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  Miranda wanted to flee; to rush screaming from this awful place; but somehow Royston had frozen her body as surely as though he had induced some paralysing drug into her bloodstream。 Even her eyeballs did not move。 His whispered words hit her with the force of a driving hailstorm。 'Look at me; for I am William Gardiner; awaiting to be resurrected with your Help!'
  Now her terror was at a peak。 The man before her was Royston again; more sinister than that night of the Black Mass when a girl had died and Horace had been reduced to a babbling imbecile。 No longer did he hypnotise her brain; just every bodily function as surely as though she was imprisoned inside a suit of armour; being able to see and hear but not able to flutter so much as an eyelash。 And she knew that he had done this to her because he wanted to punish her; had passed worse than the death sentence on her because of the treachery she had planned with Sabat。 It was impossible to turn back once the Left Hand Path had been trodden。
  She was conscious of being led to the black altar; of being made to lie flat on her back on the covered stone slab; feeling something touching her arm 。。。 knowing that she lay alongside that terrible skeleton and being powerless even to flinch! bile rose in her throat。 She wanted to vomit but even the human reaction to revulsion of throwing up was denied her; inwardly screaming until her brain vibrated。 Yet it wasn't enough to shut out Royston's voice as he stood and faced his awed followers; arms aloft。
  'Brethren; tonight we have the power to bring back he who was known as William Gardiner; to inject life into these bones which had mouldered for so long in the earth。 Because before tonight none were capable; none dared to do it until now。 The time is nigh。' His voice reached an hysterical pitch; brought murmurs from those who bowed their heads or looked up at him with reverence and fear; trying to dispel thoughts of reluctance in case this terrible man read them; for surely his powers were truly magical。
  'Brethren; we have bones; human bones;' Royston's voice had sunk to a whisper yet it echoed loudly in this confined space。 'What do we need to give it life again; brethren?'
  'Breath;' the reply in unison was like a hiss。 The candles seeming to be caught by the rush of air; flickered; and when the tiny flames were still again they appeared to have dimmed。 It could have been an illusion。
  'Breath; indeed;' Royston shouted; saw the watchers cringe; a few in the background hiding their faces。 'The breath of a beautiful woman breathed into him; a mate to bring him life and joy。'
  Miranda felt herself being lifted up; so easily that it was as if she was suddenly weightless。 One of the altar candles flickered again causing the features directly below her to grin evilly。 Oh God Almighty; no;' Not that I Whoever held her was lowering her slowly; her naked body being laid; face to face; directly upon that terrible thing that they had dug out of its last resting place; her thighs pulled apart so that those skeletal legs lay between them; the hard pubic bone scraping painfully against her own。 Her breasts were trapped and squashed in the hideous ribcage。 And her mouth was guided directly on to that black cavity in an unholy kiss that went beyond the grave。
  'William Gardiner has a mate at last!' Royston's shout was close to hysteria。 'A woman who breathes life into him even now; cherishing his memory; one honoured to mate with him should he so desire!'
  Miranda prayed that she might die there and then; a sudden heart attack brought on because she had passed the fear barrier。 Or madness; her brain snapping and sparing her the awfulness of reality; turning this into some wild sexual fantasy。 But neither happened。 She could not even draw back; instead to her horror she felt her tongue protruding; pushing its way into what had once been Gardiner's mouth in a simulation of copulation。 A vile taste and it was impossible even to retch; the sour flavour of damp earth on her palate blended with one of putrefying flesh。 The altar candle dimmed still further and beneath the weight of her own body the skeleton appeared to move; a settling of ancient bones that dug into her with a terrifying eagerness。 'He has breath;' Royston screeched。 'What else does he need; brethren?'
  'Flesh;' the reply came back instantly。
  'He has flesh now; pressing against his sacred bones。 But what else; brethren? Flesh and breath; but his new arteries will need to be filled with that which will bring life to him; bring him back to us from beyond。'
  'Blood!' A deafening chorus; a classroom prompted into the right answer by their teacher。 'G/ve him blood so that he will live again!' Echoes: 'blood 。 。 。 blood 。 。 。 blood。' Several of the smaller candles situated around the crypt were suddenly extinguished; the lurking shadows darting back; the stench of smoking candlewax sickening。
  Miranda felt Royston moving close to her; knew what he was going to do; felt the coldness of the steel knife blade as it nicked her wrists; a tiny quarter…inch gash but gouged so expertly that she felt the blood spurting from her almost instantly。 Now her other wrist; her hands placed back immediately in Gardiner's skeletal grip。
  Her head was pulled back by her auburn hair。 She braced herself mentally; physically it was impossible even to cringe。 A sharp strangulating pain and she knew the knife had cut deep; her head lowered back into its original position; that ghastly kiss of life for the dead。
  Wide…eyed she watched herself from an angled position。 Silence; except for a noise like a tap squirting into a basin; white bones turning darkly crimson。 And; oh Jesus; she was still pushing into that vile mouth with her tongue!
  It was darker now; just one altar candle left burning。 For Miranda the black shadows were tinged with red and her tongue…thrusts were being weaker by the second。 And there was no pain as though her body and her brain were no longer in munication with each other。
  She was convinced that she had died a couple of minutes before the end actually came; before the spouting blood slowed to a thick trickle and she sagged down on to the dripping skeleton。 Her astral body was a yard or so above her corpse; seeing Royston jerk her head back; ignoring her as he stared into the blood…filled eye sockets of William Gardiner; seeking a movement; a sign of some sort; willing life where there was only death。
  'Does he live?' Quavering voices; trembling whispers from beyond the circle of light cast by the remaining candle。 Most of the coven secretly hoped that he did not。
  Royston sucked in his breath; Miranda saw that his features had changed yet again; sunken and wasted; reminiscent in structure of that awful skull; the same narrow mouth into which she had been forced to thrust her tongue in a stinking french kiss。
  'Life is there。' Royston lifted one of the fleshless hands as though testing its pulse。 'But our sacred benefactor is not to be reincarnated so easily。 He has accepted our sacrifice bu
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