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red a hand which Hester had not taken。 That had not disconcerted her。 Nothing; as far as could be told from her appearance; had disconcerted her; though her mind was sufficiently occupied to keep her from making any personal remarks to me。 She sat in the red leather chair and told Wolfe:
  〃This would not have happened if you had done what I asked you to。 My brother would not have been killed。 He would have stopped his foolishness。 Everything would have been all right。〃
  〃No;〃 Wolfe said; 〃it wouldn't。 It seems clear that your brother would never have abandoned his determination to bee president of the firm。 Nor would the death of Mr。 Moore have been cleared up; but that didn't interest you。 I wish you would start with that Friday evening。 Why did you tell me your husband was home in bed when he wasn't?〃
  〃Because I saw no…what are you doing there; Archie?〃
  〃Shorthand;〃 I told her。 〃I'm good at it。〃
  〃Then stop it。 I won't have any record of this。〃
  〃I will;〃 Wolfe said curtly。 He wiggled a finger at her。 〃I intend; madam; to be in a position to satisfy your Board of Directors that I have done the job they hired me for。 As far as I'm concerned that's all the record will be used for; but I'm going to have it。 And I don't need to make any pretenses to you。 At this moment I know barely what I need to know and that's all。 For example; I had nothing but a surmise; a mere assumption; that your husband was not in bed asleep when you said he was; until you reacted as you did to my request to speak with your servants。 That of course made the surmise a certainty。 Why did you lie about it?〃
  〃I didn't。〃
  〃Pah。 You didn't?〃
  〃I didn't intend to。〃 Cecily kept glancing in my direction; but at the notebook; not at me。 〃When you phoned I was in my sitting…room。 My husband's room is some distance away; and I thought he had gone to bed。 When I went to see; he wasn't there。 I didn't know he had gone out。 I merely didn't care to tell you that; not that it mattered; not at the time; so I said he was asleep。 He came in a little while after you phoned…〃
  〃How long after?〃
  〃I don't know…twenty minutes or half an hour。 Then; later; when the news came that my brother had been killed; I knew that my husband had killed him。〃
  〃How did you know? Did he tell you?〃
  〃Not that night。 But I knew; and the next day I talked with him and he told me。〃 Her hand fluttered。 〃My husband told me everything sooner or later; after he learned that that was the best way。〃
  〃When did he tell you that he killed Mr。 Moore?〃
  She shook her head。 〃I'm not going to talk about that。 I have decided that I don't have to。〃 She had stopped glancing at my notebook and was sticking to Wolfe。 〃I know what this is for and I'm willing to say enough to satisfy you。 I realize there are some things I have to tell you or you will turn it over to the police; but I don't have to go beyond that。 It is true that my husband killed Waldo; but that had nothing to do with me。 He killed him because Miss Livsey had fallen in love with him and was going to marry him。〃
  I wasn't as good as Wolfe was。 I jerked my head up at her。 Wolfe merely murmured at her; 〃Jealousy。〃
  She nodded。 〃My husband had pletely lost his head about her…but I suppose she has told you all about that?〃
  〃Not all。 I need your version。 Go ahead。〃
  〃He met her at the pany's annual dinner and dance for employees over a year ago now; and he was a very passionate man。 He told me about it; and he wanted to get a divorce。 As time went on it got worse with him。 She wouldn't let him see her much; and not at all openly。 She was extremely clever about it; she wouldn't let him give her a better position at the office; and when I insisted that the only thing to do was to make her his mistress; he said she wouldn't。〃
  Cecily twisted around in her chair to look at Hester。 〃That was very clever of you; Miss Livsey;〃 she said without resentment; 〃but it made it very difficult for me。〃
  Hester stayed motionless and had nothing to say。
  〃He wanted a divorce;〃 Wolfe prompted。
  〃Yes; and I wouldn't give him one。 It would have upset all my life's arrangements…among other things; I had made him president of the firm。 He was even willing to forfeit his career for her。 So I persuaded Waldo Moore to take a job there。〃
  She nodded; to herself。 〃You didn't know Waldo。 He was the most charming person I have ever known; until he got tiresome; which of course everyone does in time。 I doubt if there was a woman on earth who could have resisted him。 So I got him to take a job in the stock department; where Miss Livsey worked; and to…well; to divert her。 It worked splendidly; as I was sure it would。 He had her pletely in hand within…I forget; but it couldn't have been…〃
  〃You're lying!〃
  Hester had spoken。
  Cecily twisted to her。 〃Oh; you have nothing to be ashamed of; Miss Livsey! No; indeed! You're the only woman he ever asked to marry him。〃 She went back to Wolfe。 〃So there was no longer any reason for my husband to want a divorce; or so I thought; but I might have known; with the drive he had to get anything he wanted enough; that he wouldn't accept defeat as easily as that。 What happened was that Waldo Moore was killed。 I'm not going to talk about that。 It wouldn't do you any good; and I don't have to。 Anyway; the blame was not mine; it didn't happen because of any mistake of mine。〃
  〃Merely bad luck;〃 Wolfe murmured。
  She nodded。 〃But I had made a mistake; a very bad one。 I had confided in my brother。 He was older than me; and I had formed the habit in childhood; and I kept it even after we had grown up and I had bee aware that he was a peculiar man and not to be taken seriously。 That was a mistake too; to think he was not to be taken seriously。 I didn't realize how much; clear to the bottom of his soul; he wanted to be the head of the business our father had founded。 I was shocked when I learned he was using things; things I had told him in confidence from a sister to a brother; to put pressure on my husband to let him bee president。 I had taken possession of some letters my husband had received from Miss Livsey; and my brother stole them from me。〃
  〃Did you tell him your husband had killed Mr。 Moore?〃
  Cecily looked annoyed。 〃I said I wouldn't talk about that;〃 she declared to settle it。 〃But my brother…he thought that; yes。 He threatened my husband with it; and me too。 That was another mistake; or part of the same one…thinking my brother was not to be taken seriously。 I told him he didn't have the ability to direct the affairs of the business and he should abandon the idea forever。 Then he…you know about the report he sent in; stating that Waldo had been murdered。〃
  Wolfe nodded。
  Cecily fluttered a hand。 〃It couldn't be simply ignored; because my brother had let it bee known and gossiped about by the employees。 My husband didn't dare to keep it from the executives; and when most of them were in favor of hiring an investigator he didn't dare oppose it。 I think that was extremely clever of my brother; I had never thought he was as intelligent as that。 Wasn't that really clever?〃
  〃Very;〃 Wolfe agreed。 〃It got him killed。〃
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