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 THE residence of Mr。 Peter Pett; the well…known financier; on Riverside Drive is one of the leading eyesores of that breezy and expensive boulevard。 As you pass by in your limousine; or while enjoying ten cents worth of fresh air on top of a green omnibus; it jumps out and bites at you。 Architects; confronted with it; reel and throw up their hands defensively; and even the lay observer has a sense of shock。 The place resembles in almost equal proportions a cathedral; a suburban villa; a hotel and a Chinese pagoda。 Many of its windows are of stained glass; and above the porch stand two terra…cotta lions; considerably more repulsive even than the placent animals which guard New York's Public Library。 It is a house which is impossible to overlook: and it was probably for this reason that Mrs。 Pett insisted on her husband buying it; for she was a woman who liked to be noticed。
 Through the rich interior of this mansion Mr。 Pett; its nominal proprietor; was wandering like a lost spirit。 The hour was about ten of a fine Sunday morning; but the Sabbath calm which was upon the house had not municated itself to him。 There was a look of exasperation on his usually patient face; and a muttered oath; picked up no doubt on the godless Stock Exchange; escaped his lips。
 〃Darn it!〃
 He was afflicted by a sense of the pathos of his position。 It was not as if he demanded much from life。 He asked but little here below。 At that moment all that he wanted was a quiet spot where he might read his Sunday paper in solitary peace; and he could not find one。 Intruders lurked behind every door。 The place was congested。
 This sort of thing had been growing worse and worse ever since his marriage two years previously。 There was a strong literary virus in Mrs。 Pett's system。 She not only wrote voluminously herselfthe name Nesta Ford Pett is familiar to all lovers of sensational fictionbut aimed at maintaining a salon。 Starting; in pursuance of this aim; with a single specimen;her nephew; Willie Partridge; who was working on a new explosive which would eventually revolutionise warshe had gradually added to her collections; until now she gave shelter beneath her terra…cotta roof to no fewer than six young and unrecognised geniuses。 Six brilliant youths; mostly novelists who had not yet started and poets who were about to begin; cluttered up Mr。 Pett's rooms on this fair June morning; while he; clutching his Sunday paper; wandered about; finding; like the dove in Genesis; no rest。 It was at such times that he was almost inclined to envy his wife's first husband; a business friend of his named Elmer Ford; who had perished suddenly of an apoplectic seizure: and the pity which he generally felt for the deceased tended to shift its focus。
 Marriage had certainly plicated life for Mr。 Pett; as it frequently does for the man who waits fifty years before trying it。 In addition to the geniuses; Mrs。 Pett had brought with her to her new home her only son; Ogden; a fourteen…year…old boy of a singularly unloveable type。 Years of grown…up society and the absence of anything approaching discipline had given him a precocity on which the earnest efforts of a series of private tutors had expended themselves in vain。 They came; full of optimism and self…confidence; to retire after a brief interval; shattered by the boy's stodgy resistance to education in any form or shape。 To Mr。 Pett; never at his ease with boys; Ogden Ford was a constant irritant。 He disliked his stepson's personality; and he more than suspected him of stealing his cigarettes。 It was an additional annoyance that he was fully aware of the impossibility of ever catching him at it。
 Mr。 Pett resumed his journey。 He had interrupted it for a moment to listen at the door of the morning…room; but; a remark in a high tenor voice about the essential Christianity of the poet Shelley filtering through the oak; he had moved on。
 Silence from behind another door farther down the passage encouraged him to place his fingers on the handle; but a crashing chord from an unseen piano made him remove them swiftly。 He roamed on; and a few minutes later the process of elimination had brought him to what was technically his own private library a large; soothing room full of old books; of which his father had been a great collector。 Mr。 Pett did not read old books himself; but he liked to be among them; and it is proof of his pessimism that he had not tried the library first。 To his depressed mind it had seemed hardly possible that there could be nobody there。
 He stood outside the door; listening tensely。 He could hear nothing。 He went in; and for an instant experienced that ecstatic thrill which only es to elderly gentlemen of solitary habit who in a house full of their juniors find themselves alone at last。 Then a voice spoke; shattering his dream of solitude。
 〃Hello; pop!〃
 Ogden Ford was sprawling in a deep chair in the shadows。
 〃e in; pop; e in。 Lots of room。〃
 Mr。 Pett stood in the doorway; regarding his step…son with a sombre eye。 He resented the boy's tone of easy patronage; all the harder to endure with philosophic calm at the present moment from the fact that the latter was lounging in his favourite chair。 Even from an aesthetic point of view the sight of the bulging child offended him。 Ogden Ford was round and blobby and looked overfed。 He had the plethoric habit of one to whom wholesome exercise is a stranger and the sallow plexion of the confirmed candy…fiend。 Even now; a bare half hour after breakfast; his jaws were moving with a rhythmical; champing motion。
 〃What are you eating; boy?〃 demanded Mr。 Pett; his disappointment turning to irritability。
 〃I wish you would not eat candy all day。〃
 〃Mother gave it to me;〃 said Ogden simply。 As he had anticipated; the shot silenced the enemy's battery。 Mr。 Pett grunted; but made no verbal ment。 Ogden celebrated his victory by putting another piece of candy in his mouth。
 〃Got a grouch this morning; haven't you; pop?〃
 〃I will not be spoken to like that!〃
 〃I thought you had;〃 said his step…son placently。 〃I can always tell。 I don't see why you want to e picking on me; though。 I've done nothing。〃
 Mr。 Pett was sniffing suspiciously。
 〃You've been smoking。〃
 〃Smoking cigarettes。〃
 〃No; sir!〃
 〃There are two butts in the ash…tray。〃
 〃I didn't put them there。〃
 〃One of them is warm。〃
 〃It's a warm day。〃
 〃You dropped it there when you heard me e in。〃
 〃No; sir! I've only been here a few minutes。 I guess one of the fellows was in here before me。 They're always swiping your coffin…nails。 You ought to do something about it; pop。 You ought to assert yourself。〃
 A sense of helplessness came upon Mr。 Pett。 For the thousandth time he felt himself baffled by this calm; goggle…eyed boy who treated him with such supercilious coolness。
 〃You ought to be out in the open air this lovely morning;〃 he said feebly。
 〃All right。 Let's go for a walk。 I will if you will。〃
 〃II have other things to do;〃 said Mr。 Pett; recoiling from the prospect。
 〃Well; this fresh…air stuff is overrated anyway。 Where's the sense of having a home if you don't stop in it?〃
 〃When I was your age; I woul
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