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ling。 Even if you don't love me now; do you not think you might learn to love me?〃
As he pressed a kiss to her palm again; then let his tongue linger for just an instant to caress the smooth skin; teasing; he felt her shudder。 And a very cautious probe; out from under his double shields; found her own shields in chaos; as she apparently found no reason to be on guard against his mind。
Her body was a different story; however。 He knew that she was responding to him and that it disturbed her。 She was not afraid that he might try to take advantage…though she should have been…but her own body was only barely held in check。 He was annoyed to find that she pared his touch to Kelson's; but reassured to note that the parison was favorable。
〃Ah; I'd forgotten something;〃 he said; releasing her hand to reach into his tunic and withdraw the parchment he had just had Cardiel sign。 〃I saw Archbishop Cardiel this morning; and he thought you might like to have this now; rather than waiting for the official writ in a day or two。〃
As he handed it to her; she blanched; her hands trembling as she opened the stiff parchment and scanned the few words Cardiel had penned。
〃I'll be released;〃 she whispered dully。 〃Why did he give this to you?〃
〃Because I told him I want to marry you。〃
〃You…told him。〃
Slowly she crumpled the parchment against her breast; faring into the fire; tears welling in her eyes; not resisting when he took the parchment from her hands and set it beside Her on the bench。 Nor did she pull back when he took her hand again; cradling it between his two as he stared up at her longingly。
〃Marry me; Rothana;〃 he whispered; conveying all the yearning he dared; with mind as well as with voice and body。 〃Be my queen and my love。 There's nothing to stop you now。 You're free to do as you choose。〃
Sadly; she shook her head。 〃No; not free; my lord。 I am as much a prisoner of duty as you are。 More; perhaps; for I have been bred to what I am; while your duty is new…e。〃
〃And is Gwynedd so unpleasant a prison?〃 he asked。 〃Would you find me so abhorrent a jailer?〃
〃It…isn't that; my lord; as you must surely know。 It is only that…it is so soon。〃
〃I share your despair at that; dear heart;〃 he agreed。 〃It is far too soon for the burdens being laid upon me; but sometimes we have no choice。 If you will share those burdens; We can make of our prison a palace; I promise。 We shall be the fairest king and queen ever to rule this noble kingdom; and I shall be your lord and love; and live only to make you happy。〃
He laid his head in her lap as he spoke; slipping his arms around her waist; and after a few seconds; when she did not pull back; he raised his head to graze his lips against her breasts。 She moaned at that; closing her eyes; and even through the stiff wool of her habit; he could feel her response。
That realization brought him to his feet; drawing her after him; to enfold her in his arms and press his mouth to hers。 After a few seconds; as her lips parted beneath his; he swept the coif from her night…black hair; releasing its braid to tumble wantonly down her back and graze her buttocks; as one of his hands was doing。 She made a tiny; whimpering sound; deep in her throat; but he did not relent; drawing her with him to ever increasing depths of arousal as his kiss lingered。
Pulling back; as Kelson had done that night Conall watched them in the garden; was almost more than he could manage; for Conall wanted her more than ever; but the value of a royal and virgin bride was almost beyond price for a king…or a future king…and he did not want to risk her denunciation; if he took her here and now; in her present state of vulnerability; and she later regretted it。
So he did pull back; still hardly daring to believe that; without coercion; she had agreed to marry him。 But it was only then that it occurred to him that; indeed; she had not yet said she would。
〃Will you marry me; Rothana?〃 he whispered。
But when uncertainty showed in her eyes; spilling over from her churning shields; he kissed her again; soundly; thrusting his tongue lingeringly past her lips until he thought he must explode from that alone。 He was shaking as he drew back again; to gaze into her eyes; and she was shaking; too。 But this time; she did not shrink from his gaze as he held her there; gazing down into her teary brown eyes。
〃Marry me; Rothana;〃 he repeated。 〃You can't deny there's something between us。〃
Shuddering again; as if exerting all her strength to pull herself together; Rothana nodded。
〃I will;〃 she mouthed; so silently he could not hear her。
〃Say it louder;〃 he demanded; grinning with wonder。 〃Say; Conall Haldane; I will marry you!〃
She managed a ghost of a smile and gave him a little nod。
〃Conall Haldane; I…will marry you;〃 she said。
He crushed her hard against him for several seconds then; breathing of the heady perfume of her hair but refraining from any further intimacies; now that he had her promise; and after a while he let her go; with a scarce…breathed murmur of his thanks。 He used the time it took her to tidy her person and put her coif back on to bring his own emotions back into order; bridling his elation and manding his body to quiescence with several deep; well…disciplined breaths。
He would pay for that later; when he tried to sleep; but it was worth it; for the present。 All his dreams and desires were now within his grasp; could he but contain his impatience。 He had only to endure the power ritual planned for him the next night; without betraying himself; and he would have all the Haldane power validly confirmed。 As soon as the banns could be read after that; he and Rothana would be wed。
For now; though; and until that time came; he must keep his ambitions in check a while longer。 Enjoining her not to speak of their betrothal to anyone save Cardiel; if she must… and for the same reasons he had given the archbishop…he gave her leave to go; waiting a few minutes after she had gone; to lessen the likelihood that anyone would note that she had spent time alone with him。
Thus Conall Haldane was smug and quite pleased with himself as he returned to his quarters to adopt at least the semblance of meditation and fasting required for the next twenty…four hours; for with Rothana wedded to him and the Haldane power officially confirmed in him by Morgan and Duncan themselves; no one could defy him。 In fact; he doubted that even a resurrected Kelson would be able to stand against him!
Not that he believed; for even a moment; that Kelson was still alive。。。

Kelson was still alive; of course; but still not really himself。 Though he had recovered enough to maintain a reasonable pace; as he and Dhugal hiked through seemingly endless caverns; he plained almost constantly of headaches; and his memory of how to use his powers did not e back。 He was strong enough to walk mostly under his own power…which was more than Dhugal could say; at times; as his ankle continued to pain with every step…and he ate what Dhugal put before him; but the king seemed to have lost focus and sometimes went for hours without uttering a word; as he and Dhugal trekked on。
The days passed…or so Dhugal presumed; for he had lost all notion of time as 
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