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 〃I would!〃 I cried。 〃I have no choice。〃
 〃Oh; yes; you have a choice。〃
 〃No; not her; don't kill her。 Kill me; and send me there; yes; but give her one more chance。。。〃
 Ursula cried against my shoulders; her hands clinging to my hair; catching hold of it; as if by means of it she'd be safe。
 〃Send me now;〃 I said。 〃Go ahead; strike off my head and send me to my judgment before the Lord that I may beg for her! Please; Mastema; do it; but do not strike her。 She does not know how to ask to be forgiven。 Not yet!〃
 Holding the sword aloft; he reached out and grabbed my collar and jerked me towards him。 I felt her fly against me。 He held me beneath his face; and glowered down at me with his beaming eyes。 〃And when will she learn; and when will you?〃
 What could I say? What could I do?
 〃I will teach you; Vittorio;〃 said Mastema in a low; seething whisper。 〃I will teach you so that you know how to beg forgiveness every night of your life。 I will teach you。〃
 I felt myself lifted; I felt my garments blown by the wind; I felt her tiny hands clinging to me; and the weight of her head on my back。
 Through the streets we were being dragged; and suddenly there appeared before us a great crowd of idle mortals issuing from a wine shop; drunken and laughing; a great jumble of swollen; natural faces and dark breeze…tossed clothes。
 〃Do you see them; Vittorio? Do you see those upon whom you feed?〃 Mastema demanded。
 〃I see them; Mastema!〃 I said。 I groped for her hand; trying to find her; hold her; shield her。 〃I do see them; I do。〃
 〃In each and every one of them; Vittorio; there is what I see in you; and in her … a human soul。 Do you know what that is; Vittorio? Can you imagine?〃 I didn't dare to answer。
 The crowd spread out over the moonlighted piazza; and drew closer to us; even as it loosened。
 〃A spark of the power that made all of us is within each of them;〃 cried Mastema; 〃a spark of the invisible; of the subtle; of the sacred; of the mystery … a spark of that which created all things。〃
 〃Ah; God!〃 I cried out。 〃Look at them; Ursula; look!〃
 For each and every one of them; man; woman; it did not matter old or young; had taken on a powerful hazy golden glow。 A light emanated from and surrounded and embraced each figure; a subtle body of light shaped to the very form of the human being who walked in it; unheeding of it; and the entire square was full of such golden light。
 I looked down at my own hands; and they too were surrounded by this subtle; etheric body; this lovely gleaming and numinous presence; this precious and unquenchable fire。
 I pivoted; my garments snagging around me; and I saw this flame envelop Ursula。 I saw her living and breathing within it; and; turning back to the crowd; I saw again that each and every one of them lived and breathed in it; and I knew suddenly; understood perfectly … I would always see it。 I would never see living human beings; be they monstrous or righteous; without this expanding; blinding; fire of the soul。
 〃Yes;〃 Mastema whispered in my ear。 〃Yes。 Forever; and every time you feed; every time you raise one of their tender throats to your cursed fangs; every time you drink from them the lurid blood you would have; like the worst of God's beasts; you will see that light flicker and struggle; and when the heart stops at the will of your hunger; you will see that light go out!〃
 I broke away from him。 He let me go。
 With her hand only; I ran。 I ran and ran towards the Arno; towards the bridge; towards the taverns that might still be open; but long before I saw the blazing flames of the souls there; I saw the glow of the souls from hundreds of windows; I saw the glow of souls from beneath the bottoms of bolted doors。
 I saw it; and I knew that he spoke the truth。 I would always see it。 I would see the spark of the Creator in every human life I ever encountered; and in every human life I took。 Reaching the river; I leant over the stone railing。 I cried out and cried out and let my cries echo over the water and up the walls on either side。 I was mad with grief; and then through the darkness there came a toddling child towards me; a beggar; already versed in words to speak for bread or coins or any bit of charity that any man would vouchsafe him; and he glowed and sputtered and glittered and danced with brilliant and priceless light。
 OVER the years; every time I saw one of Fra Filippo's magnificent creations; the angels came alive for me。 It was I only for an instant; only enough to prick the heart and draw the blood; as if with a needle; to the core。
 Mastema himself did not appear in Fra Filippo's work until some years later; when Fra Filippo; struggling and arguing as always; was working for Piero; the son of Cosimo; who had gone to his grave。
 Fra Filippo never did give up his precious nun; Lucrezia Buti; and it was said of Filippo that every Virgin he ever painted … and there were many … bore Lucrezia's beautiful face。 Lucrezia gave Fra Filippo a son; and that painter took the name Filippino; and his work too was rich in magnificence and rich in angels; and those angels too have always for one instant met my eyes when I came to worship before those canvases; sad and brokenhearted and full of love and afraid。
 In 1469; Filippo died in the town of Spoleto; and there ended the life of one of the greatest painters the world has ever known。 This was the man who was put on the rack for fraud; and who had debauched a convent; this was a man who painted Mary as the frightened Virgin; as the Madonna of Christmas Night; as the Queen of Heaven; as the Queen of All Saints。
 And I; five hundred years after; have never strayed too far from that city which gave birth to Filippo and to that time we call the Age of Gold。 Gold。 That is what I see when I look at you。
 That is what I see when I look at any man; woman; child。
 I see the flaming celestial gold that Mastema revealed to me。 I see it surrounding you; and holding you; encasing you and dancing with you; though you yourself may not behold it; or even care。
 From this tower tonight in Tuscany I look out over the land; and far away; deep in the valleys; I see the gold of human beings; I see the glowing vitality of beating souls。 So you have my story。 What do you think?
 Do you not see a strange conflict here? Do you see a dilemma? Let me put it to you this way。
 Think back to when I told you about how my father and I rode through the woods together and we spoke of Fra Filippo; and my father asked me what it was that drew me to this monk。 I said that it was struggle and a divided nature in Filippo which so attracted me to him; and that from this divided nature; this conflict; there came a torment to the faces which Filippo rendered in paint。 Filippo was a storm unto himself。 So am I。
 My father; a man of calm spirits and simpler thoughts; smiled at this。
 But what does it mean in relationship to this tale?
 Yes; I am a vampire; as I told you; I am a thing that feeds on mortal life。 I exist quietly; contentedly in my homeland; in the dark shadows of my home castle; and Ursula is with me as always; and five hundred years is not so long for a lov
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