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〃No you're not。〃
〃It isn't your arm that's being amputated!〃
〃That's true。〃
Shifting his grip beneath Kelson's arm that was through; Dhugal began twisting and pulling。
〃Arch your back a little; if you can。 Shift more to your right。 We don't want to have to spend another few hours making the hole bigger。〃
〃We're going to have to;〃 Kelson gasped。 〃I'm stuck。〃
〃You're not stuck。〃
〃Dhugal; I'm leaving skin behind!〃
〃That's all right。 You're nearly through。 Easy now…I've nearly got your other arm free。 Try to squirm a little to your left; if you can; and…there we go!〃
Kelson cried out as Dhugal drew him the rest of the way through; almost sobbing as both of them fell in a tangle of flailing limbs; fortunately cushioned by the heap of their cloaks。 Dhugal rolled to a sitting position at once and scrambled to help Kelson; but the king only shook his head and curled into a ball; clutching at his groin and sucking in breath between clenched teeth。
〃Are you all right?〃 Dhugal demanded。
〃I will be; in a minute;〃 Kelson grunted; white…faced; as Dhugal helped him to sit; 〃though I don't know if I can say the same about future Haldane heirs。〃
Dhugal did his best not to chuckle。
〃Sorry; but it was a little late to push you back through and start over。 You aren't really hurt; are you?〃
〃Only my pride。〃 Shakily; Kelson eased to his knees and then to his feet with Dhugal's help。 〃Let's have a closer look at what we've stumbled into。〃
In addition to the fresco on the wall with the door; there was one where they had just broken through; though unknown years of moisture had rendered the subject matter unrecognizable。
Of more immediate interest; however; was the body。 The fabric covering it fell away in shreds at Dhugal's tentative touch; and he leaned closer to peer inside as its disintegration revealed that the coffin had no lid。
〃Well; would you look at this?〃 he murmured; as Kelson staggered closer。
The remains were skeletal; though the leather and metal of the brigandine in which the man had been buried were still intact。 The wool of his arming coat and breeches crumbled almost at a breath to show yellowed bone beneath。 The skull was encased in a crested helm whose like had not been seen in Gwynedd in several centuries。
But what had arrested Dhugal's attention was not the armor; Kelson saw as he laid his hands on the coffin edge to inspect its contents more closely; but a regular pattern of scarlet threads laid over the entire body like a net; the openings perhaps a hand's breadth wide。 And each intersection of the threads was knotted with what appeared to be a small; greyish stone; drilled through the center to take the thread。
〃What is it?〃 Kelson whispered; glancing up at Dhugal in question。
Dhugal shook his head and held a hand close over one of the stones。
〃I dunno。 Something magical; I should think。 A protective charm of some sort? It's all dissipated now; so far as I can tell; but there's a residue of some sort of energy。〃
〃You're asking me?〃
〃Well; it's a cinch I can't tell; right now;〃 Kelson replied。 〃What do you think it's made of?〃
Dhugal fingered one of the threads cautiously。 〃Silk? And some of the stones have traces of shiral; unless I miss my guess。 It's all awfully old; though。 I've never seen anything like it。 I wish Father and Duke Alaric were here。〃
Kelson sighed; glancing around the rest of the room。 Now that they had satisfied their immediate curiosity about its occupant; the priorities of escape and survival began to resume their former places of prominence in his mind。 The door to which Dhugal was returning remained the immediate barrier to the former; but Kelson was startled to realize that the chamber's two end walls; defined by the natural stone of the cavern; were stacked knee…high with the vague hulk of funerary offerings…pottery jars; rotted baskets; moldering wooden caskets…and food and wine were among the items traditionally included in such offerings。 Even as he turned to say something to Dhugal; the other was circling back in that direction; picking up what was left of his dagger as he passed the heap of their cloaks。
〃Do you think any of these are still good?〃 Kelson asked; as Dhugal began prising at the stopper in the nearest one。 
〃We'll soon see;〃 Dhugal replied。 〃I certainly hope so。〃
The stopper popped out; and Dhugal peered inside。 After a few seconds' scrutiny; he dipped into the jar; bringing up a handful of musty looking grain。
〃Well; we're on the right track…though I don't think I'm quite hungry enough to try munching on moldy grain just yet。 I was hoping for some wine。 The temperature's probably pretty constant down here; so wine could have aged rather well; if it was properly sealed。 We might end up working a little tipsy; but it's nourishing…and our water's gone。〃
They did find ajar of wine; after a few more tries。 It was sour but drinkable。 After a few swallows; Dhugal went back to the blank door and knelt down to lay his hands flat against the wood where a latch ought to be。 Kelson watched as his foster brother's eyes closed and his breathing slowed; wishing he were not so helpless。 But even thinking seriously about trying to use his own powers made his head hurt。
〃It's just a sliding bar across the other side;〃 Dhugal said; after a minute or two; not opening his eyes。 〃I think I can move it; but it's awfully heavy。 I'm going to need your help。〃
〃I don't know how much help I can be;〃 Kelson said; ing to stand beside Dhugal; 〃but I'll do what I can。〃
〃Sit down against the door and try to open your mind for a link; so I can draw energy;〃 Dhugal murmured; slipping his right hand around the back of Kelson's neck as the king plied。 〃I'll try not to push you too hard。〃
Kelson closed his eyes and did his best to relax; but there was little reservoir from which to draw; and the very drawing caused him a great deal of disfort。 Nonetheless; the sound of wood against wood came from the other side of the door after a seemingly endless time of that disfort; and then the door moved behind him。 He snapped out of his trance with a groan and a nearly blinding headache; barely able to make his eyes focus as he turned on hands and knees to look when Dhugal swung the door outward。
Beyond lay another chamber very like the one they were in; with another door in the opposite wall and another tree…trunk coffin set across the floor; the rotting funeral pall festooning it in shreds。 Dhugal got slowly to his feet and circled haltingly to the next door; but it; too; was barred from the other side。 He made a fist and started to slam it against the wood; then pulled the blow at the last moment and merely set his fist against the door; briefly bowing his forehead against it。 He tried to smile as he turned at last to look at Kelson; but the hollow dullness of despair was in his eyes。
〃Well; it's clear this place wasn't designed with us in mind;〃 he said softly。 〃Who would have thought anyone would be trying to get out; once these doors were closed?〃
〃Do you think this one's the same as the other?〃 Kelson asked; as he hauled himself groggily to his feet by the first door's latch。
〃Probably;〃 Dhugal replied。 〃And there's simply no way to get 
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