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es from the States; a number well…educated; all resourceful。 We needed their expertise。'
 'That's quite a cross…section of volunteers;' interrupted the congressman。 'Old line Navy and Army; British and Australian drifters; French colonials; and platoons of thieves。 How the hell did you get them to work together?〃
 To each according to his greeds;' said Gillette。
 'Promises;' amplified the colonel。 'Guarantees of rank; promotions; pardons; outright bonuses of cash; and in a number of cases opportunities to steal funds。。。 from the operation itself。 You see; they all had to be a little crazy; we understood that。 We trained them secretly; using codes; methods of transport; entrapment and killing … even weapons mand Saigon knew nothing about As Peter mentioned; the risks were incredible; capture resulting in torture and execution; the price was high and they paid it。 Most people would have called them a collection of paranoics; but they were geniuses where disruption and assassination were concerned。 Especially assassination。'
 'What was the price?'
 'Operation Medusa sustained over ninety per cent casualties。 But there's a catch … among those who didn't e back were a number who never meant to。'
 'From that faction of thieves and fugitives?'
 'Yes。 Some stole considerable amounts of money from Medusa。 We think Cain is one of those men。'
 'His modus operand!。 He's used codes; traps; methods of killing and transport that were developed and specialized in the Medusa training。'
 'Then for Christ's sake;' broke in Walters; 'you've got a direct line to his identity。 I don't care where they're buried and I'm damn sure you don't want them made public … but I assume records were kept'
 They were; and we've extracted them all from the clandestine archives; inclusive of this material here。' The officer tapped the file in front of him。 'We've studied everything; put rosters under microscopes; fed facts into puters … everything we could think of。 We're no further along than when we began。'
 That's incredible;' said the congressman。 'Or incredibly inpetent。'
 'Not really;' protested Manning。 'Look at the man; look at what we've had to work with。 After the war; Cain made his reputation throughout most of East Asia; from as far north as
 Tokyo down through the Philippines; Malaysia and Singapore; with side trips to Hong…Kong; Cambodia; Laos and Calcutta。 About two and a half years ago reports began filtering in to our Asian stations and embassies。 There was an assassin for hire; his name was Cain。 Highly professional; ruthless。 These reports started growing with alarming frequency。 It seemed that with every killing of note; Cain was involved。 Sources would phone embassies in the middle of the night; or stop attaches in the streets; always with the same information。 It was Cain; Cain was the one。 A murder in Tokyo; a car blown up in Hong Kong; a narcotics caravan ambushed in the Triangle; a banker shot in Calcutta; an ambassador assassinated in Moulmein; a Russian technician or an American businessman killed in the streets of Shanghai itself。 Cain was everywhere; his name whispered by dozens of trusted informants in every vital intelligence sector。 Yet no one … not one single person in the entire east Pacific area … would e forward to give us an identification。 Where were we to begin?'
 'But by this time; hadn't you established the fact that he'd been with Medusa?' asked the Tennessean。
 'Yes。 Firmly。'
 Then with the individual Medusa dossiers; damn it!〃
 The colonel opened the folder he had removed from the Cain file。 These are the casualty lists。 Among the white occidentals who disappeared from Operation Medusa … and when I say disappeared; I mean vanished without a trace … are the following。 Seventy…three Americans; forty…six French; thirty…nine and twenty…four Australians and British respectively; and an estimated fifty white male contacts recruited from neutrals in Hanoi and trained in the field … most of them we never knew。 Over two hundred and thirty possibilities; how many are blind alleys? Who's alive? Who's dead? Even if we learned the name of every man who actually survived; who is he now? What is he? We're not even sure of Cain's nationality。 We think he's American; but there's no proof。'
 'Cain's one of the side issues contained in our constant pressure on Hanoi to trace M。I。A。s;' explained Knowlton。 'We keep recycling these names with the division lists。'
 'And there's a catch with that; too;' added the army officer。 'Hanoi's counter…intelligence forces broke and executed scores of Medusa personnel。 They were aware of the operation; and
 we never ruled out the possibility of infiltration。 Hanoi knew the Medusans weren't bat troops; they wore no uniforms。 Accountability was never required。'
 Walters held out his hand。 'May I?' he said; nodding at the stapled pages。
 'Certainly。' The officer gave them to the congressman。 'You understand; of course; that those names still remain classified; as does the Medusa Operation itself。'
 'Who made that decision?'
 'It's an unbroken executive order from successive presidents based on the remendation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff。 It was supported by the Senate Armed Services mittee。'
 'That's considerable fire…power; isn't it?'
 'It was felt to be in the national interest;' Said the C。I。A。 man。
 'In this case; I won't argue;〃 agreed Walters。 'The spectre of such an operation wouldn't do much for the glory of Old Glory。 We don't train assassins; much less field them。' He flipped through the pages。 'And somewhere here just happens to be an assassin we trained and fielded and now can't find。'
 'We believe that; yes;' said the colonel。
 'You say he made his reputation in Asia but moved to Europe。 When?'
 'About a year ago。'
 'Why? Any ideas?'
 'The obvious; I'd suggest;' said Peter Knowlton。 'He overextended himself。 Something went wrong and he felt threatened。 He was a white killer among Orientals; at best a dangerous concept; it was time for him to move on。 God knows his reputation was made; there'd be no lack of employment in Europe。'
 David Abbott cleared his throat。 'I'd like to offer another possibility based on something Alfred said a few minutes ago。' The Monk paused and nodded deferentially at Gillette。 'He said that we had been forced to concentrate on a 〃toothless sand shark while the hammerhead roamed free〃。 I believe that was the phrase; although my sequence may be wrong。'
 'Yes;' said the man from National Security。 'I was referring to Carlos; of course。 It's not Cain we should be after。 It's Carlos。'
 'Of course。 Carlos。 The most elusive killer in modem history; a man many of us truly believe has been responsible … in one way or another … for the most tragic assassinations of our time。 You were quite right; Alfred; and; in a way; I was wrong。 We cannot afford to forget Carlos。' 'Thank you;' said Gillette。 'I'm glad I made my point。' 'You did。 With me; at any rate。 But you also made me think。 Can you imagine the temptation for a man like Cain; operating in the steamy confines of an area rife with drifters and fugitives and regimes up to their necks in corruption? But he must have envied Carlos; how he must have be
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