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 'I don't believe a word of it!' said Conklin; limping angrily across the room back to the window。 He leaned against the sill looking out; his left hand pulled up to his face; his teeth against the knuckle of his index finger。 'Not a goddamned word!'
 'You don't want to believe it Alex;' countered Crawford。 〃The solution is so much easier。 It's in place; and so much simpler。'
 'You didn't hear that tape。 You didn't hear Villiers!
 I've heard the woman; she's all I have to hear。 She said we didn't listen。。。 you didn't listen。'
 Then she's lying!' Awkwardly Conklin spun around。 'Christ; of course she's lying! Why wouldn't she? She's his woman。 She'll do anything to get him off the meathook!'
 'You're wrong and you know it; the fact that he's here proves you're wrong; proves I was wrong to accept what you。。。'
 Conklin was breathing heavily; his right hand trembling as he gripped his cane。 'Maybe。。。 maybe we; maybe。。。'He did not finish; instead he looked at Crawford helplessly。
 '。。。 ought to let the solution stand?' asked the officer quietly。 'You're tired; Alex。 You haven't slept for several days; you're exhausted。 I don't think I heard that'
 'No。' The C。I。A。 man shook his head; his eyes closed; his face reflecting his disgust 'No; you didn't hear it and I didn't say it I just wish I knew where the hell to begin。'
 I do;' said Crawford going to the door and opening it 'e in; please。'
 The stocky man walked in; his eyes darting to the rifle leaning against the wall。 He looked at the two men; appraisal in his expression。 'What is it?'
 The exercise has been called off;' Crawford said。 'I think you must have gathered that。
 'What exercise? I was hired to protect him。' The gunman looked at Alex。 'You mean you don't need protection any more; sir?'
 'You know exactly what we mean;' broke in Conklin。 'All signals are off; all stipulations。'
 'What stipulations? I don't know about any stipulations。 The terms of my employment are very clear。 I'm protecting you; sir。'
 'Good; fine;' said Crawford。 'Now what we have to know is who else out there is protecting him。'
 'Who else where?'
 'Outside this room; this apartment。 In other rooms; on the street; in cars; perhaps。 We have to know。'
 The stocky man walked over to the rifle and picked it up。 'I'm afraid you gentlemen have misunderstood。 I was hired on an individual basis。 If others were employed; I'm not aware of them。'
 'You do know them I' shouted Conklin。 'Who are they? Where are they?'
 'I haven't any idea。。。 sir。' The courteous gunman held the rifle in his right arm; the barrel angled down towards the floor。 He raised it perhaps two inches; no more than six; the movement barely perceptible。 'If my services are no longer required; I'll be leaving;'
 'Can you reach them?〃 interrupted the brigadier。 'We'll pay generously。〃
 'I've already been paid generously; sir。 It would be wrong to accept money for a service I can't perform。 And pointless for this to continue。'
 'A man's life is at stake out there!' shouted Conklin。
 'So's mine;' said the gunman; walking to the door; the weapon raised higher。 'Good…bye; gentlemen。' He let himself out。
 'Jesus!' roared。 Alex; swinging back to the window; his cane clattering against a radiator。 'What do we do?'
 To start with; get rid of that removal pany。 I don't know what part it played in your strategy; but it's only a plication now。'
 'I can't。 I tried。 I didn't have anything to do with it。 Agency Controls picked up our sheets when we had the equipment taken out。 They saw that a store was being closed up and told G。S。A。 to get us the hell out of there。'
 'With all deliberate speed;〃 said Crawford; nodding。 The Monk covered that equipment by signature; his statement absolves the agency。 It's in his files。'
 That'd be fine if we had twenty…four hours。 We don't even know if we've got twenty…four minutes。'
 'We'll still need it。 There'll be a senate inquiry。 Closed; I hope。。。 Rope off the street。' 'What?'
 'You heard me; rope off the street。 Call in the police; tell them to rope everything off I〃 Through the agency? This is domestic! Then I will。 Through the Pentagon; from the Joint Chiefs if I have to。 We're standing around making excuses; when it's right in front of our eyes I Clear the street; rope it off; bring in a truck with a public address system。 Put her in it; put her on a microphone! Let her say anything she likes; let her scream her head off。 She was right。 He'll e to her!'
 'Do you know what you're saying?' asked Conklin。 There'll be questions。 Newspapers; television; radio。 Everything will be exposed。 Publicly。〃
 'I'm aware of that;' said the brigadier。 'I'm also aware what she'll do for us if this goes down。 She may do it anyway; no matter what happens; but I'd rather try to save a man I didn't like; didn't approve of。 But I respected him once; and I think I respect him more now。〃
 'What about another man? If Carlos is really out there; you're opening the gates for him。 You're handing him his escape。〃
 'We didn't create Carlos。 We created Cain; and we abused him。 We took away his mind and his memory。 We owe him。 Go down and get the woman。 I'll use the phone。〃
 Bourne walked into the large library with the sunlight streaming through the wide; elegant French windows at the far end of the room。 Beyond the panes of glass were the high walls of the garden。。。 all around him objects too painful to look at; he knew them and did not know them。 They were fragments of dreams … solid; to be touched; to be felt; to be used …not ephemeral at all。 A long table where whisky was poured; leather armchairs where men sat and talked; bookshelves that housed books and other things … concealed things … that appeared with the touch of buttons。 It was a room where a myth was born; a myth that had raced through South…east Asia and exploded in Europe。
 He saw the long; tubular bulge in the ceiling and the darkness came; followed by flashes of light and images on a screen and voices shouting in his ears。
 Who is he? Quick。 You're too late! You're a dead man! Where is this street? What does it mean to you? Who did you meet there?。。。 Methods of kills。 Which are yours? No!。。。 You are not Delta; you are not you!。。。 You are only what you are here; became here!
 'Hey I Who the hell are you?' The question was shouted by a large; red…faced man seated in an armchair by the door; a clipboard on his knees。 Jason had walked right past him。
 'You Doogan?〃 Bourne asked。
 'Schumach sent me。 Said you needed another man。'
 'What for? I got five already; and this fuckin' place has hallways so tight you can't hardly get through 'em。 They're climbing asses now。'
 'I don't know。 Schumach sent me; that's all I know。 He told me to bring this stuff。' Bourne let the blankets and the straps fall to the floor。
 'Murray sends new junk? I mean; that's new。'
 'I don't。。。'
 'I know; I know! Schumach sent you。 Ask Schumach。'
 'You can't。 He said to tell you he was heading out to Sheepshead。 Be back this afternoon。'
 'Oh; that's great! He goes fishing and leaves me with the shit。。。 You're new。 You a crumb ball from the shape…up?'
 'That Murray's a beaut。 All I need's another crumb
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