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lond as the shaggy one I'd slain; but his long locks were pampered and silky on his broad shoulders。 His face was youthful; far more so than my father's yet plenty older than my own; and as inhumanly pale as all the rest; his searing blue eyes fixing upon me。 He returned at once to his study of the dance。
 The whole spectacle seemed to shiver with the hot smoking quaver of the flames; and as my eyes watered; I realized with a start that the figures worked into the tapestry were not the quiet ladies and unicorns of the small studious chamber from which we'd e; but devils dancing in Hell。 Indeed; there were quite hideous gargoyles in the most violent and cruel style; carved beneath the porch all around; on which we stood; and I could see at the capitals of the branching columns that held up the ceiling above us more of the demonic and winged creatures carved into the stone。 Grimaces of evil were emblazoned on the walls behind me; across from me。 In one tapestry below; the circles of Dante's Hell climbed one upon another ever higher and higher。
 I stared at the shining bare table。 I was dizzy。 I was going to be sick; lose consciousness。
 〃Make you a member of the Court; that is what she asks;〃 said the Elder; pushing me hard against the rail; not letting me free; not letting me turn away His voice was unhurried and low and without the slightest opinion on the matter。 〃She wants us to bring you into our Court as a reward for the fact that you slew one of us; that is her logic。〃
 His glance to me was thoughtful; cool。 His hand on my collar was neither cruel nor rough; merely simple。
 I was a tempest of half…uttered words and curses; when suddenly I realized I was falling。
 In the Elderly one's grasp; I had fallen over the rail; and in a second descended to the thick layers of carpet below; where I was yanked to my feet; as the dancers made way for us on either side。
 We stood before the Lord in the high…backed chair; and I saw that the wood figures of his regal throne were; of course; animalian; feline and diabolical。
 All was black wood; polished so that one could smell the oil; and it mingled sweetly with the perfume of all the lamps; and there came a soft crackling from the torches。
 The musicians had stopped。 I couldn't even see them。 And then when I did; saw the little band quite high up in their own little balcony or loft; I perceived that they too had the porcelain…white skin and the lethal cats' eyes; as they gazed down at me; all of them slender males; modestly clothed; and seemingly apprehensive。
 I stared at the Lord。 He had not moved or spoken。 He was a fine; imperial figure of a man; his thick bulky blondish hair bed back from his face and falling; as I had seen before; in carefully bed locks on his shoulders。
 His clothes too were of the old fashion; a great loose tunic of velvet; not a soldier's tunic; but almost a robe unto itself; trimmed in darkly dyed fur to match its lurid color; and beneath it he wore big beautiful full sleeves ballooning out loosely over his elbows and then tapering around his long narrow forearms and wrists。 A huge chain of medallions hung about his neck; each heavily worked circle of gold set with a cabochon stone; a ruby; red as his clothing。
 He held one slender naked hand curled on the table; simply。 The other I could not see。 He gazed at me with blue eyes。 There was something puritanical and scholarly about his bare hand; and the refinement and cleanliness of it。
 Across the thick overlapping carpets; Ursula came with a quick step; holding her skirts in two dainty hands。 〃Florian;〃 she said; making a deep bow to the Lord behind the table。 〃Florian; I am begging you for this one; on account of character and strength; that you bring him into the Court for my sake; for my heart。 It's as simple as that。〃 Her voice was tremulous but reasoning。
 〃Into the Court? Into this Court?〃 I demanded。 I felt the heat rise in my face。 I looked from right to left。 I stared at their white cheeks; their dark mouths; which were all too often the color of fresh wounds。 I stared at the blanched and colorless expressions with which they regarded me。 Were their eyes full of demonic fire; or was it only that every other bit of humanity had been taken from their countenances?
 I saw my own hands as I looked down; my own clenching fists; very ruddy and human; and quite suddenly; as if I were meant to smell it; I caught my own scent; the scent of my sweat and the dust from the road clinging to me and mingling with whatever in me was simply human。
 〃Yes; you are quite the morsel to us;〃 said the Lord himself; speaking from the table。 〃You are indeed; and the hall is filled with your scent。 And it is too early for us to feast。 We feast when the bell rings twelve times; that is our infallible custom。〃
 It was a beautiful voice; a voice of ringing clarity and charm; tinged with the accent of the French; which can in itself be so beguiling。 It was with a French restraint and regality that he expressed himself。
 He smiled at me; and his smile was gentle; as was Ursula's smile; but not pitying; and not at all cruel or sarcastic。
 I had no eyes now for the other faces to the left and the right of him。 I knew only that there were many; and some were men and some women; and the women wore the stately French headdresses of olden times; and somewhere in the corner of my eye; I thought I saw a man got up like a jester。
 〃Ursula; such a thing as this;〃 the Lord said; 〃requires long consideration。〃
 〃Does it!〃 I cried out。 〃You mean to make me one of your Court? That takes no consideration。〃
 〃Oh; e now; my boy;〃 the Lord said in his soft; calming voice。 〃We are not subject to death or decay or disease here。 You squirm on the end of a hook; you're a doomed catch from the sea; and you do not even know that you are no longer in the life…sustaining water。〃
 〃My Lord; I do not wish to be part of your Court;〃 I said。 〃Spare yourself your kindnesses and your advice。〃 I looked about。 〃Don't talk to me of your Feast。〃
 These creatures had adopted an abominable stillness; a frozen regard which was in itself utterly unnatural and menacing。 A wave of revulsion came over me。 Or was it panic; panic which I would not allow to form inside of me; no matter how pletely and hopelessly I was surrounded by them; and how alone I stood。
 The figures at the table might have been made of china; so fixed they were。 Indeed it seemed that the very act of posing to perfection was inherently part of their attentiveness。
 〃Oh; if I had but a crucifix;〃 I said in a soft voice; not even thinking about what I was saying。
 〃That would mean nothing to us;〃 said the Lord matter…of…factly。
 〃Oh; how well I know; your lady here came into my very chapel to take my brother and sister prisoner! No; crosses mean nothing to you。 But it would mean something to me just now。 Tell me; do I have angels about me that protect me? Are you always visible? Or do you; now and then; melt with the night and vanish? And when that is so; can you see the angels that defend me?〃 The Lord smiled。
 The Elderly one; who had let go of my collar; for which I was very thankful; laughed softly under his breath。 But there came no easy mirth fro
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