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 One man adjusted his glasses; the eyes beyond his thick lenses owl…like; flatly suspicious of most of what they surveyed。 Alfred Gillette; Director of Personnel Screening and Evaluation for the National Security Council; spoke。 'How gratifying to be there when arrogance collapses。 How much more so to be the instrument。'
 'You really dislike him; don't you?' said Gillette's panion; a heavy…shouldered man in a black raincoat whose accent derived from a Slavic language somewhere in Europe。
 'I loathe him。 He stands for everything I hate in Washington。 The right schools; houses in Georgetown; farm in Virginia; quiet meetings at their clubs。 They've got their tight little world and you don't break in … they run it all。 The bastards。 The superior; self…inflated gentry of Washington。 They use other men's intellects; other men's work; wrapping it all into decisions bearing their imprimatures。 And if you're on the outside; you bee part of that amorphous entity; a 〃damn fine staff〃。'
 'You exaggerate;' said the European; his eyes on the brown…stone。 'You haven't done badly there。 We never would have contacted you otherwise。'
 Gillette scowled。 'If I haven't done badly; it's because I've bee indispensable to too many like David Abbott。 I have in my head a thousand facts they couldn't possibly recall。 It's simply easier for them to place me where the questions arc; where problems need solutions。 Director of Personnel Screening and Development! They created that title; that post; for me。 Do you know why?'
 'No; Alfred;' replied the European; looking at his watch; 'I don't know why。'
 'Because they don't have the patience to spend hours poring over thousands of resumes and dossiers。 They'd rather be dining at Sans Souci; or preening in front of Senate mittees; reading from pages prepared by others … by those unseen; unnamed 〃damn fine staffs〃。'
 'You're a bitter man;' said the European。
 'More than you'll know。 A lifetime doing the work those bastards should have done for themselves。 And for what? A title and an occasional lunch where my brains are picked between the shrimps and the entree。 By men like the supremely arrogant David Abbott; they're nothing without people like me。'
 'Don't underestimate the Monk。 Carlos doesn't
 'How could he? He doesn't know what to evaluate。 Everything Abbott does is shrouded in secrecy; no one knows how many mistakes he's made。 And if any e to light; men like me are blamed for them。'
 The European shifted his gaze from the window to Gillette。 'You're very emotional; Alfred;' he said coldly; 'You must be careful about that'
 The bureaucrat smiled。 'It never gets in the way; I believe my contributions to Carlos bear that out。 Let's say I'm preparing myself for a confrontation I wouldn't avoid for anything in the world。'
 'An honest statement;' said the heavy…shouldered man。
 'What about you? You found me。'
 'I knew what to look for。' The European returned to the window。 'I mean you。 The work you do。 For Carlos。'
 'I have no such plicated reasoning。 I e out of a country where educated men are promoted at the whim of morons who recite Marxist litany by rote。 Carlos; too; knew what to look for。'
 Gillette laughed; his fiat eyes close to shining。 'We're not so different after all。 Change the bloodlines of our eastern establishment for Marx and there's a distinct parallel。'
 'Perhaps;' agreed the European; looking again at his watch。 'It shouldn't be long now。 Abbott always catches the midnight shuttle; his every hour accounted for in Washington。' 'You're sure he'll e out alone?' 'He always does; and he certainly wouldn't be seen with Elliot Stevens。 Webb and Stevens will also leave separately; twenty…minute intervals is standard for those called in。' 'How did you find Treadstone?'
 'It wasn't so difficult You contributed; Alfred; you were part of a damn fine staff。' The man laughed; his eyes on the brownstone。 'Cain was out of Medusa; you told us that; and if Carlos's suspicions are accurate; that meant the Monk; we knew that; it tied him to Bourne。 Carlos instructed us to keep Abbott under twenty…four…hour surveillance; something had gone wrong。 When the gunshots in Zurich were heard in Washington; Abbott got careless。 We followed him here。 It was merely a question of persistence。' 'That led you to Canada? To the man in Ottawa?' 'The man in Ottawa revealed himself by looking for Tread…stone。 When we learned who the girl was we had the Department of Finance watched; her section watched。 A call came from Paris; it was she; telling him to start a search。 We don't know why; but we suspect Bourne may be trying to blow Treadstone apart。 If he's turned; it's one way to get out and keep the money。 It doesn't matter。 Suddenly; this section head no one outside the Canadian government had ever heard of was transformed into a problem of the highest priority。 Intelligence munique's were burning the wires。 It meant Carlos was right; you were right; Alfred。 There is no Cain。 He's an invention; a trap。' 'From the beginning;' insisted Gillette。 'I told you that
 Three years of false reports; sources unverified。 It was all there!'
 'From the beginning;' mused the European。 'Undoubtedly the Monk's finest creation。。。 until something happened and the creation turned。 Everything's turning; it's all ing apart at the seams。'
 'Stevens's being here confirms that。 The President insists on knowing。'
 'He has to。 There's a nagging suspicion in Ottawa that a section head at the Department of Finance was killed by American Intelligence。' The European turned from the window and looked at the bureaucrat。 'Remember; Alfred; we simply want to know what happened。 I've given you the facts as we've learned them; they're irrefutable and Abbott cannot deny them。 But they must be presented as having been obtained independently by your own sources。 You're appalled。 You demand an accounting; the entire intelligence munity has been duped。'
 'It has;' exclaimed Gillette。 'Duped and used。 No one in Washington knows about Bourne; about Treadstone。 They've excluded everyone; it is appalling。 I don't have to pretend。 Arrogant bastards'。'
 'Alfred;' cautioned the European; holding up his hand in the shadows; 'do remember whom you're working for。 The threat cannot be based on emotion; but on cold professional outrage。 He'll suspect you instantly; you must dispel those suspicions just as swiftly。 You are the accuser; not him。'
 I'll remember。'
 'Good。' Headlight beams bounced through the glass。 'Abbott's taxi is here。 I'll take care of the driver。' The European reached to his right and flipped a switch beneath the armrest。 I'll be in my car across the street; listening。' He spoke to the chauffeur。 'Abbott will be ing out any moment now。 You know what to do。'
 The chauffeur nodded。 Both men got out of the limousine simultaneously。 The driver walked around the bonnet as if to escort a wealthy employer to the south side of the street。 Gillette watched through the rear window; the two men stayed together for several seconds; then separated; the European heading for the approaching cab; his hand held up; a note between his fingers。 The taxi would be sent away; the caller's plans had changed。 The chauffeur had race
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