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ver here I'd…do something to him。〃
  〃I'd be glad to help;〃 I said sympathetically。 I riffled the papers。 〃The man she was engaged to…is he among these? Did he work here?〃
  〃Yes; but not in my section。 He was a correspondence checker。 It was an awful blow for her; and she stayed away…but here I go again; you're not here to listen to me gab。 What are your questions; Mr。 Truett?〃
  Since I had quit being exuberant I decided not to press it; only it did seem that wherever I went I met Waldo Wilmot Moore。 We got down to business。 I had questions ready that I thought were good enough to keep me from being spotted as a phony; and I stayed with him a good twenty minutes; which seemed ample for the purpose。
  Then I went down the line to the office of the head of the Correspondence Checkers Section。 The door was standing open and he was there alone。
  Grandpa Dickerson was by no means too old or too watery…eyed to know the time of day。 As soon as the preliminary courtesies had been performed and I had sat down and got the folder opened; he inquired; perfectly friendly:
  〃I'm wondering; Mr。 Truett; why you start with me?〃
  〃Well…you're not the first; Mr。 Dickerson。 I've just had a session with Mr。 Rosenbaum。 Incidentally; there's a special problem there: are elephants personnel?〃
  But he wasn't having light conversation。 〃Even so;〃 he said; 〃I have the smallest number of employees of any section in the department。 Only six men; whereas other sections have up to a hundred。 Also; I have had no turnover; for nearly eight years; except one case; a man who got killed and was replaced。 I'm quite willing to co…operate; but I really don't see what you can do with me。〃
  I nodded at him。 〃You're perfectly right…from where you sit。 From the standpoint of general personnel problems you're out。 But your section is something special。 Everybody in the place regards your six men as dirty lowdown snoops; and you're the Master Snoop。〃
  It didn't freeze him。 He merely nodded back at me。 〃How do you propose to change that?〃
  〃Oh; I don't。 But it certainly ties it in with personnel difficulties。 For instance; the man that got killed。 Don't you know there has been talk around that his death wasn't an accident?〃
  〃Nonsense! Talk!〃 He tapped on his desk blotter。 〃Look here; young man; are you intimating that the functioning of this section has been the cause; directly or indirectly; of the mission of a crime?〃
  His jaw trembled; and then came open and hung open。 I was restraining myself from taking my handkerchief and wiping his eyes。
  〃That's not the way to put it;〃 I said with emphasis; 〃but it was you who put it that way。 I would say it more like this; that the talk about that man's death is certainly one of the personnel problems around here; and Mr。 Naylor himself suggested that I might use it as one of my starting points。 Do you mind my asking a few questions about him? About Moore?〃
  〃I resent any insinuation that the operation of this section has resulted in any injustice or has been the cause of any legitimate desire to retaliate。〃 His jaw was back under control。
  〃Okay。 Who said anything about legitimate? Desires to retaliate e in all flavors。 But about this Moore; how did he rate with you? Was he a good worker?〃
  〃No?〃 I was matter…of…fact。 〃What was wrong with him?〃
  The old man's jaw trembled again; but it didn't e open。 When he had it in hand he spoke。 〃I have been in charge of this section ever since it started; over twenty years ago。 Last April I had five men under me; and I regarded that as adequate。 But a new man was hired and I was told to put him to work。 He was inpetent; and I so reported; but my report was ignored。 We had to put up with him。 On several occasions his mistakes would have discredited the section if we had not been alert。 It made it harder for all of us。〃
  I thought to myself; my God; here we go again。 I was trying to get started narrowing it down; and here were six more added to the list; Dickerson himself and five loyal checkers; who might have been irritated into killing Moore for the honor of the section。 Now everybody was in except Kerr Naylor himself。
  〃But;〃 I objected; 〃what about the hiring regulations? I understand there is no overall personnel control and each department head rolls his own in theory; but in practice the section heads have the say。 Who hired Moore and saddled you with him?〃
  〃I don't know。〃
  〃How could you help knowing?〃
  Dickerson used his own handkerchief on his eyes; which relieved the tension a lot for me。 I hoped he would keep the handkerchief in his hand; but he deliberately and neatly returned it to his pocket。
  〃This;〃 he said; 〃is a very large concern; the largest in the world in its field; and beyond all parison the best。 Naturally the authority is tightly organized。 No one on this floor is my superior except the head of the department; Mr。 Kerr Naylor; the son of one of the founders。 Therefore any exercise of authority can be brought to bear on me only through Mr。 Naylor。〃
  〃Then it was Naylor who hired Moore?〃
  〃I don't know。〃
  〃But it was Naylor who said you needed another man and wished Moore on you?〃
  〃Certainly。 The line of authority is as I have described it。〃
  〃What else can you tell me about Moore besides his inpetence?〃
  〃Why; nothing。〃 Dickerson's look and tone indicated that he regarded my question as silly。 Obviously; if a man was inpetent that settled it; nothing else about him mattered one way or another。 But it appeared that he was willing to concede that even a petent man must eat。 He pulled a watch from his vest pocket; looked at it; and stated; 〃My lunch hour starts at twelve; Mr。 Truett。〃
  Chapter Eight
  Outside Dickerson's office I turned left; toward the far end of the arena; and then was struck by an idea and came to a halt。 Turning the idea over; and seeing that it had no visible defects on either side; I faced around and headed in the other direction。 When I got to Rosenbaum's door I found it closed again; but since he had said no knocking I turned the knob and entered。 My intention was to ask him where his secretary's room was; but I didn't carry it out because she was there in a chair at the end of his desk with her notebook。
  She didn't turn her head at my entrance。 Rosenbaum gave me a glance and said unemotionally; 〃Hello again。〃
  〃I just had a logical train of thought;〃 I told them; 〃and I wanted to find out what Miss Livsey thinks of it。〃
  She looked at me。 Nothing had changed in her in the hour that had passed。 It was still obvious that no one on earth but me could understand her or help her。
  〃It goes like this;〃 I explained to her。 〃My job here requires that I have talks with units of the personnel; as many as possible。 I should do that with a minimum amount of interference with the work of the department。 You are a unit。 If we eat lunch together and do our talking then;; there will be no interference with your work。 I'll pay for the lunch and put it on expense。〃
  Rosenbaum chuckled。 〃That's a good approach;〃 he said appreciatively。 He spoke to his secretary。 〃Since he thought that all up 
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