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ly on Conall's head; careful not to touch the oil still glistening there。
〃Conall Blaine Cluim Uthyr Haldane。 Though the cords of the nether world enmesh thee; though the snares of death surge about thee; thou shalt fear no evil。 With His pinions the Lord will cover thee; and under His wings thou shalt take refuge。〃 He lifted his hands and made the sign of the cross over Conall's bowed head。 〃In Nomine Patris et Fils et Spirit us Sancti; Amen。〃
And then; kneeling at Conall's left; Duncan lifted his hands in final entreaty; as he had lifted them similarly for Kelson; what seemed a lifetime ago。
〃Domine; fiat voluntas tuas。〃 Lord; let it be done according to Thy will。
Drawing only a single; final breath to brace himself for what he was about to do; Conall shifted the lion brooch slightly in his right hand to steady his grip; poised the point of the clasp against the center of the left palm; and thrust the metal home。

They have pierced my hand。
Psalms 22:16
It hurt far more than Conall had expected。 The impaling pin seared like molten metal as it slid between the bones of his hand。 The pain took his breath away; doubling him up like a kick in the stomach; hardly even able to gasp; much less cry out。
And yet; there was something besides the pain…something besides his awareness; gently blurred by medication; of the power that was already his。 Through the burning that centered in his palm; he could feel it like the buzz of a trapped insect; beating to be released…only mildly distracting at first; but increasingly irritating; for his inability to focus on it。 Gritting his teeth against the pain; he pressed the heel of his good hand harder against the cool sleekness of the brooch; as if the added pressure might capture whatever it was between his hands; might pinion it the same way the brooch pinioned his hand。
The second medication was having its effects; too。 He could feel the new drug reinforcing the first; but he knew them both from his times with Tiercel…and knew that he could ride their effects; that they would not force him into betrayal; but only facilitate his mastering of whatever else was stirring with increasing insistence inside him。
That something else was rising like a gale within his mind; but it did not precisely threaten…though he was far from fortable。 Power there was…even more than had been within his grasp before; and that had not been inconsiderable…but this new and different sort of power was there for his using; not to be ordered by any other living soul。 The clasp of the brooch burned in his hand; almost as if the very metal were growing hotter; but he knew that to be but a reaction of his physical body。 The power was another thing; apart and alien; yet at the same time known and now pletely controllable。 He could feel it pulsing stronger with every heartbeat; filling up the empty spots; bringing new knowledge into being and casting old; only half…understood knowledge into sharper focus; so that even the jumbled material he had gained from Tiercel became accessible in its fullness; so far as it went。
He reveled in it。 He floated on the tide of the ecstasy of knowledge and let himself flow with it…though he kept his pressure on the brooch so that the pain in his hand would keep him firmly anchored in his body。 For; though it would have been tempting to surrender wholly to the power coiling within him; he worried that if he opened himself too fully; his shielding might slip to the point that the others could read him and know that he was not what he had seemed。
So he slumped even lower over his clasped hands; his breathing still a little ragged in response to the white heat concentrated in his left hand; and set his mind to assimilating all that had been brought to conscious levels and was still surfacing。
Not all of it was pleasant。 There was a brief; thorny moment when the ghosts of what he had done rose up to threaten him…first Tiercel's face; frozen with horrified inprehension as he went over backwards on the stair that claimed his life; and then his father; hands lifted in futile warding off as Conall's flare of guilt…spurred anger; powered by forbidden magic; enfolded him in death within life and left only a slowly dying shell。
That latter almost set Conall to sobbing; for he truly had not wanted to harm his own father。 It simply had…happened…and he still was not sure how or why。 Trembling; he tried to regain his equilibrium…but the newly stirred forces churning within were not yet finished with him。
Any of the other three kneeling around him would have understood what happened next; but Conall did not。 As he banished the accusing face of his father from his mind's eye; another began slowly to take its place…and this one also looked little pleased with what it saw。
A pale; roundish face framed by a cap of quicksilver hair; sensitive mouth set in mute; stem contemplation; grey eyes like a Haldane's; that seemed to have nothing behind them 。but the darker grey of the cowl pushed back slightly from the head。 The eyes caught and held Conall; so that he felt they must draw his very soul out of his body。 He whimpered once and cringed harder into a ball as hands joined the face; reaching toward him。
But then; from somewhere; he was drawing the strength to resist that pulsion F raising a barrier of crimson light between himself and that other presence; banishing it at last from all contact。 It was not easy; but he finally succeeded。
He huddled motionless for a little while after that; gradually regaining equilibrium; and finally even his breathing steadied as the pain in his hand began to be controllable with his new…found mastery of his power。 Tiercel's memories; too; seemed to have settled into orderly stability; the knowledge gained now totally accessible。
He spent a few minutes confirming and testing; aware that the drugs in his body had reached maximum effect and he was still able to exercise his own will。 Then he drew a deep; careful breath and slowly straightened; sitting back on his heels and cradling what was now just a brooch in his left hand。
〃Conall?'' he heard Morgan murmur; just barely audible。
Though he tried to be careful; Conall jarred the end of the clasp protruding from the back of his hand and he sucked in breath between his teeth at the new pain。 But Duncan was already scrambling closer; Morgan gently prising loose his right hand while Duncan uncurled the left fingers so he could remove the brooch。 Even though the metal pin was polished smooth; it hurt ing out; and Conall let the pain show; rather than damping it down; for it had occurred to him that perhaps he was not reacting enough to account for what supposedly had happened。 His father had reported losing consciousness after even the abbreviated working to set the Haldane potential; and Conall had the impression that Kelson; too; had swooned away at the collective effect of his assumption of power。 Perhaps Conall should pretend to faint。
But Arilan was kneeling eagerly before him and watching with keen interest; apparently well pleased with his reaction。 And Duncan; though he cleaned the wounds in Conall's hand with something that stung ferociously; back and palm; soon took away p
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