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as really getting cold feet and would have warned us not to drink…he got that merasha by killing a man and then fleeing his responsibility。 He'd been seeing Tiercel for the express purpose of gaining the Haldane power; so he could someday challenge you…which he did。 And he tried to kill his own father。 There's no justification for any of that。〃
〃No; you're right; there isn't;〃 Kelson agreed。 〃But I can still regret the waste of what could have been a valuable and productive life; can't I?〃
〃Of course。〃 Dhugal leaned forward irritably to smooth a strand of his horse's mane。 〃I just don't want to see you dwell on it to the point that it's somehow your fault that Conall went bad…because it isn't。 I don't care if you are my king and my brother…I'll thrash you the next time you carry on like that。〃
Kelson nodded sheepishly。 〃And I'll deserve it;〃 he agreed。 〃It's still hard。 Now that Duncan's resigned his ducal duties to you; you'll soon have a far better idea just how hard。 You're going to have some of the same kinds of headaches; you know。 Ducal scale is only a little less grand than royal;' especially if you're Deryni。〃
〃I'll keep that in mind;〃 Dhugal replied drily。 〃Thank God Father's left me a devoted cadre of deputies; at least。 And most heirs don't have their predecessors to fall back on as I will。 I'm glad I didn't have to lose a father to gain a duchy。〃
〃You're not the only one; Kelson replied。 I put him up to the resignation; you know。 It was the only way I could think of to keep him in Rhemuth。 Someday; I have no doubt that he'll be archbishop; but in the meantime; he can stay at the capital indefinitely…as auxiliary and stay my confessor and adviser。 I've got to have one Deryni with me all the time that I can trust。〃
〃Well; I'll be there as much as I can; you know that。〃
〃Yes; I know。〃
With feigned nonchalance。 Kelson guided his horse around a tidal pool。 He was gloveless on this fine summer day; and the horse's red leather reins were supple and smooth in his hands。
〃Rothana looked well; don't you think?〃 he said with forced cheerfulness。 〃I'm glad she decided to e and stay with Morgan and Richenda until after the baby is born。〃
〃Aye; she looked…radiant;〃 Dhugal murmured。 〃Oh; Kelson; I wish…〃
〃I know;〃 Kelson broke in; remembering the one conversation he and Rothana had had since he arrived at Coroth a few days before; refusing to recall the several others they had had while she was still in Rhemuth。 〃Actually; she's bearing up fairly well。 No one seems to hold Conall's crimes against her。 I think it's helped her to be here with Richenda… and Richenda's situation has improved as well。 Now that she's provided Morgan with a proper male heir; his men seem finally to have accepted her。〃
〃As if either of the poor women had anything to say about their dead husbands' treason!〃 Dhugal said with an indignant snort。 〃Sorry; I didn't mean to bring him up again。〃
〃It doesn't matter。〃 Kelson sighed and stood in the stirrups; stretching。 〃God; my bum's asleep! I'm going to get down and walk awhile。〃
〃I'll join you;〃 Dhugal said; also dismounting。
They walked in silence for several minutes; the horses plodding easily behind them on slack reins; until finally Dhugal glanced at Kelson again。
〃Listen; you don't have to talk about it if you won't want to; but has Rothana given you any indication what she plans to do after the baby's born?〃
〃Oh; yes。 It isn't what I'd prefer; of course; but she'll be returning to the religious life;〃 Kelson said quietly; fingering the ends of the red leather reins。 〃I suppose there is a bright side to that。 She's been in munication with the Servants of Saint Camber; and they want her to e and help them revive the Order as it used to be; in Camber's time; with a women's Order to train for the old Deryni disciplines。 She sounds very excited about it。 And it's definitely something that we need。〃
〃And the baby?〃 Dhugal asked。
Kelson grimaced。 〃He'll be brought up for the priesthood。 Nigel's trying to be very fair about all of this。 but he was most emphatic about the succession not passing through Conall; so Rory will be the next duke…not the eldest son's heir。 The boy will still carry the style…and title of a Haldane prince; however。 I insisted on that。 None of this is his fault。〃
Dhugal nodded。 〃Maybe he'll be a prince of the Church someday。 Wouldn't that gall Conall; if he knew?〃
Sighing; Kelson shook his head。 〃I don't really care whether it would or not。 He's paid his debt; let him rest in peace。〃
Neither of them spoke again for several minutes; only concentrating on walking in the damp sand; occasionally pausing to overturn a seashell or other piece of sea wrack with a booted toe。 It was Dhugal who eventually broke the silence again; as they approached a rocky headland jutting out partway into the sea。
〃Do you think it really was Saint Camber in the circle with you; when you fought Conall?〃 he asked。
〃I dunno。 It bothers me that none of the rest of you could see him; though。 We really failed on our quest; too。 even though we found the Servants。 I so wanted to find some actual relic。 Restoration on the shrine at Valoret is going splendidly; and the new side chapel at home will be finished by Christmas; but whoever was in the circle with me didn't seem to place a great deal of importance on physical places。〃
〃Well; the priests at Transha always taught me that God is in the heart; not in a structure built by human hands; so maybe it's the same for saints;〃 Dhugal replied。 〃Oh; a focal point is fine; but these are all really things of the spirit。〃
〃Yes; but Camber had a physical body at one time;〃 Kelson said stubbornly。 〃And I'm not entirely convinced that he was bodily assumed into heaven; despite what the accounts say about the evidence for canonization。 We know that some physical objects have kept psychic impressions; too…like Duncan's ring。〃
〃Well; maybe you can get him to give it up for a relic;〃 Dhugal quipped。 〃Not…that it's likely; given its association with our newest saint; but…〃
He broke off suddenly and stopped so quickly that Kelson ran into his outstretched arm。 Ahead of them; sitting quietly on a rock just at the edge of the tide…run; was a man in a grey cowled robe; a wooden staff leaned across his shoulder。
〃Do you see what I see?〃 Dhugal breathed; though Kelson was already staring at the obviously visible man; his face gone very white and still。
Without a word。 Kelson took Dhugal's arm and started forward; dropping the horses' reins; their feet leaving deep; clear footprints in the wet sand。 The man did not move or look up until they had e within a few yards of him; and his face was shadowed by his hood when he finally did raise his head。 His feet。 Kelson noticed; were bare。
〃May I be of some assistance?〃 the man asked。 His voice was low and pleasant; and his hands on the staff were smooth and uncallused。
〃Who are you?〃 Kelson breathed。 〃Haven't we met before?〃
The shoulders shrugged beneath the grey robe; an eloquent gesture that neither confirmed nor denied; but the movement brought the man's mouth into view。
〃Many people ask that of me; my son;〃 the pleasant voice replied; 〃but my name is not important。〃
〃Someone very li
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