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ers。 This one whom they call Kent works with Sabat and the traitoress; Shyaena。 For us to attempt to kill them would not only be dangerous but would aid their cause if we failed。 So this Kent must kill them for us!'
  A gasp came from the onlookers; followed by a hiss of approval。
  'So be it;' Grayne turned to face Kent; those lips parted in a smile; his silvery hair awry as though the wind had ruffled and misplaced it。 'You hear us; Kent? You hear the decision of the Council of Druids?'
  'I hear it;' Kent was aware that his mouth moved; that somehow he managed to speak; that the words he uttered were his own intentions。 'I will kill Sabat; and the girl you call Shyaena; if it be your wish。'
  'It is our wish。 Our mand。 Sabat and Shyaena will e to this place in search of you; Kent。 They will not be suspicious。 Wait here by this tomb; my own last resting place; and when they approach you strike quickly and give no warning。 Sabat first; a thrust deep into his black heart; and then the girl。 Let this gravel which covers my earthly body run red with their blood。'
  'It shall be so。'
  'But that is not all。 You; too; must die; Kent! When these two are slain; fall upon your blade and remember as you writhe in your death throes that you have served an order more powerful and holy than the religions of your own time。 And for this service your soul will be spared eternal torment。 Whilst Sabat and Shyaena wander for eternity in purgatory; the old gods will take you to their appointed place。'
  'Sabat and Shyaena shall be slain and then I will die also;' Kent spoke unemotionally; felt the steel of the sword cold to his touch; watched Sir Henry Grayne and the druids melting into the shadows as the moon; as if manded to do so; passed behind a dark cloud。
  Now he was all alone; found that he could move freely again。 But those moments of shock and terror were gone and in their place he felt a calmness; a new sense of purpose; an understanding and an eagerness to obey。
  These druids were the true believers; a sect harassed by conventional hypocritical religions。 Sabat was a threat to them and as such the ex…SAS man must be killed。 And then; and only then; Kent would know true peace of mind。 Death was but a phase of life; a stepping stone to the promised land hidden beyond the shadows。
  Sabat and Shyaena must die! Kent seated himself on the grave of Sir Henry Grayne and prepared to wait。 No longer was the night cold and hostile for he was part of it; an initiate awaiting a greater truth and understanding。
  'WELL?' SHEENAH glanced up as Sabat came back into the house。 'Did you find him?'
  'Yes;' Sabat looked mentally and physically drained。 'He's back in his room at the White Horse。 I guess during the daytime hours he's as safe there as anywhere。 Last night has shattered him just the same as it's shattered us。 Sleep is what we all need; then tonight the battle begins again!〃
  'I've made some coffee;' Sheenah slid a mug of steaming dark fluid across the unit towards her panion。 'I guess we're all fighting on the same side now; Sabat。 By the way; I told you the truth about my mother being a white witch。 And I didn't intend to kill you and Kent of my own free will。 I was psychically attacked just as you were and there was nothing I could do about it。'
  'I believe you;' he smiled; closed his eyes momentarily。 'But we're not fighting the ancient druids now; Sheenah。 We're fighting corruption and hypocrisy; Bishop Boyce; this builder; Hurst; and the planning officer who made the deal possible in the first place。 But there's no way the old ones are going to relinquish their hunt for us。 We've got to move fast。'
  'Couldn't we go after these men right away; maybe get it all settled by the time darkness es again?'
  'It won't be quite as easy as that;' he gave a hollow laugh。 'We'll need darkness to cover us in our fight against these men also。 I may have to kill and make sure that I leave no trace for the police to follow!' 'Oh; my God!'
  There is no alternative。 The old ones will accept nothing less than settlement in blood。 Far better that these evil men die; for whilst they live and the deal goes on; more innocent lives will be lost。 Take it from me; Sheenah; the Oke Priests will kill and kill again until their sacred land is safer
  'You're right;' she sipped her coffee。 'And I'll help you; Sabat; because my father; Alda; wants it that way and my mother; Alena; would have wished it so even though you destroyed her。'
  'Sleep first;' Sabat drained his mug and stood up。 'We shall need all our strength for this ing night。 There are three bedrooms。 You can choose whether you sleep on your own or with me。'
  For a moment their eyes met; both remembered what had happened between them the previous night; a mating witnessed by the high priest of the old ones; a rape that had finally been acceptable to the one whom Alda called Shyaena。 'I'd prefer to sleep with you;' she murmured; and together they made their way upstairs。
  Sheenah stepped out of her dress; threw it across a chair; then slid between the sheets; watching Sabat undress through slitted eyes that were heavy with weariness。 She hadn't dreamed it all last night; his body was lithe and muscular and so sensual; the kind of man who could seduce any woman he wished。 Just the sight of him brought a quiver to her flesh; a faint moistness between her thighs。 So pleasurable just to think about even when you were too exhausted to make it anyway。 But you promised yourself that before much longer。 。 。 。
  Sabat and Sheenah slept the sleep of the exhausted that even erotic dreams were incapable of disturbing。
  Sabat experienced one awful; frightening thought that he was again the victim of a psychic attack。 Even as he fought his way out of the depths of slumber he felt the familiar tightness on his chest; the weighty sensation that invariably heralded the beginning of an attack。
  As his eyes opened the first thing he saw was Sheenah; dark and beautiful。 And naked。 Astride him; a smile playing about her pert mouth。 He was aware also that outside the sky was turning saffron with the ing of dusk。
  'Hey; we should be making a move;' he grunted。 'It'll be dark in half an hour。 We've slept the day through。'
  'And as a result we're both refreshed;' Sheenah laughed。 'What better time to make love than on waking?'
  Sabat tensed; an inward struggle was taking place。 Push this girl away; get dressed and go in search of Kent。 Or make love and look for Kent afterwards。 By the time they finished it would be fully dark。 Would an hour or so make that much difference? It might。 On the other hand it probably wouldn't。 And he was already being aroused。
  Sheenah was not waiting。 Bent over him her lips were brushing his own; then her tongue was flicking at the lobe of an ear; her slim fingers stroking his chest; going lower 。 。 。 and lower。
  Long before she transferred her attentions to the lower half of his body; Sabat's mind was 
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