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ers of this business。 He was named Kerr after the other founder。 He has had a…uh; varied career。 Also he is my wife's brother。 He actually controls a large block of the corporation's stock; but he no longer owns it because he gave it away。 He refuses to be an officer of the pany; and he refuses to serve on the Board of Directors。〃
  〃I see。 He's a dyed…in…the…wool refuser。〃 Pine made the gesture of impatience again。 He did it with a little fling of a hand; and it was abrupt but not domineering。 〃As you see;〃 he said; 〃the situation is not simple。 After Mr。 Naylor's refusal either to justify the report or to change it; I was inclined just to let the matter drop and merely destroy the report; but I mentioned it to two of my brother executives and to a member of the Board; and they were all of the opinion that it should be followed up。 Besides that; news of the report; with that word on it; has got around among the employees of the department; presumably through the stenographer who typed it; and there is a lot of unhealthy gossip。 This man Moore was the type…I'll put it this way…he was the type that stirs up gossip in the circle he lives in; and now; nearly four months after his death; here he is stirring it up again。 We don't like it and we want it stopped。〃
  〃Oh。 You said you wanted Mr。 Wolfe to find out if there was any basis for using the word murdered。 Now you want the gossip stopped。 You'd better pick which。〃
  〃It amounts to the same thing; doesn't it?〃
  〃Not necessarily。 If we find out he was murdered and the finding percolates; the gossip gauge will go right through the ceiling; not to mention other possible results。〃
  Pine glanced at his wristwatch; reached to an ash tray to ditch his cigarette; and stood up。 〃Damn it;〃 he said; with more breath but not more noise; 〃do I have to explain that the situation is made more plicated by the fact that it was Mr。 Kerr Naylor who signed that report? This is a damn nuisance and it's taking my time that ought to be spent working! His father; old George Naylor; is still living and is Chairman of the Board; though he turned over his stock to his children long ago。 This is the oldest and largest pany in its field; the largest in the world; and it has built up a reputation and a tradition。 It has also built up…oh; plexities。 The directors and executives now managing its affairs…of whom I am one… want this thing looked into; and I want to hire Nero Wolfe to do the looking。〃
  〃You mean the corporation? Wants to hire him?〃
  〃To do what? Wait a minute; can I put it this way? We're either to make that word on that report good; or we're to make this Mr。 Kerr Naylor eat it。 Is that the job?〃
  〃Roughly; yes。〃
  〃Do we get credentials for around here?〃
  〃You get all reasonable co…operation。 The details will have to be arranged with me。 More time gone。 It will have to be handled with discretion…and delicately。 I had an idea that a way to do it would be for Nero Wolfe to get a job in the stock department; under another name of course; and he could … what's the matter?〃
  〃Nothing。 Excuse me。〃 I stood up。 The notion of Wolfe fighting his way down to William Street every morning; or even with me driving him; and punching a time clock; and working all day in the stock department; had been too much for my facial control。
  〃Okay;〃 I said; 〃I guess I know enough to put it up to Mr。 Wolfe。 Except about money。 I ought to warn you that his charges have not joined in the postwar inflation because they were already so high that a boost would have been vulgar。〃
  〃This pany never expects good work for low pay。〃
  I told him that was fine and got my hat and coat。
  Chapter Four
  A coolness had sprung up between Wolfe and me。 These coolnesses averaged about four a week; say; a couple of hundred a year。 This particular one had two separate aspects: first; my natural desire for him to buy a new car opposed to his pigheaded determination to wait another year; and second; his notion of buying a noiseless typewriter opposed to my liking for the one we had。
  It happened that at that moment there were other coolnesses swirling around in the old brownstone house; on West Thirty…fifth Street not far from the Hudson River; which he owned and used both for a residence and an office。 Four of us lived there; counting him; and we were all temporarily cool。 Wolfe had somewhere picked up the idea of putting leaves of sweet basil in clam chowder; and Fritz Brenner; the cook and house manager; strongly disapproved。 A guy in New Hampshire who was grateful to Wolfe for something had sent him an extra offering; three plants of a new begonia named Thimbleberry; and Wolfe had given them good bench space up in the cool room; and Theodore Horstmann; the plant nurse; who thought that everything that grew except orchids was a weed; was fit to be tied。
  So the atmosphere around the place was somewhat arctic; and on my way down in the elevator the thought struck me that this Naylor…Kerr or Kerr Naylor or Pine…Kerr Naylor business might be used as an excuse to go somewhere out of the cold for a few days。 Why couldn't it be me who got a job in the stock department? Grabbing a taxi from under the chins of two other prospective customers; I considered it。 Just any job; one that happened to be loose; didn't seem practical。 A little friendly conversation with the elevator starter had informed me that the line of Naylor…Kerr; Inc。; was Engineers' Equipment and Supplies; and I knew all of nothing about them except maybe overalls。 Anyway; the job would have to be one that would let me roam around and rub elbows; or it might take months; and I didn't want months。 It would be hard enough to maneuver Wolfe into letting me try it for a week; since he needed me every hour and might need me any minute; for anything and everything from opening the mail to bouncing unwanted customers or even shooting one; which had been known to happen。
  Liking the idea; and being afraid of the dark when it es to anything resembling murder; I told the taxi driver I had had a vision and asked him to go to the address of the Homicide Squad on West Twentieth Street。 There by good luck I found that Purley Stebbins; my favorite sergeant; was on hand; and he obligingly got what I wanted with only three or four growls。 A phone call to a brother sergeant downtown brought the information that the death of Waldo Wilmot Moore had occurred around midnight on December 4。 The body had been discovered by a man and wife on Thirty…ninth Street a hundred and twenty feet east of Eleventh Avenue。 The wife had phoned in while the man stood by; and a radio car had arrived on the scene at one…nineteen A。M。 on December 5。 It was a DOA; dead on arrival; with Moore's head crushed and his legs broken。 The car that hit him had been found the next morning; parked on West Ninety…fifth Street near Broadway。 It was hot; having been stolen the evening of the fourth from where it was parked on West Fifty…fourth Street。 Its owner had been checked up and down and backwards and forwards; and was out of it。 No witnesses to the accident had been found; but the post…mortem report; plus laboratory examination of various par
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