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 Then the Americans are。。。' Bourne did not finish the statement; hoping in brief torment that d'Anjou would finish it for him。
 'Yes;' said the Medusan。 Treadstone Seventy…one。 The most controlled unit of American intelligence since the State Department's Consular Operations Created by the same man who built Medusa。 David Abbott
 'The Monk;' said Jason softly; instinctively; another door in the distance partially open。
 'Of course。 Who else would he approach to play the role of Cain but the man from Medusa known as Delta? As I say; the instant I saw you; I knew it。'
 'A role。。。' Bourne stopped; the sunlight growing brighter; warm not blinding。
 D'Anjou leaned forward。 'It's here; of course; that what I heard and what I pieced together were inpatible。 It was said that Jason Bourne accepted the assignment for reasons I knew were not true。 I was there; they were not; they could not know。' 'What did they say? What did you hear?' That you were an American intelligence officer; possibly military。 Can you imagine? You。 Delta! The man filled with contempt for so much; not the least of which was for most things American。 I told Bergeron it was impossible; but I'm not sure he believed me。' 'What did you tell him?'
 'What I believed。 What I still believe。 It wasn't money … no amount of money could have made you do it … it had to be something else。 I think you did it for the same reason so many others agreed to Medusa ten years ago。 To clean a slate somewhere; to be able to return to something you had before that was barred to you。 I don't know; of course; and I don't expect you to confirm it; but that's what I think。'
 'It's possible you're right;' said Jason; holding his breath; the cool winds of release blowing into the mists。 It made sense。 A message was sent。 This could be it。 Find the message! Find the sender! Treadstone!
 'Which leads us back;〃 continued d'Anjou; 'to the stories about Delta。 Who was he? What was he? This educated; oddly quiet man who could transform himself into a lethal weapon in the jungles。 Who stretched himself and others beyond endurance for no cause at all。 We never understood。' 'It was never required。 Is there anything else you can tell me?。。。 Do they know the precise location of Treadstone?'
 'Certainly。 I learned it from Bergeron。 A residence in New York City; on East Seventy…first Street。 Number One…forty。 Isn't that correct?'
 'Possibly。。。 Anything else?'
 'Only what you obviously know; the strategy of which I admit eludes me。'
 'Which is?'
 'That the Americans think you turned。 Better phrased; they want Carlos to believe they think you turned。'
 'Why?' He was closer。 It was here!
 The story is a long period of silence; six months to be exact。 Coinciding with Cain's inactivity。 Plus stolen funds; but mainly the silence。'
 That was it。 The message。 The silence。 The months in Port Noir。 The madness in Zurich; the insanity in Paris。 No one could possibly know what had happened。 He was being told to e in。 To surface。 You were right; Marie; my love; my dearest love。 You were right from the beginning!
 'Nothing else; then?' asked Bourne; trying to control the impatience in his voice; anxious now beyond any anxiety he had known to get back to Marie。
 'It's all I know; but please understand; I was never told that much。 I was brought in because of my knowledge of Medusa …and it was established that Cain was from Medusa … but I was never part of Carlos's inner circle。'
 'You were close enough。 Thank you。' Jason put several notes on the table and started to slide across the booth。
 There's one thing;' said d'Anjou。 〃I'm not sure it's relevant now; but they know your name is not Jason Bourne。'
 'March twenty…fifth。 Don't you remember; Delta? It's only two days from now; and the date's very important to Carlos。 Word has been spread。 He wants your corpse on the twenty…fifth。 He wants to deliver it to the Americans on that day。'
 'What are you trying to say?'
 'On 25 March 1968; Jason Bourne was executed at Tarn Quan。 You executed him。'
 She opened the door and for a moment he stood looking at her; seeing the large brown eyes that roamed his face; eyes that were afraid yet curious。 She knew。 Not the answer; but that there was an answer; and he had e back to tell her what it was。 He walked into the room; she closed the door。
 'It happened;' she said。
 'It happened。' Bourne turned and reached for her。 She came to him and they held each other; the silence of the embrace saying more than any spoken words。 'You were right;' he whispered finally; his lips against her soft hair。 'There's a great deal I don't know … may never know … but you were right。 I'm not Cain because there is no Cain; there never was。 Not the Cain they talk about; he never existed。 He's a myth invented to draw out Carlos。 I'm that creation。 A man from Medusa called Delta agreed to bee a lie named Cain。 I'm that man。'
 She pulled back; still holding him。' 〃Cain is for Charlie。。。〃' She said the words quietly。
 ' 〃And Delta is for Cain〃;' pleted Jason。 'You've heard me say it?'
 Marie nodded。 'Yes。 One night in the room in Switzerland; you shouted it in your sleep。 You never mentioned Carlos; just Cain。。。 Delta。 I said something to you in the morning about it; but you didn't answer me。 You just looked out of the window。'
 'Because I didn't understand。 I still don't; but I accept it It explains so many things。'
 She nodded again。 'The provocateur。 The code words you use; the strange phrases; the perceptions。 But why? Why you?'
 'To clean a slate somewhere。〃 That's what he said。'
 'Who said?'
 The man on the steps in Pare Monceau? The switchboard operator?'
 The man from Medusa。 I knew him in Medusa。'
 'What did he say?'
 Bourne told her。 And as he did; he could see in her the relief he had felt in himself。 There was a light in her eyes; and a muted throbbing in her neck; sheer joy bursting from her throat。 It was almost as if she could barely wait for him to finish so she could hold him again。
 'Jason!' she cried; taking his face in her hands。 'Darling; my darling! My friend has e back to me! It's everything we knew; everything we felt I '
 'Not quite everything;' he said; touching her cheek。 'I'm Jason to you; Bourne to me; because that's the name I was given; and have to use it because I don't have any other。 But it's not mine。'
 'An invention?'
 'No; he was real。 They say I killed him in a place called Tarn Quan。'
 She took her hands away from his face; sliding them to his shoulders; not letting him go。 〃There must have been a reason。'
 'I hope so。 I don't know。 Maybe it's the slate I'm trying to clean。'
 'It doesn't matter' she said; releasing him。 'It's in the past; ten years ago。 All that matters now is that you reach the men at Treadstone; because they're trying to reach you。'
 'D'Anjou said word was out that the Americans think I've turned。 No word from me in over six months; millions taken out of Zurich。 They must think I'm the most expensive miscalculation on record。'
 'You can explain what happened。 You haven't knowingly broken your agreement; on the other hand you can't go on。 It's impossible。 All the training you received means nothi
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