching here?〃
 〃Unless there is some other place that you would prefer;〃 said Jimmy。 〃I hope I haven't kept you waiting。〃
 Ann laughed。 She was looking very delightful in something soft and green。
 〃I'm not going to lunch with you。 I'm waiting for Mr。 Ralstone and his sister。 Do you remember him? He crossed over with us。 His chair was next to mine on the promenade deck。〃
 Jimmy was shocked。 When he thought how narrowly she had escaped; poor girl; from lunching with that insufferable pill Teddyor was it Edgar?he felt quite weak。 Recovering himself; he spoke firmly。
 〃When were they to have met you?〃
 〃At one o'clock。〃
 〃It is now five past。 You are certainly not going to wait any longer。 e with me; and we will whistle for cabs。〃
 〃Don't be absurd!〃  〃e along。 I want to talk to you about my future。〃
 〃I shall certainly do nothing of the kind;〃 said Ann; rising。 She went with him to the door。 〃Teddy would never forgive me。〃 She got into the cab。 〃It's only because you have appealed to me to help you discuss your future;〃 she said; as they drove off。 〃Nothing else would have induced me 。 。 。〃
 〃I know;〃 said Jimmy。 〃I felt that I could rely on your womanly sympathy。 Where shall we go?〃
 〃Where do you want to go? Oh; I forget that you have never been in New York before。 By the way; what are your impressions of our glorious country?〃
 〃Most gratifying; if only I could get a job。〃
 〃Tell him to drive to Delmonico's。 It's just around the corner on Forty…fourth Street。〃
 〃There are some things round the corner; then?〃
 〃That sounds cryptic。 What do you mean。〃
 〃You've forgotten our conversation that night on the ship。 You refused to admit the existence of wonderful things just round the corner。 You said some very regrettable things that night。 About love; if you remember。〃
 〃You can't be going to talk about love at one o'clock in the afternoon! Talk about your future。〃
 〃Love is inextricably mixed up with my future。〃
 〃Not with your immediate future。 I thought you said that you were trying to get a job。 Have you given up the idea of newspaper work; then?〃
 〃Well; I'm rather glad。〃
 The cab drew up at the restaurant door; and the conversation was interrupted。 When they were seated at their table and Jimmy had given an order to the waiter of absolutely inexcusable extravagance; Ann returned to the topic。
 〃Well; now t
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