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ully。 〃But I truly have not the time to tarry。 Perhaps the young tamer of cheetahs will conduct me to my Lord Liam 。。。 ?〃
The cheetah lurched alertly to its feet as Dhugal stood and made Rasoul a bow; then padded calmly between him and Rasoul as Kelson led the strange trio across the front of the hall to where Liam waited with the other squires。 Boys and courtiers retreated at their approach; but Liam stood his ground; still flanked by Morgan and Duncan。 At Morgan's nod; the boy went forward to fling his arms around Kisah's neck; giggling and laughing as the great cat wrapped its paws around his waist and licked his face。 When Liam at last made the cat stand down and raised his head to greet his ambassador; one arm still around the cat's neck; Rasoul made him formal obeisance; fingertips to breast; lips; and forehead。
〃May Allah give you long to reign; my prince。〃
〃My Lord Rasoul; I am glad to see you。〃
〃And I you; my prince; though it seems I might have sent only Kisah; and you would have been content。 Are you treated well; my lord?〃
〃Aye; of course。〃 Liam glanced sidelong at Morgan and Duncan while he continued fondling the cat。 〃Many things are different here; but I am learning so much! And now; to be squired to Prince Nigel…it is a great honor。 When I am grown and I return to Torenth; I hope to be as great a warrior as he!〃
Rasoul laughed dutifully as Liam buried his face in Kisah's neck to hug her playfully; dark head against spotted; tawny fur; but the Moor's eyes were mirthless as he crouched down opposite the boy; the cat between。
〃Why; that is well to hear; my prince; and you have surely grown taller since last I saw you。 But do you not miss your brother? He is page to your Uncle Mahael now…who would be honored to squire you as well。 Do you not think that a king should learn the ways of his own people before studying the ways of other lands?〃
Liam looked stricken; and his lower lip started to quiver; but Morgan moved closer to set his hand on the boy's shoulder and meet Rasoul's eyes in veiled challenge。
〃It is a king's duty to learn the ways of many peoples; my lord;〃 he said quietly。 〃And those who love their king ought not to play upon his childish fears to turn him from that duty。 If you persist in this; you do him no service。〃
Kelson felt the brush of Rasoul's shields as the Moor scanned all of those close around the young king and found only other Deryni。 Smiling; Rasoul rose and bowed; right hand to heart。
〃I see that you are well served; my Lord King of Gwynedd;〃 he murmured; 〃so I shall not press the matter。 And that being the case; I shall take my leave as soon as I have received the documents you have manded me to carry… for I would not have it said that Al Rasoul ibn Tarik did aught to bring unhappiness to his king。 But here es your esteemed archbishop now; I believe。〃
Arilan was at Cardiel's side as the archbishop approached with a leather courier pouch in hand; and Rasoul favored both prelates with a respectful bow before turning back to the wide…eyed Liam。 Kelson; as the bishops came nearer; became suddenly aware that neither man looked happy and wondered whether Arilan had e along to shield the human Cardiel from possible probing by Rasoul。 But he had no time to consider that question further; because Rasoul was bowing to Liam again; and reaching out one hand as if to try to touch him。
〃My prince; I shall convey your dutiful greetings to your uncle and hope that circumstances soon will permit you to convey those greetings in person。 In the meantime; I would kiss your hand in leave…taking…〃 He pulled up short as an attempt to do just that was thwarted by Duncan's outstretched arm。 〃But I see that it is not to be permitted; so I shall merely take my leave with a most loving farewell。 Salaam aleikum; my prince。 May Allah hold you safe in the hollow of His hand。〃
〃No doubt He shall; my lord;〃 Kelson remarked dryly。 〃My Lord Archbishop; are all the documents plete?〃
Cardiel gave the king a cool inclination of his head and handed over the pouch。
〃They are。 Sire。 And might I remend that Your Majesty assign an honor escort to see the Lord Rasoul and his pany at least partway to their ship at Desse?〃 He flicked his gaze pointedly at Duncan。 〃Perhaps one of your senior dukes would be good enough to go; since I should hate to deprive any of your new young knights of these festivities in their honor。 Perhaps His Grace of Cassan。〃
〃I concur。 Sire;〃 Arilan agreed。 〃Duke Duncan is an excellent choice。〃
The ducal form of address from both men; coupled with their unexpected desire to see Duncan gone from court; suddenly jarred Kelson to wonder whether Cardiel and Arilan were angry with their fellow bishop。 Of course! Duncan had not consulted them before confirming; before the entire court; that he was Deryni!
But before Kelson could do more than glance in Duncan's direction; Morgan moved a step closer and laid a warning hand on his sleeve。
〃By your leave; Sire;〃 he said softly; 〃I shall acpany Lord Rasoul as well。 Even two dukes are scarcely fitting escort for a man of his caliber…and this evening's festivities; as His Excellency has said; are intended for the new young knights。〃

The celebration for the new young knights began almost as soon as Morgan and Duncan had escorted their exotic visitors from the hall; though it was close on an hour before Kelson was able to relax enough to begin enjoying it。 Cardiel and Arilan vanished before he could get a private word with either of them。 Nor was Wolfram anywhere to be found; once the feasting started。 It boded ill; but there was nothing he could do about it without creating an uproar; and they had had uproar enough for one day。
〃Do you think they're angry that my father revealed himself as Deryni?〃 Dhugal asked Kelson; while the two of them dismembered a fat game hen stuffed with dates and licked greasy fingers; pretending to watch a troupe of acrobats。
The musicians were playing far too loudly in the rear gallery; but if Kelson could only barely hear Dhugal; sitting right beside him; he knew there was no danger of anyone else overhearing。
〃Probably;〃 he replied。 〃They were unhappy about something; but there were too many Deryni around for me to figure out what。 And you and that damned cat didn't help matters any。〃
Dhugal grinned; but let the point pass。
〃It may have been a good thing; though; to get Duncan out of here for the rest of the evening;〃 Kelson went on。 〃You're not that different from Alaric; as far as being Deryni is concerned; so no one's going to bother you; now that they know…not sitting here beside me; at any rate。 But Durban's already stepped on a lot of toes…being a bishop; having you; and now confirming that he's Deryni; too。 It'll die down in a while; I'm sure; but there's no sense asking for trouble。 Besides; it was a very good idea to send a couple of Deryni along to make sure that the Moors left。 A Deryni as powerful as Rasoul could make a lot of trouble; if he put his mind to it。〃
〃Hmmm; you're probably right;〃 Dhugal agreed; chewing thoughtfully at a bite of bread as his eyes roamed the hall。 〃I don't suppose it does any good to spoil our evening worrying about it; in any case。 Incidentally; did y
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