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here the traps were and how to avoid them。 The chameleon was an expert。
 They reached the staircase and started up the steps。 Below; on the right; the conservatively dressed; middle…aged operator was speaking quietly into the extended mouthpiece; nodding his grey…haired head almost wearily; as if assuring the party on the line that their world was as serene as it should be。
 Bourne stopped on the seventh step; the pause involuntary。 The back of the man's head; the outline of the cheekbone; the sight of the thinning grey hair … the way it fell slightly over the ear; he had seen that man before! Somewhere。 In the past; in the unremembered past; but remembered now in darkness。。。 and with flashes of light。 Explosions; mists; buffeting winds followed by silences filled with tension。 What was it? Where was it? Why did the pain e to his eyes again? The grey…haired man began to turn in his swivel chair; Jason looked away before they made contact。
 'I see Monsieur is taken by our rather unique switchboard;' said Madame Lavier。 'It's a distinction we feel sets Les Classiques apart from the other shops on Saint…Honore。'
 'How so?' asked Bourne; as they proceeded up the steps; the pain in his eyes causing him to blink。
 'When a client calls Les Classiques; the telephone is not answered by a vacuous female; but instead by a cultured gentleman who has all our information at his fingertips。' 'A nice touch。'
 'Other gentlemen think so;' she added。 'Especially when making telephone purchases they would prefer to keep confidential。 There are no spoors in our forest; Monsieur。'
 They reached Jacqueline Lavier's spacious office。 It was the lair of an efficient executive; scores of papers in separate piles on the desk; an easel against the wall holding water…colour sketches; some boldly initialled; others left untouched; obviously unacceptable。 The walls were filled with framed photographs of the Beautiful People; their beauty too often marred by gaping mouths and smiles as false as the one on the mask of the inhabitant of the office。 There was a bitch quality in the perfumed air; these were the quarters of an ageing; pacing tigress; swift to attack any who threatened her possessions or the sating of her appetites。 Yet she was disciplined; all things considered; an estimable liaison to Carlos。
 Who was that man on the switchboard? Where had he seen him?
 He was offered a drink from a selection of bottles; he chose brandy。
 'Do sit down; Monsieur。 I shall enlist the help of Rene himself; if I can find him。'
 'That's very kind; but I'm sure whatever you choose will be satisfactory。 I have an instinct about taste; yours is all through this office。 I'm fortable with it'
 'You're too generous。'
 'Only when it's warranted;' said Jason; still standing。 'Actually; I'd like to look at the photographs。 I see a number of acquaintances; if not friends。 A lot of these faces pass through the Bahamian banks with considerable frequency。'
 'I'm sure they do;' agreed Lavier; in a tone that bespoke regard for such avenues of finance。 'I shan't be long; Monsieur。'
 Nor would she; thought Bourne; as Les Classiques' partner swept out of the office。 Mme Lavier was not about to allow a tired; wealthy mark too much time to think。 She would return with the most expensive designs she could gather up as rapidly as possible。 Therefore; if there was anything in the room that could shed light on Carlos's intermediary … or on the assassin's operation … it had to be found quickly。 And; if it was there it would be on or around the desk。
 Jason circled behind the imperial chair in front of the wall; feigning amused interest in the photographs; but concentrating on the desk。 There were invoices; receipts and overdue bills; along with dunning letters of reprimand awaiting Lavier's signature。 An address book lay open; four names on the page; he moved closer to see more clearly。 Each was the name of a pany; the individual contacts bracketed; his or her positions underlined。 He wondered if he should memorize each pany; each contact。 He was about to do so when his eyes fell on the edge of an index card。 It was only the edge; the rest was concealed under the telephone itself。 And there was something else … dull; barely discernible。 A strip of transparent tape; running along the edge of the card; holding it in place。 The tape itself was relatively new; recently stuck over the heavy paper and the gleaming wood; it was clean; no smudges or coiled borders or signs of having been there very long。
 Bourne picked up the telephone to move it aside。 It rang; the bell vibrating through his hand; the shrill sound unnerving。 He replaced it on the desk and stepped away as a man in shirtsleeves rushed through the open door from the corridor。 He stopped; staring at Bourne; his eyes alarmed but nonmittal。 The telephone rang a second time; the man walked rapidly to the desk and picked up the receiver。
 'Allo?' There was silence as the intruder listened; head down; concentration on the caller。 He was a tanned; muscular man of indeterminate age; the sun…drenched skin disguising the years。 His face was taut; his lips thin; his close…cropped hair thick; dark brown and disciplined。 The sinews of his bare arms moved under the flesh as he transferred the phone from one hand to the other; speaking harshly。 'Pas id maintenant。 Je ne sais pas la expanse。 Appelez encore。' He hung up and looked at Jason。 'Oil est Jacqueline?'
 4A little slower; please;' said Bourne; lying in English。 'My French is limited。'
 'Sorry;' replied the bronzed man。 〃I was looking for Madame Lavier。'
 The owner?'
 'The title will suffice。 Where is she?'
 'Depleting my funds。' Jason smiled; raising his glass to his lips。
 'Oh? And who are you; Monsieur?'
 'Who are you?'
 The man studied Bourne。 'Rone〃 Bergeron。'
 'Oh; Lord!' exclaimed Jason。 'She's looking for you。 You're very good; Mr Bergeron。 She said I was to look upon your designs as the work of an emerging master。' Bourne smiled again。 'You're the reason I may have to wire the Bahamas for a great deal of money。'
 'You're most kind; Monsieur。 And I apologize for barging in。'
 'Better that you answered that phone than me。 Berlitz considers me a failure。'
 'Buyers; suppliers; all screaming idiots。 To whom; Monsieur; do I have the honour of speaking?'
 'Briggs;' said Jason; having no idea where the name came
 from; astonished that it came so quickly; so naturally。 'Charles Briggs。'
 'A pleasure to know you。' Bergeron extended his hand; the grip was firm。 'You say Jacqueline was looking for me?'
 'On my behalf; I'm afraid。'
 'I shall find her。' The designer left quickly。
 Bourne moved quickly to the desk; his eyes on the door; his hand on the telephone。 He moved it to the side; exposing the index card。 There were two telephone numbers; the first recognizable as a Zurich exchange; the second obviously Paris。
 Instinct。 He had been right; a strip of transparent tape the only sign he had needed。 He stared at the numbers; memorizing them; then moved the telephone back into place; and stepped away。
 He had barely managed to clear the desk when Madame Lavier swept back into the room; a hall dozen dresses over her 
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