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ed ground。 And Dhugal still grimaced every time he had to empty out another coffer and break it up for more torches。 Some of the boxes were beautifully made。
Thus; it was by torchlight that they swung back the door to enter the most recent tomb of their discovery…and it was very recent; indeed。 Evergreen boughs scattered on the floor around the bier were barely gone brown; and the tomb's occupant obviously had not been dead more than a week or two。
Nor had he been much older than themselves at the time of his death…certainly no more than twenty…five or thirty。 He lay; not in a log coffin like all but the most recent of his predecessors; but directly on a pall draping the bier of piled stones; all but his face muffled in a cloak and under…robe of fine; dark grey wool; rather than in armor。 The familiar; wide…meshed net of scarlet shrouded him from head to toe; but this one seemed to be woven of rough…spun wool rather than silk; and the drilled stones at the junctures were only stone; not shiral。 Even Kelson; his normal perceptions blurred by wine and with his powers still reduced to only a fraction of their former levels; could tell that no power was stored in the net。
Of more immediate interest; however; were the funerary tributes left on a small table near the head of the bier; flat rounds of bread; very stale but not yet even gone moldy; with sealed flasks that proved to contain ale which; far from being merely adequate; tasted almost like ambrosia to the two famished youths。 Their arrangement reminded Kelson of the bread and wine presented at the Offertory during Mass; and he pointed this out after he and Dhugal had wolfed down their first few; hurried bites…for with the discovery of palatable food; the first to pass their lips in many; many days; the urgency to see what lay beyond the ubiquitous next door had temporarily disappeared。
〃Well; whatever the reason they left it;〃 Dhugal said; wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve after taking a long pull at one of the flasks; 〃I'm glad they did。 They may just have saved our lives in the bargain。〃
〃I'll say;〃 Kelson mumbled around a mouthful of bread; as Dhugal leaned closer over the still; waxen face of the corpse。 〃What do you think killed this chap? He's awfully young。 And more important; how long do you think he's been here?〃
Dhugal shook his head。 〃I dunno。 A week? Two; at the outside。 Look at those evergreen boughs;〃 he added; poking at some of the debris beside the bier with his toe。 〃They're hardly brown at all; so they can't have been here long。〃
〃No; I suppose not。〃
When they had eaten and drunk their fill; replenishing their flask with ale and wrapping up the last two bread roundels in a corner of Dhugal's cloak hitched under his belt they approached the door。 Kelson was still a little unsteady on his feet; but he was feeling stronger than he had since regaining consciousness and he held the torch as Dhugal laid his hands on the door opposite where the bar must be; his free hand resting lightly on the back of Dhugal's neck to facilitate the link through which the other must draw。
He tolerated the drain far better than he had in the past; too; and was still standing when the door gave under Dhugal's hands and swung gently outwards。 This time; the room beyond was empty; though the door in the opposite wall was just as tightly closed as any of the others。 Kelson crouched down against it as Dhugal again laid his hands on the door; for though another drain of energy so quickly; without time for even partial recovery; would be hard on both of them; they knew this might spell an end to it all。 Beyond this last door could lie freedom。
Kelson breathed a deep sigh of relief when it was done; breathing in again; deeply; of fresh; cool air tinged with the scent of pine and wood…smoke; as the door swung slowly outward and he drew himself shakily to his feet by an edge of Dhugal's cloak。 More corridor lay beyond; with live torches stuck into the walls on either side…certain sign that they had regained civilization…and the air was no longer the still; moist atmosphere of the tomb cavern; though they could not yet see the outside。
〃Thank God!〃 Kelson whispered; as he and Dhugal hobbled toward the source of the breeze; gulping in deep lungfuls gratefully。 〃Dhugal; we did it! We're free!〃
But before they could get their bearings or go more than a dozen paces; they burst from the mouth of the cave into a clearing peopled by a score of shocked; startled men lounging around a bonfire。 Both groups simply froze and looked at one another for an interminable instant; one of the men by the fire surreptitiously crossing himself。 The motion freed at least the voice of another man; who started backing off。 murmuring; 〃An spiorad! The dead walk!〃
〃They aren't spirits!〃 another snapped。 〃They're brigands。 They've tried to rob the tuam coisrigte! Take them!〃
〃Robbers! Sacrilege!〃 the others took up the cry; as suddenly all of them were drawing weapons and swarming toward the two。
Kelson never had time to do more than wonder why they were under attack; too stunned even to draw the odd short sword at his belt…if; indeed; he had had the physical strength。 Dhugal had the presence of mind to draw his weapon; at the same time shouting for their attackers to hold off; that this was the king…but no one seemed to be listening。
Kelson struggled weakly as they were overrun; trying to tell them that he was no robber but their king…for surely the river could not have swept them all the way out of Gwynedd…but he was overshouted by frenzied orders to secure and bind them; not to listen to the words of blasphemers and perpetrators of sacrilege。
As they bore him to the ground; some of them babbling in a dialect Kelson did not understand; he caught a brief glimpse of a flailing Dhugal disappearing under a heap of at least six men; one of them with a choke…hold on him from behind; and Dhugal's freckled face going red。
But then; as Kelson continued fighting for his own life; already disarmed and his pounding head threatening to do him in; even if his captors did not; he saw the flash of a dagger in a burly fist; ing toward his head。
He tried to avoid it; to at least fend it off; but he could not move fast enough or far enough。 Pain exploded through his head; in the same area he had hit his head before; and everything immediately went black。

Fear not the sentence of death; remember them that have been before thee; and that e after。
Ecclesiasticus 41:3
Dhugal; too; was roughly handled; but he never lost consciousness during his capture…though he came close; when one of the men bore him backwards in a choke…hold; with others pinning his arms。 In hopes of curtailing any further violence to his person…for it was clear he could not hope to escape; at least for now…he made his body go limp and feigned unconsciousness。 The hands searching him were no less thorough after that; stripping off his cloak and belt after they had spread…eagled him on the ground; but at least the arm across his throat was released; and he was struck no more。
Even so; it was one of the most difficult shams Dhugal had ever had to maintain…for he had seen the king go down; and the dea
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