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 。 。 PORTER。
  〃Yessss;〃 Hecksler said; bringing the word out in a long and satisfying hiss; like steam。 There wasn't even any need to pick the lock; the D。 J。 's door was open。 The General stepped in。 And now。 。 。 now that he's in a place where he no longer has to be careful。 。 。 gosh!
  The urine which General Hecksler withheld in the hall goes into Herb Porter's desk drawers; starting with the lower and working to the upper。 There is even a final squirt for the keyboard of typewriter。
  There's an IN/OUT box filled with what look like submission letters; manuscript reports; and a personal letter (although typed) which begins Dear Fergus。 Hecksler tears it all up and sprinkles the pieces on top of the desk like confetti。
  Next to the IN/OUT is an envelope marked GOTHAM COLLECTIBLES; addressed to Mr。 Herbert Porter care of Zenith House; and marked CONFIDENTIAL。 Inside; the General finds three items。 One is a letter which says; in essence; that the folks at Gotham Collectibles were mighty glad they could find the enclosed rarity for such a valued customer。 The rarity is a Honus Wagner baseball card in a glassine envelope。 The last enclosure is a bill in the amount of two hundred and fifty American men。 The General is astounded and outraged。 Two hundred and fifty dollars for a yid baseball player? And of course he is a yid; Hecksler can pick them out anywhere。 Look at that schnozzola; by the jacked…up Jesus! (Unaware that Honus Wagner's schnozzola is pretty much identical to Anthony Hecksler's own。) Iron…Guts takes the card out of its envelope; and soon the image of Honus Wagner has joined the other; considerably less valuable; confetti on Herb's desk。
  Hecksler begins to sing softly; a beer jingle: 〃Here's to you。 。 。 for all you do。 。 。 you des…ig…NAYY…ted Jew。 。 。〃
  There are the file cabinets。 He could tip them over; but what if someone below heard the thud? And it seems meaningless。 If he opens them; he knows what he'll find: just more paper。 He's ripped enough of that for one day; by God。 Also; he's getting a little pooped。 It's been a stressful morning (a stressful week; a stressful month; a stressful goddam life)。 If he could find one more thing。 。 。 one more meaningful thing。 。 。
  And there it is。 Most of the stuff on the walls is uninteresting…covers of books the D。 J。 has edited; photos of the D。 J。 with a number of men (and one woman) who the General supposes are writers but look to him suspiciously like wankers…but there's one picture that's different。 Not only is it set off from the others; in its own little space; but the Herb Porter in it has an actual expression on his face。 In the others; the best he's managed is a sort of oh…fuck…I'm…getting…my…goddam…picture…taken…again squint; but in this one he's actually smiling; and it is a smile of unquestionable love。 The woman he's smiling at is taller than the D。 J。 and looks about sixty。 Held in front of her is the sort of large black satchel purse which by law only woman of sixty or over may carry。
  Hecksler croons; 〃I see me; I see you; I see the mother; of a designated Jew。〃
  He pulls the picture from the wall; turns it over; and sees the sort of cardboard backing he would have expected。 Oh yes; he knows his man: sly tricks in front; cardboard backing behind。 Yowza。
  Hecksler pulls out the cardboard; then the picture of Herb and his beloved Marmar; which was taken at the twenty…fifth anniversary party Herb organized for his parents out on Montauk in 1978。 Iron…Guts drops trou (they go down fast; perhaps because of the large fold…up knife in the right front pocket); grabs one skinny butt…cheek and gives it a brisk sideways yank; the better to present the back door; the tan track; the everloving dirt road。 Then the former United States General; who was personally decorated by Dwight Eisenhower in 1954; rubs his ass briskly and thoroughly with this picture which Herb loves above all others。
  Gosh; what a time we're having!
  But good times wear a person out; especially an older person; especially an older bonkers person。 Enough be enough; as Amos might have said to Andy。 The General hauls up his pants; squares himself away; then sits down in Herb's office chair。 He did not pee in this chair; mostly because it never occurred to him; so the seat is nice and dry。
  He swivels slowly around and looks out Herb's window。 No view; just a few feet of empty space and then the windows of another office building。 Most of those are covered with venetian blinds; and where the blinds aren't drawn; the offices are perfectly still。 No doubt somewhere in that building; as in this; executives are squeezing in a little overtime; but not in sight of Herb Porter's window。
  The sun es slanting in on General Hecksler's face; cruelly spotlighting his age…roughened skin and the burst veins at his temples; another vein; this one blue; pulses steadily in the middle of his deeply lined forehead。 His eyelids are folded and wrinkled。 More and more of them bee visible as the General; who has dozed but not really slept in weeks; moves to the border which divides the land of wakefulness from that of Nod。
  They close all the way。 。 。 remain so; looking smoother now。 。 。 and then they open again; disclosing faded blue eyes which are wary and crazy and most of all tired unto death。 He has reached the border crossing…temporary peace lies beyond…but does he dare use it? Does he dare cross? There are so many enemies still; a world filled with scheming Jews; violent Italians; craven homosexuals; and thefty dance…footed Negros; so many sworn enemies of both the General and the country he has sworn to uphold。 。 。 and could they be here now? Even now?
  For a moment his lids take on their former wrinkled aspect as the eyes they guard open all the way; shifting in their sockets; but this only lasts a moment。 The voice that warned him in the reception area has fallen silent; but he can still smell a lingering effluvia of gunsmoke; as soothing as memory。
  Safe; that odor whispers。 It is; of course; the odor and the voice of Zenith; the mon ivy。 You're safe。 Home is the hunter; home from the hill; and you're safe for the next forty hours and more。 Sleep; General。 Sleep。
  General Hecksler knows good advice when he hears it。 Sitting in his enemy's chair; turned away from his enemy's desk (into which he has poured the piss of righteousness); General Hecksler sleeps。
  He cannot see the ivy which has already entered this room and grows invisibly around his shoes and up the walls。 Smelling gunpowder and dreaming of ancient battles; General Hecksler begins to snore。
  April 4; 1981 490 Park Avenue South New York City Skies fair; winds light; temperature 55 F。
  10:37 A。 M。
  When Frank DeFelice arrives at 490 Park Avenue South; stepping out of a Checker Cab and tipping a perfectly precise ten per cent; he's not in the same buoyant mood as George Patella the soft…drink fella; but he's every bit as preoccupied。 DeFelice works at Tallyrand Office Supply on the 7th floor; and he has forgotten some paperwork he needs in order to be ready for the pre…inventory meeting at 9 A。 M。 on Monday morning。 His intention is to simply dash up; 
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