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e could both find ourselves in prison facing a murder charge。 What I propose doing is drawing a pentagram in this very room; which should keep us safe until morning; and then I think we'll return to London where I can fight him on home territory。' It sounded plausible and there was even a look of relief on Miranda's face at the realisation that they were not going to seek a confrontation with Royston after all。 'So before it gets properly dark I'll just pop down to the car and get the things I need。'
  'AH right;' she nodded; 'but be as quick as you can please; Mark; because it's already starting to get dark 。 。 。 and I'm frightened。'
  She let him out of the front door; closing it behind him。 It was darker than he had thought; the street lights already having e on; and on both sides of the road curtains were drawn across lighted windows。 A bank of cloud had drifted in during the afternoon and it was even now beginning to drizzle。 Sabat shuddered; tried to shake off the foreboding which had plagued him since he had awoken; and quickened his step。
  It was a relief to see the Daimler still there at the kerbside。 It was further from Miranda's house than he had thought and he'd had one awful thought that it might have been stolen。 Christ; he had to calm these needless fears; get himself under control if he was to e through this night unscathed。 They had already begun to work on him。
  His hand fumbled as he found the bunch of keys in his pocket。 Panic that he fought down; told himself he had to stay calm; in all probability Royston would not show up for hours yet。 He found the right key; it slipped down the ring just as he went to fit it in the lock; and he cursed beneath his breath。 Got it this time; it went in a little way then stuck as though there was some obstruction in the keyhole。
  'Sod it; what the hell's the matter? It's never played up like this before。' Sabat tugged; pushed; but the key would neither go right in nor e out; bending slightly under the strain。
  He was sweating; trying not to lose his temper。 Maybe there was a particle of dirt jammed in the lock。 Careful manipulation was preferable to brute force for if the key snapped he was in trouble。 It had to right itself soon。 But it didn't。
  Sabat stepped back; heard the bunch of keys jangling against the door; swinging to and fro like a taunting pendulum until finally the momentum ran out。 Jesus Christ; this was all he needed! Maybe he should walk down the road to that telephone kiosk and call out the AA。 'Give us your precise location; sir。 Thank you; that's fine; now go back and wait by your vehicle and hopefully our patrolman will be with you within the hour。' More like two fucking hours; by which time Royston would surely have shown up。
  Or; Sabat decided; he could break a window; but that would bring half the inhabitants of the road outside; a gawping sea of faces。 'That chap's up to no good。 Did you see where he went? Into her house。'
  So many 'ifs' and 'buts'。 He'd just have to carry on fiddling with the key; it was bound to give sooner or later。 Maybe he should go back and tell Miranda that he'd run into trouble。 She couldn't see the car from the house and she'd start worrying。 No; it would take too long; waste valuable time。 It was almost full darkness already。
  The keys jangled again as he grasped them; began to wriggle the one in the lock。 But whatever the obstruction was it was certainly jammed firmly。
  Miranda experienced an air of acute loneliness the moment she closed the door after Sabat。 It was something she had never known before except that one time when her father had left home for good。 It was as though a part of her had just walked away as she watched Sabat disappear。 Usually she felt relief when a client left。 Never once had she felt anything for one of her lovers; just a physical relationship; nothing more。 But this time it had been different; even when Sabat was raping her and she had fused with him; wanted to encircle him with her legs and hold him inside her forever; but some inexplicable force had prevented her from doing this。
  She'd tried to kill him but she hadn't hated him。 It was as though somebody else was inside her; controlling her every action。 The blind fury had not been hers。 Psychic hypnotism; Sabat had called it。 If there was such a thing then that was what it had been。 Thank God her knife thrust had missed!
  Royston worried her; terrified her。 She could not stop thinking about him。 Whenever he made love to her she felt the revulsion building up in her like she was mating with some slimy reptile。 But she dared not show it; even made advances to him because she knew it pleased his ego。
  Thankfully she hadn't seen him lately but tonight he was ing here again in the fullness of his evil; a murderer and worse! He would not hesitate to kill her if it suited him。 Only Sabat stood between her and some terrible fate now。
  Oh God; would Sabat be strong enough; cunning enough? Evil enough? Sabat was evil; all right; but in a different way。 Miranda felt safe with him; just having him out of the house for a few minutes induced an unfamiliar insecurity。
  He was certainly taking his time。 She looked at the small electric clock on the mantelshelf in the living room。 9。30。 Outside it was fully dark; the glow of the streetlamps seeming eerie; sinister。 She shuddered; tried to remember how long it was since Sabat had left。 Certainly ten minutes; no; more。 Twenty at least。 She went to the window; tried to see down the road but it was deserted as far as the first bend。 What on earth was keeping him? Maybe he'd lost something; or was fiddling with whatever equipment he'd gone to fetch。 But that thought seemed unconvincing; left her with a sense of uneasiness; foreboding。 Sabat himself had stressed the urgency; the need to get a pentagram drawn as quickly as possible and to barricade themselves in the house for the night。 Something had gone wrong 。。。
  Then she heard the front…door bell chime; a sound that brought instant relief; dispelled her fears even as she hastened into the hall。 As she rushed to the door she could see his outline clearly through the opaque glass; his dark…clad frame。
  'Thank God!' she blurted as she let him in。 'I was getting frantic; thought something had gone wrong。 Whatever kept you; you've been gone almost twenty minutes。'
  'I didn't think it was that long;' his voice sounded somehow different as he followed her into the living room; flat and expressionless。 'Ten at the most; I'd say。'
  Something made her turn; a premonition that everything was not as it should be。 Then her eyes widened; her mouth opened in amazement and horror。 The man who faced her was not Sabat! The features had expanded into a vulpine obesity; jowls of flesh and hooded eyes that blazed a terrible fury; black clothing; but the garments hung almost shapeless on the huge frame; white manicured hands reaching out for her。 And as they closed over her throat; stifling the scream before it began; lifting her like an oversize rag doll; a red haze shimmered before her ey
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