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 mode…and was confident he could now do so without assistance if the need arose。
〃Hmmm; I daresay you probably could。 But there's no need to rush things;〃 Tiercel cautioned; when they had replaced the cubes in their pouch and Conall had made none too subtle inquiries about acquiring a set of his own。 〃Perhaps I'll have you a set by the time you return from the summer progress。〃
〃So long?〃
〃Well; frankly; I didn't expect you to master them so quickly。 Finding you the right set will take some time。〃
〃Couldn't I borrow yours? That way; I could practice while I'm away。〃
〃I…don't think that's a good idea;〃 Tiercel replied。 〃For one thing; I may need them。 For another; it wouldn't do for someone to find them and deduce what you've been doing with your spare time。 Only a trained Deryni would have any business with a set。 Besides; you're flexing abilities you've never used before。 You have to build up your endurance。 I'll bet you've got a headache just from this afternoon's work。〃
Conall nodded grudgingly; kneading the bridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger and trying te will the dull throb to recede。 He'd been trying to ignore it; but it was centered just behind his eyes。
〃I have。 It isn't too bad; though。 Not as bad as some I've had。〃
〃You're sure? I can give you something for it; if you like。 You needn't play the martyr; you know。〃
〃I know。 But if I take one of your potions; I'll still be groggy at dinnertime。 Someone might notice。 I'll be all right。〃
〃Very well。 Suit yourself。 I am pleased with your progress; however。 Today's gains should make it much easier when we continue with your training。 If only we'd had a few more weeks; I feel certain I could have taken you before the Council by Midsummer。〃
Conall grimaced; but not from his headache。 〃I know you won't want to believe this; ing from me; but under the circumstances; it's probably best we have to wait;〃 he said。 〃The Council isn't going to like it when we prove that more than one Haldane can hold the Haldane power at a time。 And when they tell Kelson; he isn't going to like it。 If he knew; he'd never let me be knighted。〃
〃What makes you so sure they'll tell Kelson?〃 Tiercel asked。 〃He isn't exactly their favorite Deryni right now; you know。 If he were on the Council; it would be different; of course; but he isn't…the more fool; he。〃
〃I still can't believe he turned down a Council seat;〃 Conall muttered。 〃I wouldn't have … not that I'm ever likely to be asked。〃
Conall cocked his head thoughtfully at his prize pupil as he stashed the cube pouch in his satchel。
〃That may not be as far…fetched as you think;〃 he said quietly。 〃If you keep progressing; there's no predicting how far you might go。〃
〃And wouldn't that be a feather in your cap?〃 Conall returned; not even blinking at the notion…which startled Tiercel。 〃You can't tell me you don't have ambitions; too; Tiercel de Claron。〃
Tiercel shrugged。 〃Oh; I do。 But they had included your rather uncooperative cousin Kelson as well as yourself。 And if declining the Council seat wasn't enough; he had to remend Morgan or Duncan in his place…or Dhugal。。。〃
〃Dhugal!〃 Conall snorted。 〃What does that upstart border bastard know about anything?〃
Tiercel favored the sour…visaged prince with a wry little smile。 〃I must assume that you mean the term bastard in the purely pejorative sense rather than the literal one; since the holy fathers of the Church are even now about the business of legitimating young Dhugal。〃
〃He's still a bastard。〃
〃In that his parents were not wed according to the usual rites of Mother Church…perhaps。 But a form of marriage was enacted; and both parents were free to marry at the time。 That's enough for the king。 And at his request; the bishops almost certainly will grant the necessary dispensation。〃
〃A piece of parchment;〃 Conall muttered。 〃It changes nothing。〃
〃Why; one might almost think you were jealous;〃 Tiercel said mildly。
〃Jealous? Of Dhugal?〃
〃Well; he is of true Deryni lineage; after all; and the king's blood brother;〃 Tiercel said pointedly。 〃That gives him a few perquisites that mere cousinship and usurped Haldane potentials don't confer; doesn't it? Don't worry; I won't betray your secret。〃
〃I'd rather not talk about it;〃 Conall said; turning his face away guiltily。
〃No; I don't suppose you would。〃 Tiercel stood。 〃Well; I must be away。 You're sure you don't want something for your headache?〃
〃No。 It's nearly gone already。〃 Conall swallowed uneasily; fighting down a flush of embarrassment at his outburst。 〃Tiercel; I…〃
The Deryni lord ducked under the shoulder strap of his satchel; then began drawing on his clammy cloak as he glanced back at Conall。
〃I…please don't mind me getting a little hot about Dhugal。 I guess I am a bit jealous。〃 He glanced down at his stockinged feet。 〃I suppose I'm a bit jealous of Kelson; too。〃
〃I know;〃 Tiercel said softly。 He laid a forting hand on Conall's shoulder until the younger man looked up and managed a shifty; half…hearted smile; then took his hand away。
〃You have much to remend you for yourself alone; Conall。 Don't let jealousy make you lose sight of that。〃
〃I'll try。 Will…will we have time for any more sessions before I leave?〃
〃One more; perhaps;〃 Tiercel said; 〃though not until after the knighting。 You're going to be very busy between now and then。 And I'd better e to you; rather than the reverse。 You're going to be under increasing scrutiny…not because anyone suspects anything;〃 he added; at Conall's flash of alarm; 〃but simply because; since the conferring of knighthood denotes a full ing of age in your rank as prince and knight; people are going to be interested in what you're doing and how you're taking the new responsibilities that e with the honor。〃
〃I suppose that makes sense;〃 Conall agreed。 〃Will you send word in the usual way; then?〃
Tiercel nodded。 〃We'll plan tentatively for the night before you actually leave on the progress。 Most everyone else will be otherwise occupied getting last…minute arrangements taken care of; so you're that much less likely to be missed。〃
〃True enough。〃 Conall stood as Tiercel gathered up cap and gloves。
〃Good luck with your knighting; then;〃 Tiercel said; clasping his hand to Conall's and brushing his mind briefly against the other's in leave…taking。 〃Mine was far less lavish than what they have planned for you; but I'll never forget it。 Will you return to Rhemuth now; or are you staying a while with your lady?〃
Conall smiled lazily as Tiercel withdrew from the hand…clasp and pulled on his cap; moving toward the door。
〃I have some unfinished business here; I think;〃 he said; hooking his thumbs in his belt as Tiercel paused with a hand on the latch。 〃And this time; I shall take suitable precautions to make certain I'm not interrupted。〃
Tiercel only flashed him a forbearing grin before dashing back into the rain。

I will make him my firstborn。
Psalms 89:27
〃Well; it's a relief finally to have official confirmation that my foster brother is not a bastard!〃 King Kelson of Gwynedd said。
He flung a playful arm around the neck of Dhugal MacArdry as the two of them followed Dhugal's father and Duke Alaric Morgan into Kelson'
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