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ntrol the operation…and if it's you; I'd only be a hindrance anyway。 Ill follow right behind; as soon as you've gone。 Just don't move physically at the other end; until I get there 〃
Conall drew a deep breath。 〃You're sure I'm ready?〃
〃Have I asked you yet to do something you weren't ready to do?〃
〃Then I suppose you must be ready。〃
Conall exhaled slowly and stood; aware of Tiercel watching intently。 He did not need to look down at his feet to know he was standing squarely on the Portal。 He could feel it tingling beneath his feet; vibrant and alive。 He summoned up the memory of the other Portal's location; brought it into balance with the one he was standing on; then glanced at Tiercel uncertainly。 The Deryni did not appear to have done anything to prepare。
〃Just…go?〃 Conall asked。
〃Did you want a royal fanfare?〃 Tiercel countered; with a wry grin。
Conall did not answer that。 Instead; he closed his eyes and drew another deep breath; linking in with the energies beneath his feet the way Tiercel had done and then bending them to where he wanted to go。 And then he was staggering in darkness again; and a split second later。 Tiercel's arms were bracing him around his shoulders; the warmth of his congratulation wrapping him like a mantle as he realized they were back in the study Portal again。
〃Well done!〃 Tiercel whispered in his ear。 〃Oh; well done! How do you feel?〃
〃A little…giddy;〃 Conall said。 He could feel himself grinning ear to ear like an idiot。 〃I did do it; didn't I?〃
〃Does this look like the cathedral sacristy?〃 Tiercel countered; making his handfire flare brightly around them to reveal familiar stone walls。
〃Let's do it again;〃 Conall said happily。 〃That was so quick; I hardly got to realize what had happened。〃
〃No; we'll not risk going back to the sacristy;〃 Tiercel said。 〃Besides; I told you that this uses energy。 We'll go back to the library; so you can memorize that location; and then; maybe; I'll let you bounce us both back here one more time。 I'll need to get home when we're done; after all。 And you'll need a good night's sleep to be able to ride out in the morning。 I suppose you'll have a lot to think about; at any rate。〃
〃That's for certain;〃 Conall agreed。
He let Tiercel take control again for the jump back to the library Portal。 He was less disoriented this time and was able to kneel immediately to finish assimilating the characteristics of this location。 And when he had done it to Tiercel's satisfaction; he asked whether he might control the return。
〃I can do it; I know I can;〃 he pleaded。
〃I don't know;〃 said Tiercel。 〃It's much harder; taking through someone else's mass besides your own。 I don't want you to exhaust yourself。〃
〃So you can use that fatigue…banishing spell on me if you have to; or give me something from your trusty drug satchel。 I can do it; Tiercel; I know I can。 Please let me try。 If I have any trouble at all; I'll let you take over。〃
Tiercel sighed。 〃Oh; very well。 I can leave from there as well as here; after we've gathered up the loose ends。 I want you to promise to return through the secret passageway; though; after I've left; rather than ing through the Portal again on your own。 I'm serious about the energy drain。〃
〃I promise。〃
It felt odd to be taking the active part。 As Conall moved closer to Tiercel and set his hand on the other's wrist; making the physical contact necessary to ease the control; he sent his mind cautiously against Tiercel's shields; starting a little when the primaries dropped immediately and exposed the control levels necessary。
〃Ease up a little;〃 Tiercel said; closing his eyes and drawing a deep breath to make it easier for Conall。 〃With someone who knows what to expect; you don't need as tight a control。〃
Conall obeyed; taking a few seconds to shift everything into balance with the energies pulsing beneath their feet; then paused。
〃Do it;〃 Tiercel whispered。 〃Don't leave us hanging here all night。〃
Conall did; and they were back in the niche in the study。 He felt a slight flicker of impatience when he was a little slow releasing Tiercel; but he did not try to hold the control。 Tiercel sighed as he conjured handfire again and opened the door so they could go into the room。
〃You certainly did it;〃 he said。 〃Conall; I'm proud of you。 Have a seat。〃 He waved his hand in front of the door leading from the study…setting wards; Conall knew; to warn against potential discovery…and pulled a chair from under the table set before the dark fireplace。 He passed a hand over a candlestick there as he sat; and the candle flared to life immediately。 Tiercel quenched his handfire as soon as the wick had caught。
〃I hope that wasn't too rough;〃 Conall said; sitting opposite。 〃I didn't mean to make you unfortable。〃
〃No matter。 You were trying to juggle a lot of things at once。 One expects a few training scars for the trainer as well as the trainee。〃
Conall nodded。 〃I suppose so。〃
〃Anyway; that's about all the work I'd planned for tonight…and you did far better than I'd expected。 You will need a good night's sleep; though。 I wasn't joking about the energy drain。 One doesn't normally jump more than two or three times in a twenty…four hour period; and we've done… what?…four; five? And I came to you from…well; farther away than any of these…and will need to get home。 Fortunately; all of our jumps were close together。〃
〃And where is home; Tiercel?〃 Conall replied; asking a question he had been wanting to ask for months。 〃Where do you go; after we've met?〃
Grinning; Tiercel shifted his satchel into his lap; easing the strap across his shoulder。 〃Lately; at least off and on; home has been a set of lodgings in the city。 But there's no Portal there。 I'm sorry; but I can't tell you where my real home is。〃
Conall shrugged。 〃Well; I didn't think you would; but I had to ask。 Are there many Portals?〃
〃Not a great many; no。 I'm aware of a few dozen…but they're not all accessible to me。 For security reasons; some are attuned to the use of only selected individuals; or they have special warding at the other end to keep a user from leaving the immediate vicinity of the Portal until the owner authorizes it。 And then there are Trap Portals that will prevent an intruder from jumping back out of an unauthorized Portal until the owner releases him。 That may not sound particularly dangerous; but suppose the one in this room were trapped; and we'd e into it while Duncan was on campaign last summer? A person could starve。〃
〃Good Lord; can you tell; before you jump; whether a Portal is trapped?〃 Conall asked; aghast。
〃Sometimes。 Sometimes not。 It depends on the skill of the trapper and the trappee…which I hope will give you pause before trying any of this on your own; if you should find any Portals on your journey。 As I said earlier; I don't remend Transfer Portals for recreational purposes。〃
Conall swallowed and nodded。
〃That Portal in the library; then…it can't be a Trap; because we wouldn't have been able to use it; but…is it warded to keep someone from leaving the vicinity? Is that why you haven't used it to e to me before?〃
〃Very good;〃 Tiercel said; nodding approval; 〃though you haven't got it exactly right。 There's warding i
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