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t more; and before he can re…establish it; Zenith…more in the spirit of puckish good humor than anything else…takes a hand。
  It's actually the General's feet the ivy takes; wrapping a loose green fist around both and yanking backward。 Although the branches are still new and thin (some are pulled apart by Hecksler's weight); Z's grip is surprisingly strong。 And surprise; of course; is the key word。 If Iron…Guts had expected such a cowardly sneak attack; he almost certainly would have kept his feet。 Instead; he thumps heavily to his knees。 Carlos whirls in the doorway; gasping and gagging and hacking for air。 He still feels that band of heat across his belly; and it seems to be spreading。 The bastard shocked me; he thinks。 He had one of those things; those illegal laser things。
  He has to get back to Kenton's office; where he has foolishly left the Sakrifice Case; but when he starts forward; the General slashes his knife through the air。 Carlos recoils just fast enough to keep from losing his nose。 The General bares his teeth at Carlos…those that have survived the Shady Rest Mortuary; at least。 Bright color blazons his cheeks。
  〃Get out of my way!〃 Carlos squalls。 〃Abbalah! Abbalah can tak! Demeter can tah! Gah! Gam!〃
  〃Save your spic gabble for someone who gives a rip;〃 the General says。 He makes no attempt to get off his knees; simply sways from side to side; looking as mystic (and as deadly) as any snake ever piped out of a fakir's basket。 〃You want to get past me; son? Then e on。 Try for it。〃
  Carlos looks over the old man's shoulder and sees there are still green boughs of ivy looped around the old man's ankles。
  〃Kadath!〃 Carlos calls。 〃Cam…ma! Can tak!〃 These words mean nothing in themselves。 They are invocatory in nature; Carlos Detweiller's way of shaping a telepathic mand。 He has told Zenith to yank the old man again; to pull him right down the hall into the main growth and crush him。
  Instead; the knots around the General's ankles untie themselves and slither away。
  〃No!〃 Carlos bawls。 He cannot believe that the Dark Powers have deserted him。 〃No; e back! Kadath! Kadath can tak!〃
  〃Better take a look at yourself; son;〃 General Hecksler advises slyly。
  Carlos looks down and sees that his sand…colored suit has turned bright red from the coat pockets on down。 There's a long; tattered rip across his midsection; the end of his tie has actually been lopped off。 He can see something shiny and purple in the slash and realizes with disbelieving dismay that those are his guts。
  While he's distracted; Hecksler lunges forward and swipes with his knife again。 This time he opens Carlos's shoulder down to the bone。 〃Olay!〃 Iron…Guts screams。
  〃You crazy old fuck!〃 Carlos screams back; and lashes out a foot。 This sends a terrible dull cramp of pain through his belly and a freshet of blood down the front of his pants; but the shoe catches General Hecksler square in the skinny beak and breaks it。 He goes flopping back。 Carlos starts forward but the evil old bastard is up on his knees again in a goddamned flash; slashing everywhere。 What is he made of; iron?
  Carlos dodges back into Sandra's office; panting; and slams the door just as Hecksler curls the fingers of his free hand around the jamb。 Hecksler utters a howl as his fingers are crushed; and it is music to Carlos's ears。 But the old son of a bitch won't stop。 He's like a robot with its selector switch frozen on KILL。 Carlos hears the office door bang open behind him as he staggers across Sandra's office with the left arm of his jacket turning crimson and one hand on his slashed midsection; trying to keep those purple things in where they belong。 He hears a harsh; doglike panting as air rushes in and out of the madman's old lungs。 In a moment the robot will be on him again。 The robot has a weapon; Carlos has none。 Even if he had his Sakrifice Case; the robot would give him no time to work the bination。
  I'm going to die; Carlos thinks wonderingly。 If I don't do something right away; I'm actually going to die。 He has known that death was ing; of course; but until this minute it has been an academic concept。 There is nothing academic about having a crazy robot after you while blood pours down your arm and legs; however。
  Carlos looks at Sandra's desk; which is a cluttery; paper…strewn mess。 Scissors? A letter…opener? Even a damned nail…file? Anything… Good Demeter; what's that?
  Lying beside her blotter; partly obscured by a framed photo of Sandra and Dina taken on their trip to Nova Scotia two years before; is a large silver object which looks like a gunshell。 Sandra; her mind full of books and plants and manuscripts and tales of elderly Rhode Island zombies; has forgotten to put the gunshell in her purse when she left on Friday afternoon。 Also; it's now easy for her to forget: the plant has given her a new sense of security and well…being。 This object no longer seems so vital to her。
  It's vital to Carlos; though。
  Carlos has spotted Sandra's Rainy Night Friend。
  11:27 A。 M。
  〃What's the matter; Aunt Sandra?〃 Dina asks。 A moment before they were been walking down the boardwalk together; eating the delicious grilled franks you can only get at Cony。 Then Sandra stopped; gasped; and put a hand to her stomach。 〃Is your hotdog no good?〃
  〃It's fine;〃 Sandra said; although a sudden pain had; in fact; just ripped through her belly。 It wasn't the kind of pain she associated with food…poisoning; but she turned and deposited the remainder of her dog in a trash barrel just the same。 She was no longer hungry。
  〃Then what is it?〃
  It was a voice in her head; calling。 But if she told Dina that; her niece would probably think she was crazy。 Especially if she told her it was a green voice。
  〃I don't know;〃 Sandra said; 〃but maybe I ought to take you home; hon。 If I'm going to get sick; I don't want to get caught all the way out here。〃
  11:27 A。 M。
  John Kenton has been scrambling eggs in his little kitchen; whistling 〃Chim…Chim…Chiree〃 from Mary Poppins as he stirs with his whisk。 The pain es like lightning out of a blue sky; ripping across his middle; there and gone。
  He cries out and jerks backward; the whisk pulling the frypan off the stove and splattering half…congealed eggs on the linoleum。 Both the eggs and the pan miss his bare feet; which could almost qualify as a miracle。
  The office; he thinks。 I have to get to the office。 Something's gone wrong。 And then his head suddenly fills with sound and he screams。
  11:28 A。 M。
  Roger Wade is already headed for the door of his apartment when the unearthly yowl of Sandra's Rainy Day Friend fills his head; threatening to burst it open from the inside out。 He drops to his knees like a man who's had a heart attack; holding his head and uttering screams he can't hear。
  11:28 A。 M。
  On the edge of the Sheep's Meadow; the little cluster of Saturday morning gamblers watch the fleeing man with bemused surprise。 He was cleaning them out; righteously and in record time。 Then; suddenly; he gave a scream and lurched to his feet; first clutching his gut and then slamming the heels of his han
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