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Jorian。 God; he remembered Jorian! Morgan had been just barely thirteen; a squire at Brion's court; when one of the royal chaplains had insisted that the king's pet Deryni be taken to witness the execution of the Deryni ex…priest Jorian de Courcy; whose defiance of the law had been betrayed by the very hand of God at his ordination。 Morgan was sure his own almost paralyzing fear of death by fire must spring from that terrible day; from being forced to watch the flames engulf de Courcy's helpless; writhing body。 Nor was it the last time he had witnessed such horror。
He found himself sweating inside his heavy cloak as he opened his eyes; all but shaking physically in reaction; but his reaction was nothing pared to Duncan's。 The younger bishop had blanched nearly as white as the alb half…unlaced at his throat; and his shields were absolutely impenetrable; even to Morgan。
〃What do you mean; there have been a few others?〃 Duncan whispered。 〃Are you saying there are more of us now? Other Deryni priests?〃
〃Not enough…but some;〃 Arilan said stonily; half turning back toward the ocean window。
〃And…you were the one to arrange it?〃
〃At some cost; yes。 Being a secret Deryni in the ranks helped enormously。 And being a Deryni bishop who isn't known to be Deryni helped even more。
〃But now everyone knows; or soon will know; that there's at least one of us who's infiltrated even to the episcopate; and where there's one; there could be more。 That may not bother the sane; honest churchmen like Wolfram; once they've had a chance to get used to the idea; but suppose there are a few more bishops or would…be bishops out there who are more like Edmund Loris than Thomas Cardiel? Do you want to unleash that on the innocent again?〃
Duncan recoiled almost as if struck a physical blow。 Arilan was sparing him not a whit。
〃It's exactly to stop that from being unleashed again that I did it;〃 Duncan murmured; sinking down on a bench behind him。 〃We have to show the world that we aren't evil; by the example of our lives。 I did it so that my son will have the chance to be a part of that example。〃
〃And that's truly the crux of it; isn't it?〃 Arilan said quietly。 〃Dhugal; your son。〃 He sighed and crossed his arms on his chest; glancing down at his feet。 〃Perhaps that's why we don't permit our clergy to marry; Duncan。 We grow too fond of the flesh of our flesh; and when the time es that we have to make a choice; it's awfully difficult to choose for God rather than one's child。 Few men can do it。 Nor should they be asked to do it。〃
Drawing breath audibly; Duncan looked up。 〃I'll stand by my decision; Denis。 I'm a father and a priest; and I intend to continue being both。 In fact; that's part of what finally led me to do what I did: the sheer wonder that God worked His magic the way He did; to lead me to His service but also to let me sire that young man。〃
Arilan snorted。 〃How poetic。 Is that supposed to move me not to be angry anymore? And you're absolutely right that you'll stand by your decision。 You haven't really got much choice。〃
〃It was a decision made in good conscience。〃 Duncan said defensively; a brittle edge to his voice。
〃Oh; I'm sure it was。 I just don't know whether you considered that this act of conscience of yours might cost you your mitre…and maybe even your office as a priest。〃
As Morgan held his breath; Duncan slowly straightened and stood; as grey as the smudge of ash on his forehead。
〃What do you mean?〃
Arilan tried to maintain eye contact〃; but failed。
〃You're aware that the general synod meets next week in Valoret。 There's been some talk this morning of suspending you; at least until the synod has had a chance to consider what to do;〃 he said; nervously clasping and unclasping his hands。 〃Cardiel doesn't really want to; but Wolfram isn't sure。 And it could go further than suspension。〃
〃How much further?〃 Duncan whispered。 〃The mitre doesn't really matter。 I never particularly wanted to be a bishop in the first place。 And I've been suspended before… even exmunicated。 It was unpleasant; but it passed。 It didn't change what was in my heart。 But what else might they do to me; Denis?〃
〃Just be glad that the Church doesn't bum Deryni anymore;〃 Arilan said gruffly。 〃Not officially; at any rate。 We won't count renegades like Loris; or what still goes on occasionally in the outlands。 And even if enough bishops wanted to try; the king would never permit it。 Which could precipitate another; entirely different kind of crisis…the king attempting to interfere in episcopal matters…but we needn't worry about that for the present。 Neither Cardiel nor Bradene would ever let it get that far。〃
〃So they won't burn me;〃 Duncan said impatiently。 〃That's been tried and failed。 What about my priesthood?〃
〃Don't get cocky!〃 Arilan snapped。 〃You might not be so lucky; next time around。 Or your luck might not hold for Dhugal。〃
Duncan shuddered and bowed his head。 〃Forgive me。 I suppose I shouldn't have said that。 But what about my priesthood?〃
Arilan shrugged and sighed。 〃Well; they can't take it away entirely; as you know。 Tu es sacerdos in aeternum。 Thou art a priest forever。 That's why the original Ramos conventions specified the death penalty for Deryni who actually managed to get ordained…one can't unmake a priest。 They could degrade you from the priesthood; however。 I don't think I need to remind you what that means。 You may know about suspension and exmunication from firsthand experience; but you've never had to deal with that。〃
Morgan shared Duncan's sick dread at that prospect。 Though the imprint of priestly ordination was indelible; lasting for all eternity; degradation stripped a priest of all authority to exercise the sacred office so imparted。 It did not cut him off from reception of the other; usual sacraments at another priest's hands; as exmunication would; but if he defied the restrictions of degradation; exmunication was but one of the further penalties the Church might impose in an attempt to bring a wayward son to heel。
Morgan knew how Duncan had suffered from mere suspension when his Deryni blood first began to be suspected; and the later exmunication the two of them had shared; though imposed unjustly; had taken a similarly heavy toll on Duncan's spiritual health; which was already scarred by the necessity to balance his priestly call against the Church's stand regarding ordination of Deryni。 Degradation from the priesthood that Duncan loved so well and to which he was so obviously called would be the greatest injustice of all。
〃I hope it won't e to that;〃 Arilan went on; obviously aware of Duncan's distress。 〃And since you're directly under Cardiel's jurisdiction; I doubt he'll do more than just suspend you from public function until this all blows over。 That's assuming he doesn't receive too much pressure from the other bishops; of course。〃
〃You mentioned that Wolfram's unsure;〃 Duncan whispered。 〃What will the others say?〃
〃I wish I knew;〃 Arilan replied。 〃Bradene's the real key; if it goes beyond local jurisdiction…which it's almost bound to do; with the synod meeting next week。 Just thank God that up until yesterday; your record was excellent; even if speculation was rampant。 In fact; before 
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