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alled upon in emergencies。 They had once been good men; loyal men; who for one reason or another could no longer be on a Washington payroll。 In all cases it had been necessary to remove them from the official scene; relocate them with new identities … those fluent in other languages frequently given citizenship by co…operating foreign governments。 They had simply disappeared。
 They were the outcasts; men who had gone beyond the laws in the service of their country; who often killed in the interests of their country。 But their country could not tolerate their official existence; their covers had been exposed; their actions made known。 Still; they could be called upon。 Monies were constantly funnelled to accounts beyond official scrutiny; certain understandings intrinsic to the payments。
 Conklin carried the envelope back to his desk and tore the marked tape from the flap; it would be reseated; re…marked。 There was a man in Paris; a dedicated man; who had e up through the officer corps of Army Intelligence; a lieutenant…colonel by the time he was thirty…five。 He could be counted on; he understood national priorities。 He had killed a left…wing cameraman in a village near Hue a dozen years ago。
 Three minutes later he had the man on the line; the call un…logged; unrecorded。 The former officer was given a name and a brief sketch of defection; including a covert trip to the United States during which the defector in question on special assignment had eliminated those controlling the strategy。
 'A double entry?' asked the man in Paris。 'Moscow?'
 'No; not the Soviets;' replied Conklin; aware that if Delta requested protection there would be conversations between the two men。
 'It was a long…range deep cover to snare Carlos。'
 The assassin?〃
 'That's right。'
 'You may say it's not Moscow; but you won't convince me。 Carlos was trained in Novgorod and as far as I'm concerned he's still a dirty gun for the K。G。B。'
 'Perhaps。 The details aren't for briefing; but suffice it to say we're convinced our man was bought off; he's made a few million and wants an unencumbered passport。'
 'So he took out the controls and the finger's pointed at Carlos; which doesn't mean a damn thing but give him another kill。'
 That's it。 We want to play it out。 let him think he's home free。 Best; we'd like an admission; whatever information we can get; which is why I'm on my way over。 But it's definitely secondary to taking him out。 Too many people in too many places were promised to put him where he is。 Can you help? There'll be a bonus。'
 'My pleasure。 And keep the bonus; I hate fuckers like him。 They blow whole networks。'
 'It's got to be airtight; he's one of the best。 I'd suggest support; at least one。'
 'I've got a man from the St…Gervais worth five。 He's for hire。'
 'Hire him。 Here are the particulars。 The control in Paris is an embassy blind; be knows nothing; but he's in munication with Bourne and may request protection for him。'
 'I'll play it; said the former intelligence officer。 'Go ahead。'
 There's not much more for the moment。 I'll take a jet out of Andrel。 My E。T。A。 in Paris will be anywhere between ten and one your time。 I want to see Bourne within an hour or so after that; and be back here in Washington by tomorrow。 It's tight; but that's the way it's got to be。'
 That's the way it'll be then。'
 'The blind at the embassy is the First Secretary。 His name is。。。'
 Conklin gave the remaining specifics and the two men worked out basic ciphers for their initial contact in Paris Code words that would tell the man from the Central Intelligence Agency whether or not any problems existed when they spoke Conklin hung up。 Everything was in motion exactly the way Delta would expect it to be in motion。 The inheritors of Treadstone would go by the book; and the book was specific where collapsed strategies and strategists were concerned。 They were to be dissolved; cut off; no official connection or acknowledgment permitted。 Failed strategies and strategists were an embarrassment to Washington。 And from its manipulative beginnings; Treadstone 71 had used; abused; and manoeuvred every major unit in the United States Intelligence munity and not a few foreign governments。 Very long poles would be held when touching any survivors。
 Delta knew all this; and because he himself had destroyed Treadstone; he would appreciate the precautions; anticipate them; be alarmed if they were not there。 And when confronted he would react in false fury and artificial anguish over the violence that had taken place in Seventy…first Street。 Alexander Conklin would listen with all his concentration; trying to discern a genuine note; or even the outlines of a reasonable explanation; but he knew he would hear neither。 Irregular fragments of glass could not beam themselves across the Atlantic only to be concealed beneath a heavy curtain in a Manhattan brownstone; and fingerprints were more accurate proof of a man having been at a scene than any photograph。 There was no way they could be doctored。
 Conklin would give Delta the benefit of two minutes to say whatever came to his facile tongue。 He would listen; and then he would pull the trigger。
 'Why are they doing it?' said Jason; sitting down next to Marie in the packed cafe。 He had made the fifth telephone call; five hours after having reached the embassy。 They want me to keep running。 They're forcing me to run; and I don't know why。'
 'You're forcing yourself;' said Marie。 'You could have made the calls from the room。'
 'No; I couldn't。 For some reason; they want me to know that。 Each time I call; that son of a bitch asks me where I am now; am I in 〃safe territory〃? Silly goddamn phrase; 〃safe territory〃。 But he's saying something else。 He's telling me that every contact must be made from a different location; so that no one outside or inside could trace me to a single phone; a single address。 They don't want me in custody; but they want me on a string。 They want me; but they're afraid of me; it doesn't make sense!'
 'Isn't it possible you're imagining these things? No one said anything remotely like that。'
 'They didn't have to。 It's in what they didn't say。 Why didn't they just tell me to e right over to the embassy。 Order me。 No one could touch me there; it's U。 S。 territory。 They didn't。'
 The streets are being watched; you were told that。'
 'You know; I accepted that … blindly … until about thirty seconds ago when it struck me。 By whom? Who's watching the streets?'
 'Carlos; obviously。 His men。'
 'You know that and I know that … at least we can assume it … but they don't know that。 I may not know who the hell I am or where I came from; but I know what's happened to me during the past twenty…four hours。 They don't。'
 'They could assume too; couldn't they? They might have spotted strange men in cars; or standing around too long; too obviously。'
 'Carlos is brighter than that。 And there are lots of ways a specific vehicle could get quickly inside an embassy's gates。 Marine contingents everywhere are trained for things like that。'
 'I believe you。〃
 'But they didn't do that; they didn't even suggest it。 Instead; they're stalling me; making me play games。 Goddamn it; wh
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