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 of Brendan's lands?〃
Agonizing inside; Morgan came and took her hand; though he kept his mind tightly shielded from any attempt she might have made to pry。
〃No;〃 he said softly; 〃you've done very well。 And I'm sure you would do as well for Corwyn; if I made you regent。 Better; because you are here; while you govern Marley mostly in absentia。'〃
〃Then; why?〃
〃e and sit down with me; and I'll try to tell you;〃 he said; starting to draw her toward the benches facing one another in the window embrasure。 〃Or would you and our son be more fortable in bed?〃
〃Our son is perfectly content where he is;〃 Richenda replied; pulling back when he would have changed direction to draw her toward their sleeping chamber; though she did manage a sheepish smile。 〃And his mother knows better than to get into bed with his father when she hopes to learn anything of serious import。〃
Morgan smiled halfheartedly。 〃Now; would I try to seduce a woman who's eight months gone with child?〃
〃I'm sure we could find some mutually satisfying dalliance;〃 she replied coyly; now drawing him into the window embrasure。 〃However; I suspect that such diversion; pleasant though it undoubtedly would be; might also divert a certain gentleman from revealing what he has promised。〃
〃I didn't precisely promise;〃 Morgan said; as she settled on one of the benches and braced a pillow against the small of her back。
〃You said you would tell me why you haven't let me be your regent;〃 Richenda said。 〃As far as I'm concerned; that's a promise。〃
〃Very well。〃
Morgan sighed and sat opposite her; twisting at his gryphon signet as he rested his forearms on his knees。
〃You said earlier that you aren't even mistress of this house;〃 he said after a few seconds' pause。 〃In a sense; that's true; though the problem lies in a totally different quadrant from what you might think。〃
〃What do you mean?〃
〃Well; it didn't take long for the servants to accept you; when I brought you home as my wife。 They're paid to do their jobs; and…no slight intended toward you; but…I suspect they would have accepted almost anyone that their bachelor duke brought home to be his duchess。〃
Richenda nodded carefully。 〃It took a while; even so; but we were hardly here that first year or so; what with one thing and another。〃
〃True。 The problem isn't with my officers; either。 Hillary adores you; and I think Hamilton looks upon you almost as the daughter he never had。 Nor need I justify Master Randolph or Father Tagas; I think。〃
〃But there are those who are opposed to me;〃 Richenda guessed。 〃Alaric; what in the world for? I've never done anything to any of your people。 I've never been anything but loyal to you and your interests。〃
〃Ah; there's a key word…loyalty;〃 Morgan said。 〃And it's apparently a subject of concern among the junior officers and the men。〃
〃My loyalty?〃 Richenda asked; astonished。
Morgan turned his face toward the window; wishing the sun warming his face could warm his soul; for he did not want to tell Richenda this。
〃Your loyalty;〃 he repeated。 〃Because of Bran。〃
He watched her in his peripheral vision。 At first he thought she would not catch what he was driving at…and he did not want to say it。 But though she went white; one hand clenching into a fist down in the folds other skirt; where she thought he could not see it; she only closed her eyes briefly and then herself turned her face toward the sun streaming in through the window。
〃Because my first husband was a traitor; they fear that I will be; too;〃 she said after a moment。
〃In a word; yes。〃
She swallowed audibly; but she did not break her numb staring into the sunlight。
〃I won't speak against him; Alaric;〃 she said softly。 〃I know he died in dishonor; at Kelson's hand…and Kelson had not only the right but the duty to do what he did。 It was a mercy; in the long reckoning。 But Bran Coris was my husband and the father of my first…born; and he loved me in his way。 Nor do I think he chose a traitor's part willingly。 I shall believe until the day I die that Wencit of Torenth seduced him into treason。〃
〃Seduced or not; that does not absolve him of the responsibility for his actions。〃
〃Of course it doesn't。 Bran had a taste for power that was not being satisfied as a fairly minor earl of King Brion's court。 I knew that and accepted it; for the sake of peace between us and the hope of raising Brendan to a better life one day。
〃But to suggest that I would follow Bran in treason… that's preposterous! Why; even if they suspected me of the most base and mercenary motives imaginable; what more could I possibly hope to gain than what I already have? I am wife to the most powerful man in all the Eleven Kingdoms; after the king himself…unless; of course; they fear I will seek the crown。〃 She laid a hand on his arm in horror。 〃Alaric; they don't think that; do they?〃
Morgan chuckled mirthlessly。 〃Oddly enough; it doesn't seem to be your loyalty to Kelson that's in question…except indirectly; perhaps。〃
〃But loyalty is the issue?〃
〃But; if not to Kelson; then; to whom?〃
〃To me。〃
〃To you?〃
Morgan turned to look at her as he nodded。
〃To me。〃
〃But…why? Have I ever given you any cause to doubt me?〃
〃Of course not。 Now perhaps you understand why I've been so reluctant to tell you about this。〃
〃But; what possible reason could they have to think me disloyal?〃
〃As near as I can determine; the main reason is called Brendan;〃 Morgan said。
〃Darling; I never pretended you were going to like what I had to say。 I'd hoped I'd never have to tell you; it's all so insane。〃
〃But he's only a little boy…〃
〃He's your son by another marriage;〃 Morgan said bluntly; cutting her off。 〃When our first child was a girl; they feared you might eventually try to push her aside and give Brendan the precedence in Corwyn that should be reserved for our son。 I'm hoping that once Kelric is born; and it's known that I have no intention of allowing the two boys' inheritances to mingle; or to cut either one out of what is rightfully his; the objections will finally die down。 They'll both be your sons; after all…each with a sizable fortune to inherit in his own right。〃
〃And your people actually believe this?〃 she asked; still unable to believe it herself。
〃Not necessarily the people; but the men;〃 Morgan replied。 〃Or so I'm told。 And certainly not all of them; though apparently there are enough that Hillary has been fearful of precipitating a general mutiny; if you were put in charge and anything were to happen in my absence…whether or not it was your fault。 My men are rather fiercely loyal; in case you hadn't noticed。〃
〃And they expect that your wife is not; simply because her first husband betrayed his overlord? Alaric; that isn't fair。〃
〃I didn't say it was fair; I'm simply reporting what I've been told。 And with everything else I've had on my mind; there simply hasn't been time to track down the truth of the matter。〃
〃Well; you could have told me before this;〃 she pouted。 〃I wonder if you have any idea the kinds of things I was imagining for why you wouldn't give me my wife's due。 I…〃
A knock at the outer door cut her off in mid…statement; and Morgan gave her an apologetic shrug as he rose a
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