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 〃He don't live here no mo'。〃 It was a black woman's voice。
 〃Who is this; please?〃
 〃Who is you?〃
 〃I want to buy Jerry's dog。 When he left; did he leave his dog with you?〃
 〃He didn't have no dog。 I don't 'low no dogs here。 Who is this?〃
 〃When did Jerry move?〃
 The woman hung up the phone。
 〃You're probably right about the dog; Sanchez。〃 Hoke handed her the slip of paper。 〃Get the address of this number from the phone pany。 It doesn't mean anything to us; but I can pass it on to Narcotics。 It might be a lead for them。 Jerry had to get the heroin somewhere。 He hadn't been living at home long。 I'll find out how long this evening when I talk to his mother。〃
 Ellita nodded。 〃You want some coffee; Sergeant?〃
 〃Do you?〃
 〃We've got a half hour before we meet with Major Brownley。〃
 〃I know that。 I asked if you wanted some coffee。〃
 Ellita nodded。
 〃In that case;〃 Hoke said; 〃I'll go。 You've gone the last three times; and it isn't supposed to work that way。 Bill and I always took turns。 I've been taking advantage of you。 How many sugars?〃 Hoke got to his feet。
 〃None。 I keep Sweet 'n' Low here in my desk。〃
 Hoke took the elevator downstairs to the basement cafeteria。 For some reason; he thought; Ellita seemed to be afraid of him。 Several times lately he had noticed her staring at him; and she looked frightened。 He couldn't understand it; because he had been leaning over backward to be friendly with her。 Maybe it was the meeting ing up with Major Brownley。 Most of the detectives in the division were afraid of the major。 As a rule; Brownley kept his distance; either by municating with his detectives through Lieutenant Slater or by sending out memos。 It was unusual for Brownley to call a special meeting this way。 As he filled two Styrofoam cups with coffee; Hoke wondered vaguely what the old fart wanted。
 Major Willie Brownley; the first black ever to be appointed to that rank in the department; leaned back in his padded leather chair and got his cigar drawing well before he said anything。 His face; the color of an eggplant; but not as shiny; was lined with tiny wrinkles。 His cropped hair was gray at the temples; but his well…trimmed mustache was still black。 The whites of his eyes were the color of a legal pad。 He looked of indeterminate age; but Hoke knew that Willie Brownley was fifty…five; because Hoke had worked for the major when he had been a captain in charge of Traffic。 The major wore his navy…blue gabardine uniform even on the hottest days; with the jacket always buttoned; and his trim military appearance made him look younger than his age。
 The three detectives sat facing Brownley's desk; with Henderson on the right。 Henderson was a large; paunchy man who almost always wore a striped seersucker jacket with poplin wash pants。 Although he was officially six feet; two inches tall; he appeared six…four because he wore Adler's elevator shoes。 Henderson thought the extra two inches made him look slimmer。 They didn't; really; but the extra height did make him look more formidable。 Henderson was an affable man; but his front teeth; both uppers and lowers; were laced with a tangle of silver wire and gold caps。 When he smiled; these brutal metal…studded teeth were more than a little frightening; particularly when he questioned a suspect。 But his smile rarely changed; whether he was interrogating someone or eating a bowl of chili。
 Hoke and Ellita sat closer together on the left of the desk; facing the major。 Ellita had a yellow legal pad and a ballpoint pen。 Before they went to Brownley's office; Hoke told her it might be a good idea to take a few notes。
 Brownley dropped the burnt match into an ashtray made from a motorcycle piston; looked at Hoke; shook his head; and smiled。 〃Hoke; you must be the last man in Miami wearing a leisure suit。 Where'd you find it; anyway?〃
 〃There was a close…out in the fashion district。 I got this blue poplin and a yellow one just like it for only fifty bucks on a two…for…one sale。 I like the extra pockets; and with a leisure suit you don't have to wear a tie。〃
 〃You don't wear a leisure suit to court; do you?〃
 〃No。 I've got an old blue serge suit I wear to court。 Is that what this meeting's about; Willie? My taste in plain clothes?〃
 〃In a way。 What I'm doing is what they suggested in the Dale Carnegie course I took last year。 I'm putting you all at ease by developing a relaxed atmosphere。 You all relaxed now?〃
 Hoke shook his head; Henderson smiled; and Ellita said; 〃Yes; sir。〃 Hoke took the butt of the Kool from his shirt pocket; lit it; and dropped the match into Brownley's piston ashtray。 He took two drags and then put out the butt。
 〃Until I tell you different;〃 Brownley said; 〃consider this meeting as confidential。 It'll probably get out in a few days; about what you're doing; simply because of what you're doing; but I don't want the press to get wind of it。 If anyone in the department asks you what you're doing; just say you're on a special assignment and let it go at that。 Until we see where we're going; I think we can get away with that much; anyway。〃
 Brownley puffed on his cigar before he continued。 〃You've all heard the rumors about the new colonelcies the chief's passing out; haven't you?〃
 Henderson shook his head。 〃Colonelcies? There aren't any colonels in the department。 Except for assistant chief…and we got three already…major's as high as we go。〃
 〃I heard something about it the other day;〃 Hoke said; 〃but I didn't pay any attention to it。〃
 〃It isn't official yet; but it's no longer a rumor。 The chief's found a sneaky way around the no…raise budget this year。 He's creating a new rank of colonel; and there'll be eight of them passed out。 The new rank'll mean an extra eighteen hundred bucks a year for those promoted。 It'll also mean eight major and captain vacancies。 So although there's no money in the new budget for raises; a good many deserving officers will be getting more money when these promotions are okayed by the city manager。〃
 〃What about the cop on the street?〃 Henderson said。 〃What'll he get?〃
 〃He'll get zip。 On the other hand; with more supervisors; it'll mean more vacancies for him; too; if he passes his exams high enough。〃
 〃It stinks;〃 Henderson said。 〃I was in the infantry; and we only had one colonel; the regimental mander; for a fifteen…hundred…man regiment。 We've got way less than a thousand cops; and we've already got a highly paid chief; three overpaid assistant chiefs; and now he wants eight new colonels。 What we're gonna look like is a damned Mexican army; all generals and no privates。〃
 〃A police department's not a rifle regiment; Bill;〃 Brownley said。 〃You can't equate a professional police officer with a grunt private。 Most of our officers have got at least a junior college degree of some kind。〃
 〃I know; I know。〃 Henderson scowled。 〃But what we need's more men on the street; not more brass sitting on their ass。〃
 〃You and Hoke both should take the exam for lieutenant。 I've told you that before。 Promotions are going to break wide open for qualified people。 But that's your problem。 What I want is one of the colonelcies。 And I've e up with a way for you two〃…he looked at Elli
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