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Not until they were outside the sacristy and moving along the ambulatory aisle that ran behind the high altar did Morgan dare to speak again。
〃You're shutting me out; Duncan;〃 he murmured。 〃Don't do that to yourself。 It's Arilan who put you out of sorts; not I。 Do you want to talk about it?〃
〃No。 I think Dhugal and Kelson should know what's happened; first。 Then all four of us can talk about it。 Arilan is right in one respect; though。 I didn't think out all the consequences of what I did; before I decided to do it。 And maybe I did let my love for Dhugal cloud my duty to my church。 God; what if it eventually puts one of those other priests at greater risk?〃
He stopped short in the shadow of a doorway leading to a side chapel and simply started to shake; eyes tightly closed and clasped hands jammed hard against his teeth。
〃God; what have I done; Alaric?〃 he managed to whisper; for an instant transported back in memory to the hot flames leaping up around him。 〃I may have put them nearer the fire!〃
Himself deeply shaken; Morgan laid both arms around his cousin's shoulders and simply held him close for several seconds; trying to ease fort past Duncan s static; brittle shields。
〃You don't know that; Duncan;〃 he murmured。 〃At this point; you don't even know who they are。 And there isn't going to be another fire。〃
〃What if there is?〃
〃We have enough to worry about; without taking on all the 'what ifs' as well。 Let's go on to the library; shall we? This isn't the best place for a discussion。〃

〃You still haven't explained why he did it;〃 someone said an hour later; not for the first time; when all seven of the presently filled seats on the Camberian Council were occupied and Arilan had made his report。 His fellow councilors were not happy with his news。
〃I've told you; I don't know;〃 Arilan replied。 〃I'm not certain he knows; though I'm sure that Dhugal was a strong motivating factor。 As a Deryni; I must point out that there are pluses to this entire matter; of course。 Having two more Deryni openly at court and as strongly under the king's protection as they are can only help our overall cause。 As a bishop; however; I'm appalled。 And I can tell you that Cardiel is not exactly overjoyed; either。〃
Barrett de Laney; senior to any other member of the Council; touched bony but agile fingers lightly to the coadjutor's wand lying on the ivory tabletop before him。 The spring sunshine washing the faceted dome of the Council chamber flooded the chamber with purplish light and danced rainbow flashes off the head…sized crystal suspended from the center of the arched ceiling; but Barrett could not see it…though he could feel its warmth。 The emerald eyes had been blind for more years than most of his fellow councilors had been alive。 He cocked his head in Arilan's direction; however; seeing with Deryni senses far more clearly than mortal eyes had ever seen。
〃What will Cardiel do; Denis?〃 Barrett asked。 〃Will he try to take Duncan's mitre?〃
〃I don't think he will。〃 Arilan glanced at the table; running a fingertip along one of the bands of gold set into the ivory surface。 〃Unfortunately; it isn't entirely up to him。 Bradene is senior archbishop。〃
〃Bradene is in Valoret; preparing to convene the synod;〃 said a voice at Arilan's left elbow…Kyri; the youngest of the three women at the table。 〃He has been occupied with cleaning up after Loris and running the affairs of the Church in the northern half of the kingdom。 He has two vacant bishoprics; with no one to see to the care of the souls resident in them; and several bishops under disciplinary consideration。 To me; that suggests that Bradene will follow Cardiel's remendations for matters in the south。 So; what will Cardiel remend?〃
Arilan shook his head。 〃I can't answer that。 He wouldn't initiate a move to take Duncan's mitre; but he might allow himself to be pressured into such an action if enough of his bishops were adamant enough。 He's e to love Duncan almost like a son; even knowing he's Deryni…in fact; he's fascinated by our powers。 But he's an archbishop; first and foremost。 He'll do what he feels is best for the Church。 A lot will depend on how the other bishops take the news。〃
〃That's all at least a week away; then;〃 said Laran ap Pardyce; from the other side of Kyri。 〃What about immediate repercussions? Will Cardiel suspend him?〃
Arilan shrugged。 〃He did mention the possibility… though that was last night; in his first anger at what Duncan had done。 I think he was as much hurt as angry that Duncan didn't consult him first。 Early this morning; though; when he'd cooled down a bit; he said he'd wait and see how public reaction went; that perhaps just a voluntary suspension of public function would be sufficient; at least for now。 I think he means to talk to him this afternoon。 Kelson called a privy council meeting for noon。〃
Tiercel de Claron; seated across from Arilan and Laran; tilted his high…backed chair slightly onto its back legs; looking thoughtful。
〃What about your Deryni priests in human clothing; Denis?〃 he asked。 〃Are they safe?〃
Arilan nodded。 〃For the present。 They're all very young; though。 Not one is over twenty…five。 I'd planned to ordain two more at Easter。 Damn; why couldn't Duncan have waited!〃 he exploded; slamming a fist on one arm of his chair。 〃In another few years; he could have had a see of his own; and then both of us could have been ordaining Deryni priests。 Even if he keeps his mitre now; they'll probably never let him ordain…for fear of just that result。〃
〃Perhaps; then;〃 said a slender; ageless…looking woman seated two chairs right of Arilan; 〃you had best turn your energies to making sure the law changes to allow Deryni to be ordained; rather than continuing to work around the law。''
Arilan glanced at the woman almost guiltily。 He might have known that Sofiana would e up with that argument。
〃If I knew how to do that; don't you think I would?〃 he said。 〃Do you think I like having to live the way I've lived for the past twenty years; knowing how much more I might have done; but not daring; for fear of losing all? And we've gotten the death penalty removed; for God's sake! I'd hardly call that 'working around the law。'〃
〃Perhaps what Sofiana is saying;〃 said Vivienne; farther to Arilan's left; 〃is that now you have an admitted Deryni within the episcopate…as well as yourself; who are unknown to all but him and Cardiel。 And I gather that this Bishop Wolfram was not wholly antagonistic to the notion that Duncan might be Deryni; when he sat on the tribunal last week。 That's possibly four; then; counting Duncan himself; who could probably be counted upon to support a change in the law。〃
〃I've already suggested that Duncan not go to Valoret;〃 Arilan replied。 〃At least not in the beginning; until I can ascertain which way the wind is blowing。 We have some bishops to replace; however; and some of those remaining were all too eager to support Edmund Loris; not a twelvemonth ago。 Still; I suppose it's a start。〃
〃Of course it's a start;〃 Vivienne muttered; pausing to cough into a wadded square of embroidered linen。 〃Miserable catarrh! You start working on that; Denis; and keep us advised on further developments。 Now I want to know 
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