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lf in my best dark hunter's green silk and velvet; put on my high boots and took up my gloves; and then taking the leather bags which I could affix to my horse's saddle; I went down into the crypt and took from my parents and my aunts and uncles their very most treasured rings; necklaces and brooches; the buckles of gold and silver which had e from the Holy Land。 God help me。
 Then I filled my purse with all the gold ducats and florins I could find in my father's coffers; as if I were a thief; a very thief of the dead it seemed to me; and hefting these heavy leather bags; I went to get my mount; saddle him and bridle him and start off; a man of rank; with his weaponry; and his mink…edged cape; and a Florentine cap of green velvet; off into the forest。
 NOW; I was too full of rancor to be thinking straight; as I've already described; and surely you will understand this。 But it wasn't smart of me to go riding through the woods of Tuscany dressed so richly; and by myself; because any woods in Italy was bound to have its bandits。
 On the other hand; playing the poor scholar wouldn't have been the best choice either; it seemed to me。
 I can't claim to have made a real decision。 The desire for vengeance upon the demons that had destroyed us was the only central passion I could abide。
 So there I was; riding steadily by mid…afternoon; trying to keep to the valley roads as I lost sight of our towers; trying not to cry anymore like a child; but being drawn off into the mountainous land over and over again。
 My head was swimming。 And the landscape gave me little time to think。 Nothing could have been more forlorn。
 I came within sight of two huge ruined castles very soon after my departure; copings and ramparts lost in the greedy forest; which made me mindful that these had been the holdings of old Lords who had been fool enough to resist the power of Milan or Florence。 It was enough to make me doubt my sanity; enough to make me think that we had not been annihilated by demons but that mon enemies had made the assault。
 It was utterly grim to see their broken battlements looming against the otherwise cheerful and brilliant sky; and to e upon the overgrown fragments of villages with their tumbledown hovels and forgotten crossroads shrines in which stone Virgins or saints had sunk into spiderwebs and shadows。
 When I did spy a high distant well…fortified town; I knew well it was Milanese and had no intention of going up there。 I was lost!
 As for the bandits; I only ran into one little ragged band; which I took on immediately with a deluge of chatter。
 If anything; the little pack of idiots gave me some distraction。 My blood ran as fast as my tongue:
 〃I'm riding in advance of a hundred men;〃 I declared。 〃We search for a band of outlaws claiming to be fighting for Sforza when they're nothing but rapists and thieves; you seen any of them? I have a florin for each of you if you can tell me anything。 We mean to cut them down on sight。 I'm tired。 I'm sick of this。〃 I tossed them some coins。 They were off immediately。
 But not before they let slip in talk of the country round that the nearest Florentine town was Santa Maddalana; which was two hours up ahead; and that it would close its gates at night; and nobody could talk his way into it。
 I pretended to know all about that and to be on the way to a famous monastery that I knew lay farther north; which I couldn't possibly have reached; and then threw more money over my shoulder as I raced off; hollering out that they ought to ride on to meet the band ing behind who would pay them for their service。
 I know they were debating all the time whether to kill me and take everything I had or not。 It was a matter of stares and bluffs and fast talking and standing one's ground; and they were just utter ruffians; and somehow I got out of it。
 I rode off as quickly as I could; left the main road and cut towards the slopes from which I could see in the far distance the vague outline of Santa Maddalana。 A big town。 I could see four massive towers all gathered near the obvious front gates; and several distinct church steeples。
 I had hoped for something before this Santa Maddalana; something small; less fortified。 But I couldn't remember names or was too lost now to go looking further。
 The afternoon sunshine was brilliant but now at a slant。 I had to make for Santa Maddalana。
 When I reached the mountain proper on which this town was built; I went up sharply on the small paths used by the shepherds。
 The light was fading fast。 The forest was too thick to be safe so near a walled town。 I cursed them that they didn't keep the mountain cleared; but then I had the safety of cover。
 There were moments amid the deepening darkness when it seemed virtually impossible to reach the summit; the stars now lighted a glowing sapphirine sky; but that only made the venerable town in all its majesty seem ever more unattainable。
 Finally the heedless night did plunge down amongst the thick trunks of the trees; and I was picking my way; counting on the instincts of my horse more than my own failing vision。 The pale half…moon seemed in love with the clouds。 The sky itself was nothing but bits and pieces thanks to the canopy of foliage above me。
 I found myself praying to my father; as if he were safely with my guardian angels about me; and I think I believed in him and his presence more surely than I had ever believed in angels; saying; 〃Please; Father; help me get there。 Help me get to safety; lest those demons render my vengeance impossible。〃
 I gripped my sword hard。 I reminded myself of the daggers I wore in my boots; in my sleeve; in my jacket and in my belt。 I strained to see by the light of the sky; and had to trust my horse to pick his way through the thick tree trunks。
 At moments I stopped very still。 I heard no unusual sound。 Who else would be fool enough to be out in the night of this forest? At some point very near the end of the journey; I found the main road; the forest thinned and then gave way to smooth fields and meadows; and I took the twists and turns at a gallop。
 At last the town rose right up in front of us; as it happens when you reach the gates by a final turn; you seem to have been thrown up on the ground at the foot of a magic fortress … and I took a deep breath of thanks; no matter that the giant gates were firmly shut as if a hostile army were camped beneath it。 This had to be my haven。
 Of course the Watch; a sleepy soldier hollering down from above; wanted to know who I was。
 Once again the effort of making up something good distracted me from wayward; near uncontrollable; images of the fiend Ursula and her severed arm; and the decapitated bodies of my brother and sister fallen on the chapel floor in mid…gesture。
 I cried out; in a humble tone but with pretentious vocabulary; that I was a scholar in the employ of Cosimo de' Medici e on a search for books in Santa Maddalana; in particular old prayer books pertaining to the saints and appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary in this district。 What nonsense。
 I had e; I declared; to vis
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