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elf; trying not to let it turn into a yawn。
〃Give me a moment before you e through;〃 Duncan added; 〃and I'll put him to sleep。〃
〃It looks like you could use the sleep。 Are you sure you're up to this? I can take us both through; you know。〃
〃And Shandon will see you;〃 Duncan replied。 〃Besides; it's possible he isn't alone。 Don't worry; I'll sleep after you've gone to deal with your precious Council。 See you in Rhemuth。〃
He flashed Arilan a game smile as he stepped onto the circle; but he did not wait for any further objection。 Closing his eyes; he reached his mind into the tangle of power he could already feel throbbing under his feet。 The Portal was a potent one and required far less effort than he had anticipated to lock into its pattern。 As he reached for the link in the study Portal; he wondered briefly whether active use reinforced Portals。
Then he drew the link closed with his mind and felt the pit of his stomach give a little wrench; and he was in close darkness; in the familiar confines of the Portal in his study。
He drew a deep breath to steady his balance and felt for the stud that would open the door。 He thrust beyond the door with his mind; but only Shandon's presence radiated; prayerfully immersed in supplications for the dead; as Duncan had expected。 The priest was kneeling beside the pall…covered coffin; his back to Duncan。 Even as the opening door stirred the tapestry covering it and Shandon turned in alarm; Duncan was slipping from behind to slide one arm around the man's shoulders; his other forefinger going to his lips in a sign for silence as his mind seized Shandon's。
〃Relax; Father;〃 he whispered; just before shifting his further mands to a non…verbal level。 〃And when you've carried out my instructions; you'll remember none of this。〃
By the time Arilan came through; a few minutes later; Shandon had left on his errand and Duncan was folding back the pall to expose Tiercel's shrouded body to the waist。 He had already dispersed the wards。 He backed off and sat down near the fire as Arilan approached; letting himself doze again while the other bishop spent long moments with his hands on the forehead of the corpse。
〃Nothing;〃 Arilan finally said。
The word brought Duncan back to consciousness with a start。
〃I told you there wouldn't be。〃
〃Yes; so you did。 Where is Shandon? Wasn't he here?〃
Duncan leaned his head wearily against the high back of his chair and smiled; knowing Arilan would see the intended second meaning behind what he was about to say。
〃I sent him to fetch Nigel。 It seemed like a good idea for someone to know we're both here; especially since he thinks we're still in Valoret。 He is the regent in Kelson's absence; after all。〃
Chuckling; Arilan came to sit on the edge of the table next to Duncan。 〃You don't quite trust me; do you?〃
〃Should I?〃
〃Well; if I were trying to deceive you; I should say yes; whether it were true or not; so what good is that question? But I give you my word; as a Deryni and as a priest; that our present dealings have nothing to do with our past differences regarding the Council or your status as a cleric。 Read the truth of what I say。 Go ahead。 You've gone to a great deal of trouble to do me a personal favor; and I shan't take advantage of the situation。 I would like to see how you found Tiercel's body; however。〃
〃Make your probe; then;〃 Duncan said; smiling again as he closed his eyes。 〃I'll help you all I can。 I'm so tired; I don't know whether I could resist if I had to; so I'm glad you promised not to make me fight you。〃
As he slipped into trance; Arilan's mind edging close behind him; he sensed the impression of gentle; even affectionate laughter; quickly overshadowed by a warm; fortable grey ness; reinforced by Arilan's hand across his eyes; which carried him swiftly to depths so far from consciousness that he was only barely aware of his memory being sifted; carefully restrained to only the subject of Tiercel。
The next thing he knew; someone was knocking on the door; and he was bobbing back up to consciousness; curiously refreshed for the short time he knew he had been under; and Arilan's hand was leaving him。 He opened his eyes to see Nigel standing over him; Arilan to one side。 Beyond them。 Father Shandon was closing the door。
〃Are you all right?〃 Nigel asked。
〃I'm fine。 Just tired。 What time is it now?〃
〃Just past noon。 How long have you been here?〃
Duncan smiled。 〃Only long enough for Father Shandon to go and get you。 But not quite three hours ago; I was just riding into Valoret。 At least I know where another Portal is。〃
Nigel nodded grimly。 〃Should Shandon be hearing all this?〃
Shaking his head; Arilan took the priest's arm and directed him; glassy…eyed; toward the prie…dieu in the far corner of the room; facing away from them。
〃Go and pray awhile; Father;〃 he murmured; 〃and remember nothing of what you've heard and seen。〃 As the priest obeyed; Arilan turned back to Duncan and Nigel。
〃You've been a great help。 Now I'd like to take Tiercel to his brethren。 Will you help me get him to the Portal? I can manage from there alone。 Duncan; I don't expect to need your direct testimony; but I'd appreciate it if you could stand by; just in case。 Get some sleeps by all means; but do it here; if you don't mind。〃
When Arilan had gone with his grisly burden; Duncan did just that; curling up on the carpet and a pile of cloaks before the fire; with Nigel to watch and Shandon praying in the corner。

We will return and build the desolate places。
Malachi 1:4
Arilan; when he returned some hours later; was able to inform Duncan that he would not need to testify to the Camberian Council regarding his finding of Tiercel's body; but the Council was interested in having Arilan query Dhugal as to how and why Tiercel might have happened to be in the passageway connecting with Dhugal's quarters。
〃Surely they don't think Dhugal had anything to do with Tiercel's death;〃 Duncan said; rubbing sleep from his eyes as Arilan crouched by the hearth to warm his hands。
Arilan shook his head。 〃Of course not。 Everything points to an accident。 It's possible that Dhugal heard or saw something; however; if he was in his quarters when it happened… which is by no means certain; though we did narrow down the time of death somewhat。〃
〃Really? You can do that?〃
〃Oh; yes。 We estimate a week to ten days ago; based on the absence of any psychic traces。 That would place it right around the time Kelson and the others left; perhaps a little before。〃
As Duncan propped himself up on his elbows; Nigel edged forward in the chair where he had been napping while he waited with Duncan; awake now。 They had moved Father Shandon to the hidden chapel; deep in forced sleep。
〃Hmmm; I suppose Tiercel might have cried out when he fell;〃 Duncan agreed。 〃Most men would。 What I can't understand is what he was doing in there at all。 And which end did he enter from? To e in from the yard is one thing; but…dear God; you don't suppose he was going to do something to Dhugal; do you? Or that he did something?〃
〃Did something?〃 Arilan cocked his head。 〃I'm not sure what you mean。〃
〃Well; Dhugal is an unknown quantity to your Council folk。 No one beside
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