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 be tapped for additional power; if it's required。 Any questions?
There were none。 Morgan ceased to worry about Nivard after the first few seconds; as he sent out his call to the missing king。 Before the working was plete; he drew deeply on the young priest; too。
But though they cast in the direction of Saint Bearand's for nearly an hour; searching first for Kelson and then for Dhugal; and alternating between the two; no sign of either was forthing。 By the time they dismantled the link and dispelled the wards; all three of them were drained and exhausted; and both Morgan and Duncan were forced to admit that further attempts were probably futile。
〃I kept hoping;〃 Morgan murmured; his voice hoarse and unsteady as he ran a spell to banish fatigue。 〃I still can't believe they both could be dead; and us not have known。 But to find no sign。。。〃
He and Duncan were very subdued as they followed Nivard quietly into the chapel to make the long Portal jump back to Rhemuth。

Nor were their spirits raised by the news awaiting them at the capital。 That Nigel should have succumbed to so human a weakness as a seizure was ironic; after everything else that had happened; but the evidence was there before their eyes as they visited the royal bedside with Arilan; shortly after their arrival; and heard the physicians' opinion when they had withdrawn to another room。 。
〃He hasn't gotten any worse;〃 Father Lael told them; 〃but he's made absolutely no improvement; either。 Usually; if they're going to recover; there's been some change after this long。〃
〃He isn't responsive at all?〃 Duncan asked。
Lael shook his head。 〃Not really。 His heartbeat is strong; his breathing is regular and even; and we do get some of the standard reflexes you might expect; but he's deep in a。 We're getting clear soups and broths down him; so he's taking some sustenance; but that's a losing proposition; in the long run。 He's lost weight already。 If nothing else happens to change things; he'll last a few months; at best。〃
Morgan sighed and glanced down at his boots。 He had managed to isolate a great deal of the emotion he felt at learning of Nigel's illness; for hope still remained as long as Nigel was not actually dead; but its weight; on top of Kelson's and Dhugal's loss; had pushed him even nearer the brink of sheer exhaustion。 He palmed both hands across his eyes while he ran through his fatigue banishing spell again; aware that there must e an end to that soon; then glanced blearily at Duncan; who was hardly the better for wear。 Both of them knew they had things to discuss with Arilan now that were not for human ears。
〃Thank you for briefing us。 Father;〃 Duncan said to Lael; dismissing him with a nod。 〃You probably ought to get back to your patient。〃
〃Of course。 If you need me; you have only to call。〃
When he had gone; Duncan turned his focus on Arilan。 He had a feeling Arilan knew precisely what the next topic was going to be。
〃Well; what now?〃 Duncan asked softly。 〃Obviously; this raises difficult questions vis…a…vis the Haldane inheritance。 Denis; when we returned; we were prepared to bring Nigel to power。 Obviously; that won't be possible now; if ever。 Does the Council have an opinion about this?〃
Before Arilan could answer; Morgan snorted and folded bis arms across his chest。 〃Of course they have an opinion on it。 When have you ever known the Council not to have an opinion on any given topic; whether it concerns them or not?〃
〃Rudeness is hardly called for; I think;〃 Arilan said evenly。 〃I'll forgive it because I know the strain under which you've been operating。 As it happens; the transfer of the Haldane power is of vital concern to the Council…and yes; they do have an opinion。 They want Conall confirmed as the Haldane heir; and his powers fully activated; even if he can't be crowned as long as Nigel lives。〃
Duncan gasped。 〃But can that be done; with Nigel still alive? Besides; Nigel was already partially confirmed in the powers。〃
〃Yes; but he's now incapable of succeeding to Kelson's powers and incapable of passing on what he does have。 It will be tricky; I'll grant you; but we estimate that it should be possible to strip away what was given to Nigel and confer it all on Conall。 Of course; that would preclude Nigel ever taking up the crown; if he should recover; but you heard Lael。 This isn't really likely。〃
Morgan snorted。 〃I'm half surprised they don't just remedy the situation; if it's a problem;〃 he muttered。 〃A convenient pillow held to a helpless invalid's face or something…that's just about their style。 And it would make all their job's easier; wouldn't it?〃
〃Don't you think you're being a little harsh?〃 Arilan countered。
〃Not really。〃 Morgan turned half…away; his hands clasped behind his back; and gazed out a nearby window。 〃How does Conall feel about the whole situation? Is he ready to write off his father; just to satisfy the noble Council's notions of what constitutes appropriate transmission of the Haldane power?〃
〃As a matter of fact;〃 Arilan said; setting both fists on his waist; 〃Prince Conall is far more of a realist than either of you seem to be。 It's nearly April; after all。 There's an entire season of fighting weather ahead of us; if Gwynedd's enemies should decide to take advantage of the fact that the throne is currently unstable。 And as regent; he's the one who's going to have to take the consequences of what men like the three of us decide in the next few days。〃
〃Conall as king in all but name;〃 Morgan breathed; shaking his head as he rubbed again at his eyes。 〃The mind boggles。〃
〃He is Nigel's son;〃 Duncan reminded him; 〃and King Donal Blaine's grandson。〃
〃He's also very immature;〃 Morgan replied。 〃I know。 He was with Kelson and me for the first part of the campaign last summer。 Nor have I seen any particular evidence that he's grown up much; since。 Fathering a child does not necessarily make a boy a man。〃
〃A child?〃 Arilan frowned。 〃I've heard nothing of a child。〃
Duncan sighed and shook his head。 〃It isn't born yet; so far as I know;〃 he murmured。 〃Court gossip had it due around the end of the summer。 The mother's a country maid。 He keeps her in a cottage about an hour's ride outside the city。〃
〃Hmmm;〃 Arilan said; stroking his narrow chin。 〃He hasn't gone and married the girl or anything stupid; has he?〃
〃No。〃 Duncan laced his fingers together。 〃She's just a royal mistress…has been for close on a year; from what I hear。 He may be immature; Denis; but he isn't stupid。 He's saved his hand in marriage for a princess worthy of his blood。〃
〃Which he'll need to find; as soon as possible; if he has a bastard about to be born。 We can't have the succession disputed; once he's king in name as well as in fact。〃
〃Good God; Nigel isn't even dead yet!〃 Morgan breathed。 〃Can't you let the poor boy be? There's time enough for him to find a wife。 We were content to let Kelson take his time。 Isn't if bad enough that he's going to have to assume the power while Nigel's still alive?〃
〃The matter of the heir is an important one;〃 Arilan said icily。 〃However; if you would prefer; steps can be taken to ensure that Conall's bastard is never born。〃
The threat brought Morgan up short; for he knew Arilan co
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