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 Try to understand。 What I found there upset me。 I thought it would be different。 Easier。〃
 'While you were looking; I was waiting; Jason。 Not knowing。 That wasn't easy either。'
 'I thought you were going to call Canada。 Didn't you?。'
 She held her place for a moment。 'No;' she said。 'It was too late。'
 The bathroom door closed; Bourne walked to the desk across the room。 He opened the drawer; took out stationery; picked up the ballpoint pen; and wrote the words。
 It's over。 I've found my arrows。 Go back to Canada and say nothing for both our sakes。 I know where to reach you;
 He folded the stationery; inserted it into an envelope; holding the flap open as he reached for his wallet。 He took out both the French and the Swiss notes; slipping them behind the folded paper; and sealed the envelope。 He wrote on the front:
 He wanted so desperately to add:
 My love; my dearest love。
 He did not。 He could not。
 The bathroom door opened。 He put the envelope in his jacket pocket。 That was quick;' he said。
 'Was it? I didn't think so。 What are you doing?'
 'I wanted a pen;' he answered; picking up the ballpoint。 'If that fellow has anything to tell me I want to be able to write it down。'
 Marie was by the bureau; she glanced at the dry; empty glass。 'You didn't have your drink。'
 'I didn't use the glass。'
 'I see。 Shall we go?'
 They waited in the corridor for the rumbling lift; the silence between them awkward; in a real sense unbearable。 He reached for her hand。 At the touch she gripped his; staring at him; her eyes telling him that her control was being tested and she did not know why。 Quiet signals had been sent and received; not loud enough or abrasive enough to be alarms; but they were there and she heard them。 It was part of the countdown; rigid; irreversible; prelude to his departure。
 Oh; God; I love you so。 You are next to me and we are touching and I am dying。 But you cannot die with me。 You must not。 I am Cain。
 'We'll be fine;' he said。
 The metal cage vibrated noisily into its recessed perch。 Jason pulled the brass grille open; then suddenly swore under his breath。
 'Oh; Christ; I forgot!'
 'My wallet。 I left it in the bureau drawer this afternoon in case there was any trouble in Saint…Honoree。 Wait for me in the lobby。' He gently swung her through the gate; pressing the button with his free hand。 'I'll be right down。' He closed the grille; the brass latticework cutting off the sight of her startled eyes。 He turned away and walked rapidly back towards the room。
 Inside; he took the envelope out of his pocket and placed it against the base of the lamp on the bedside table。 He stared down at it; the ache unendurable。
 'Good…bye; my love;' he whispered。
 Bourne waited in the drizzle outside the Hotel Meurice on the rue de Rivoli; watching Marie through the glass doors of the entrance。 She was at the front desk; having signed for the attaché case which had been handed to her over the counter。 She was now obviously asking a mildly astonished clerk for her bill; about to pay for a room that had been occupied less than six hours。 Two minutes passed before the bill was presented。 Reluctantly; it was no way for a guest at the Meurice to behave。 Indeed; all Paris shunned such inhibited visitors。
 Marie walked out onto the pavement; joining him in the shadows and the mist…like drizzle to the left of the canopy。 She gave him the attaché case; a forced smile on her lips; a slight breathless quality in her voice。
 'That man didn't approve of me。 I'm sure he's convinced I used the room for a series of quick tricks。'
 'What did you tell him?' asked Bourne。
 'That my plans had changed; that's all。〃
 'Good; the less said the better。 Your name's on the registration card。 Think up a reason why you were there。'
 'Think up?。。。 I should think up a reason?' She studied his eyes; the smile gone。
 'I mean we'll think up a reason。 Naturally。'
 'Let's go。' They started walking towards the corner; the traffic noisy in the street; the drizzle in the air fuller; the mist denser; the promise of heavy rain imminent。 He took her arm … not to guide her; not even out of courtesy … only to touch her; to hold a part of her。 There was so little time。
 I am Cain。 I am death;
 'Can we slow down?' asked Marie sharply。
 'What?' Jason realized he had been practically running; for a few seconds he had been in the labyrinth; racing through it; careening; feeling; and not feeling。 He looked up ahead and found an answer。 At the corner an empty cab had stopped by a garish news…stand; the driver shouting through an open window to the dealer。 'I want to catch that taxi;' said Bourne; without breaking stride。 'It's going to rain like hell。'
 They reached the corner; both breathless as the empty cab pulled away; swinging left into rue de Rivoli。 Jason looked up into the night sky; feeling the wet pounding on his face; unnerved。 The rain had arrived。 He looked at Marie in the gaudy lights of the news…stand; she was wincing in the sudden downpour。 No。 She was not wincing; she was staring at something。。。 staring in disbelief; in shock。 In horror。 Without warning; she screamed; her face contorted; the fingers of her right hand pressed against her mouth。 Bourne grabbed her; pulling her head into the damp cloth of his overcoat; she would not stop screaming。
 He turned; trying to find the cause of her hysterics。 Then he saw it; and in that unbelievable split half…second he knew the countdown was aborted。 He had mitted the final crime; he could not leave her。 Not now; not yet。
 On the first ledge of the news…stand was an early morning tabloid; black headlines electrifying under the circles of light:
 Slayer in Paris
 Woman Sought in Zurich Killings
 Suspect in Rumoured Theft of Millions
 Under the screaming words was a photograph of Marie St Jacques。
 'Stop it!' whispered Jason; using his body to cover her face from the curious newsdealer; reaching into his pocket for coins。 He threw the money on the counter; grabbed two papers; and propelled her down the dark; rain…soaked street
 They were both in the labyrinth now。
 Bourne opened the door; and led Marie inside。 She stood motionless; looking at him; her face pale and frightened; her breathing erratic; an audible mixture of fear and anger。 'I'll get you a drink;' said Jason; going to the bureau。 As he poured; his eyes strayed to the minor and he had an overpowering urge to smash the glass; so despicable was his own image to him。 What the hell had he done! Oh God!
 I am Coin。 I am death。
 He heard her gasp and span around; too late to stop her; too far away to lunge and tear the awful thing from her hand。 Oh; Christ; he had forgotten! She had found the envelope on the bedside table; and was reading his note。 Her single scream was a searing; terrible cry of pain。
 'Please! No!' He raced from the bureau and grabbed her。 'It doesn't matter! It doesn't count any more!' He shouted helplessly; seeing the tears welling in her eyes; streaking down her face。 'Listen to me! That was before; not now。'
 'You were leaving! My God; …you were leaving me!' Her eyes went blank; two blind circl
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