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 turn out to be a fine man; but he is not Kelson。〃
〃Does it matter?〃 Rothana said bleakly; hugging her elbows as she moved farther into the room where Nigel lay unconscious。
〃I think it does。〃
When Rothana said nothing; Meraude went on。
〃Why did you do it? Your vocation seemed so strong when you first came to us。 To abandon that vocation for marriage; and then to have one's intended die before one could be wed…most women would take that as a sign that God did not intend to share her with any human spouse。〃
〃Ah; but I am not 'most women;' Maman;〃 Rothana murmured。 〃I am Deryni; and your son is Haldane; and far more than any merely human spouse。 When I was contemplating marriage with Kelson…and that is all we ever did; we made no promises before he left…he made me understand that; whatever personal possibilities lay between us; he was already wedded to his land; and Gwynedd needed a Deryni queen。〃
〃Gwynedd had a Deryni queen;〃 Meraude said quietly。 〃Her name was…is…Jehana; and she did not even deign to e to your wedding。〃
〃And God help me;〃 Rothana retorted; 〃if I should ever be like her; at least in the matter of my race! I owe a duty to my people; as well as to my wedded lord。 And if my wedded lord should…be some other than the one I first had thought; why; the duty continues。〃
〃And so; loving Kelson; you have married Conall;〃 Meraude breathed。
〃Can you name me a more loving memorial。 Maman?〃' Rothana countered。 〃Not that I should have married Conall…and so soon!…but that I should have married the man who eventually will be king; and make me Gwynedd's queen; Gwynedd's Deryni queen; to carry out the dreams the two of us shared。〃
After a long silence; Meraude nodded slowly。
〃You are a very brave young woman; Rothana;〃 she said。 〃But will you be a happy one?〃
Rothana lowered her eyes。 〃With God's grace; I shall be content; Maman。 I…cannot honestly say that I…love Conall; but I care for him。 And I care for the awesome task he is being given; to rule this kingdom…and I have e to love that。 Perhaps I shall e to love him as well。 In the meantime; I think he loves me…and I know he needs me。 It is more than many couples are given。〃
Smiling sadly; Meraude slowly nodded。 〃For all our sakes; I wish it had been otherwise; child。 For all our sakes。〃 She glanced into the room where Nigel's canopied bed loomed in the gathering darkness; then gently took Rothana's hand。
〃e; child。 We must say good…night to Nigel and then see you to your bridal bed。 'Twill soon be dark。〃

Kelson; too; waited for the night; soaking neck…deep in a tub of steaming water and trying to relax。 He wished Dhugal were with him; but their captors had taken the young border lord off to another bath chamber; though they had reassured Kelson that he might see Dhugal briefly; just before they were taken to Saint Camber's shrine。
At least the hot bath was soothing; a wele palliative to the natural anxiety that was slowly building over the mysterious ordeal to e。 Kelson found himself being drowsy; though he roused with a start every time an attendant came with a ewer of hot water to warm up his bath。 The steam rising eerily from the oaken tub diffused the last rays of daylight ing through a small window set near the ceiling; oppressive but for the chill it kept at bay…for the high mountain air was cooling rapidly as sunset approached。 and winter had not yet surrendered its grip on the land。 The scent of herbs also mingled with the steam; sweet and pungent by turns; burned on a small brazier tended by a silent man in grey; and from somewhere out of sight; a pleasant tenor voice chanted Psalms in oddly inflected Latin。
〃Sunset approaches。〃
Brother Michael's voice; nearly at his right ear; startled Kelson out of what had been close to actual dozing; and water sloshed out of the tub before he stopped his reflex drawing back。 The chanting had died away without his noticing; and the man tending the brazier was gone; though a rushlight now burned beside the brazier。 Only Michael remained in the room; almost spectral in the steam; holding a large; thirsty…looking towel between himself and Kelson。 Kelson rose and let Michael wrap him in it as he stepped from the tub; allowing himself to be guided to a stool where the monk proceeded personally to dry his hair with a second towel and then b the tangles out of it。 all in silence。
〃Do you wish your hair left loose; or would you prefer the g'dula?〃 Michael asked; when it finally lay shining and damp on Kelson's shoulders。 Kelson remembered hearing the term before; and guessed that it must be their term for a border braid。
〃Is that what you call the braid?〃 Kelson asked。 〃A g'dula?〃
〃I'll have the g'dula; then;〃 Kelson said。 〃I've worn it for several years now; but we simply call it a border braid。 I notice that most of your men wear one。〃
Michael only bent to begin sectioning off the damp black hair for braiding; all but forbidding unnecessary conversation。 Kelson ventured a faint; deft probe; but the man seemed surrounded by fog。 Not precisely shields; but whatever it was seemed no more amenable to probing than shields would have been。 Kelson decided it might be some side effect of the religious discipline these people apparently practiced; or that Michael was Deryni; or both…or neither。
He drew back into his own thoughts while Michael finished; standing when the monk picked up what he took to be another of the grey robes so many of the people seemed to be wearing。 But it was a cloak only。 hooded and voluminous; with slits in the sides for his arms to go through。 Michael held out the cloak between them as he had held the towel; clearing intending to offer no further clothing。
〃Those who enter the shrine of the Blessed One go as they came into this world;〃 Michael informed him; 〃that no distractions of the outside world might intrude upon the encounter with the Holy。〃
The cloak was warm; at least。 Kelson held it close around his body as Brother Michael led him from the bathhouse; for the air outside was cold。 He had also been allowed a pair of sandals; but the soles were very thin。 He could feel every pebble on the path from the bathhouse to the church; and the way was lined with the folk of the village bearing torches; singing a hymn he felt he should have been able to recognize but could not。 They fell in behind as he passed。
The church was set hard against the side of the mountain; and a grey…robed Dhugal was waiting for him at the door; with the rest of the Quorial all around him。 Dhugal knelt to kiss Kelson's hand in homage; also using the brief contact to send a quick reassurance that could not be overheard by the others。
Try to get our medals back; and I'll do my best to use them as a focal point to maintain contact and send you power; he sent; as he looked up and also spoke words aloud。 〃I pray thee。 Sire; a blessing。〃
〃Fear not;〃 Kelson replied; laying his hand briefly on Dhugal's head; and with far more conviction than he felt。 〃The Blessed Camber knows his own and will not forsake me。 Brother Michael;〃 he went on turning away from Dhugal; 〃I should like to wear my Saint Camber medal; if I may。 It gives me fort。 And the earring that you took from me is a potent symbol o
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