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ice pounded against his brain but no mockery this time; sheer terror in the warning; 'Flee while there is still time。'
  I cannot; for Damballah has trapped me and 1 am here to see this through!
  And then; as suddenly as the malevolent maelstrom had begun; it ended; the blackness instantly becalmed; people were groaning; somebody laughing insanely。 A rat scurried across the floor as though it had been caught out in the open and sought the protection of its hole before the next psychic storm。
  Sabat waited; blinked as light came suddenly; a shimmering nervous black altar candle; ignited by some unknown hand; brightening as though it sought a missing mate。 He braced himself; afraid of what he might see; closing his eyes momentarily at the awful sight which greeted him but opening them again because he knew he must look eventually。 At least he was still alive and sane; unscathed; a shipwrecked mariner adrift on the ocean savouring every precious second left to him。
  The dead and dying littered the floor; a miniature replica of that aftermath of battle on the barren astral wasteland of Hopelessness; rats instead of vultures waiting to feed on the slain; knowing that the wounded would die。 Faces smashed into bloody anonymity; crumpled; naked bodies that bore cloven hoofprints as though they were branded yearlings struck down by anthrax and still twitching; death…throes that grew weaker with every passing second。
  Only Alison appeared to be unharmed; mentally and physically; kneeling there in that same torn dress of many colours with not a trace of fear in her wide dark eyes。 She did not appear surprised to see Sabat; brief recognition flickering in her eyes。 He straightened up; stepped out to go to her and in that instant a shadow fell across the single pool of candlelight。
  Sabat recoiled; his first reaction being to try to squeeze back into that meagre place of refuge which had spared him。 Aghast; he thought for one moment that the paralytic drug had begun to work again; draining his muscles but the 。38 came up swiftly; instinctive snap…shooting that blitzed a hail of lead on whatever it was that came towards him。 Oh God; not even Sabat could create anything like that!
  The shape was human; a lumbering silhouette that resembled Royston Spode yet the features could only have e from the depths of Hades; a misshapen skull that had had flesh clumsily adhered to it as though in a blasphemous attempt to create Man。 Bloated eyes too large for the narrow sockets; a hooked nose; the nostrils clogged with mucus; a mouth that was smeared redly as though it was a ghoul that had recently feasted on raw flesh。 The bullets had chipped the head; cut grooves across the cheeks and jawbone before ricochetting harmlessly away。 And now it was determined to vent its fury on Sabat!
  Seconds that might have been an eternity; and in that time Sabat recognised his attacker; realised the full implications of what had happened during those nightmarish minutes of carnage。 Spode's body it was; on which some horrific super…natural transplant had taken place; the resurrected features of William Gardiner festooned on to Royston's own obesity; a blending of body and soul that had somehow gone wrong because of the false sacrifice。 And Spode knew; knew that partial success was indeed miserable failure and Sabat would pay the penalty for what had happened!
  Spode was invincible to mortal attack; Sabat might just as well have wasted his shells on that skeleton that had lain there earlier。 Slow measured steps; a wrestler closing in on an inferior opponent; knowing full well that he can crush the life out of him but preferring to savour the finale。
  Sabat closed his eyes; tried to pray 。 。 。 struggled to find the right words; remembered just one line。 'Lord; beat down Satan quickly!'
  Spode checked but only momentarily; as though another bullet had glanced off him; an annoyance but nothing serious。 Sabat stepped back another pace; felt the roughness of the wall gouge his shoulder blades。 He closed his eyes。 This; then was the end。 Finis。 His senses swam; the paralysis seemed to be ing back; a dull creeping numbness preparing him for death。 He didn't mind dying; it was what happened afterwards that worried him。 Even Quentin was silent; his brother's soul succumbing to the presence of a terrible evil。
  Sabat could smell this thing that might have been Spode; a lingering stench of uncleansed stables; rank foul breath ing in icy blasts。 Something touched his arm; had him shuddering and turning his head; yelling 'Get it over。 Kill me; finish me!'
  Even as he awaited death in some horribly agonising manner; a thud jerked him out of his resignation to the end; a noise such as Spode had made when he hacked mercilessly at the body he believed to be Sabat's; a tearing; cutting sound like a knife blade being forced to the limit of its sharpness; then brute force taking over。 A scream that no human vocal chords were capable of making; a screeching and cursing in a tongue which Sabat did not understand。
  Sabat's eyes were open。 This could not be happening; it was some cruel figment of fantasy; his astral torturing him during that brief period when life slipped into death; a taunting hope that would be dashed with the ing of oblivion。
  Spode was tottering; floundering; a drowning man panicking。 Those vile features were unrecognisable in an expression of unbelievable agony; lips moving soundlessly now; mute curses; falling。 He hit the floor; heaving as he struggled for breath; a grotesque fish that found itself grounded; its death struggles growing weaker by the second; lying there; eyes that dimmed; staring hatefully up at Sabat; moving on to 。。。 Alison!
  The West Indian girl stood there; eyes closed as though she could not bring herself to look upon this creature who had once been her master; the bloody sacrificial knife slipping slowly from her fingers and clattering on the stones。 Her lips were moving; Sabat had to strain his ears to catch the words uttered in Creole。 'Die; fiend of a false god for this is still Damballah's day and I am his disciple!'
  Spode; or whatever it was that controlled that terrible body; was dead。 Or rather; Sabat decided; the force which had motivated him had been vanquished; sent back whence it had e; a defeated entity returned to the Petro gods。
  'I。。。 you 。。。〃 Sabat could no more easily find the words to thank Alison than when he had sought for a prayer of exorcism; a defence against psychic attack; a few moments ago。
  'I am a follower of Damballah。' She regarded him steadily and he noted a deep sadness in her eyes。 'For five years I have been enslaved by this fiend; forced to pay homage to the Petro gods but I kept faith for I knew that one day the Rada gods would free me。 I knew the moment you arrived at the vicarage that you had been sent for this purpose even if you did not know it yourself。 I had no choice other than to give you that drugged coffee。 Had I refused or tried to trick him; my fate would have been that of Miranda's。'
  Sabat glanced about him。
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