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erci;〃 he mumbled。
 〃Is there a pay phone nearby?〃 asked Bourne; removing an additional ten…franc note。
 〃Down the street; fifty; sixty meters;〃 replied the waiter; his eyes on the new money。
 〃Nothing closer?〃 Jason peeled off another note; twenty francs。 〃I'm calling right here within a few blocks。〃
 〃e with me;〃 said the aproned garзon; gingerly picking up the franc notes and leading Bourne through the open doors of the café to a cashier seated on high at the far end of the restaurant。 The gaunt; sallow…faced woman looked annoyed; obviously she assumed that Bourne was a discontented customer。
 〃Let him use your telephone;〃 said the waiter。
 〃Why?〃 spat out the harridan。 〃So he can call China?〃
 〃He calls up the street。 He will pay。〃
 Jason proffered a ten…franc note; his innocent eyes looking blankly at the highly suspicious woman。 〃Augh; take it;〃 she said; removing a phone from under her cash…register stand and grasping the money。 〃It has an extension so you can move to the wall; as they all do。 Men! Business and the bed; it's all you think about!〃
 He dialed the Pont…Royal and asked for his room; expecting Bernardine to pick up on the first or second ring。 By the fourth; he was concerned; by the eighth; he was profoundly disturbed。 Bernardine was not there! Had Santos 。。。 ? No; the Deuxième veteran was armed and knew how to use his 〃deterrence〃…there would have been at the least loud gunfire; at the last a room blown apart by a grenade。 Bernardine had left under his own control。 Why?
 There could be any one of several reasons; thought Bourne; handing back the telephone and returning to his table outside。 The first and most wished for was news of Marie; the old intelligence officer would not raise false hopes by detailing the nets he had spread throughout the city; but they were there; Jason was sure of it。 。。。 Bourne could not think of another reason; so it was best not to think about Bernardine。 He had other pressing considerations; the most intensely pressing of his life。 He returned to the strong coffee and his notebook; every detail had to be exact。
 An hour later he finished his espresso; taking a sip of the cognac and spilling the rest on the pavement under the usual soiled red tablecloth。 He left the café and the rue d'Alésia; turning right and walking slowly; as a far older man might walk; toward the boulevard Lefebvre。 The closer he came to the last corner; the more he became aware of the undulating; erratic sounds from apparently different directions。 Sirens! The two…note sirens of the Paris police! What had happened? What was happening? Jason abandoned his elderly gait and ran to the edge of the building fronting the Lefebvre and the row of old stone houses。 Instantly; he was in shock; fury and astonishment joining together in panic。 What were they doing?
 Five patrol cars converged on the row of stone houses; each successively screeching to a halt in front of the structure on the right。 Then a large black police van appeared; swinging directly around to face the two entrances of the building; its searchlight shooting out as a squad of black…uniformed men with automatic weapons leaped into the street and took up crouching attack positions only partially concealed by the patrol cars…an assault was in the making!
 Fools。 Goddamned fools! To give Carlos a warning was to lose the Jackal! Killing was his profession; escape; his obsession。 Thirteen years ago Bourne had been told that Carlos's huge retreat in the village hills of Vitry…sur…Seine outside Paris had more false walls and concealed staircases than a nobleman's Loire chateau in the time of Louis XIV。 The fact that no one had ever determined which estate it was; or whom it was assigned to; did not vitiate the all too acceptable rumors。 And with three supposedly separated structures on the boulevard Lefebvre; it was also all too acceptable to presuppose hidden underground tunnels linking each to the others。
 For Christ's sake; who had done this? Had a terrible error been made? Had he and Bernardine been so obtuse as to think the Deuxième or Peter Holland's Paris station of the CIA had overlooked tapping into his Pont…Royal telephone or bribed or enlisted the various relays of operators on the hotel's switchboard? If so; that obtuseness was rooted in an absolute: it was next to impossible to tap a phone on short notice in a relatively small hotel without being detected。 Technology required a stranger on the premises; and bribe money spread around was countered with larger bribes by the subject under surveillance。 Santos? Bugs placed in the room by a chambermaid or a bellman? Not likely。 The huge conduit to the Jackal; especially if he had reneged on their contract; would not expose the Jackal。 Who? How? The questions burned into Jason's imagination as he watched in horror and dismay the scene taking place on the boulevard Lefebvre。
 〃On police authority; all residents will evacuate the building。〃 The orders over the loudspeaker metallically echoed throughout the street。 〃You have one minute before we take aggressive procedures。〃
 What aggressive procedures? screamed Bourne into the silent void of his mind。 You've lost him。 I've lost him。 Insanity! Who? Why?
 The door at the top of the brick steps on the left side of the building opened first。 A petrified man; short; obese; in an undershirt; his trousers held up by suspenders; cautiously walked out into the flood of the searchlight; spreading his hands in front of his face and turning his head away from the blinding beam。 〃What is it; messieurs?〃 he cried; his voice tremulous。 〃I am merely a baker…a good baker…but I know nothing about this street except that the rent is cheap! Is that a crime to the police?〃
 〃Our concerns are not with you; monsieur;〃 continued the amplified voice。
 〃Not with me; you say? You arrive here like an army; frightening my wife and children into thinking it is their last minutes on earth; and yet you say we don't concern you? What kind of reasoning is that? We live among fascists?〃
 Hurry up! thought Jason。 For God's sake; hurry! Every second is a minute in escape time; an hour for the Jackal!
 The door above the flight of brick steps on the right now opened; and a nun in the full flowing black robe of a religious habit appeared。 She stood defiantly in the frame; no fear whatsoever in her almost operatic voice。 〃How dare you?〃 she roared。 〃These are the hours of vespers and you intrude。 Better you should be asking forgiveness for your sins than interrupting those who plead with God for theirs!〃
 〃Nicely said; Sister;〃 intoned the unimpressed police officer over the loudspeaker。 〃But we have other information and we respectfully insist on searching your house。 If you refuse; we shall disrespectfully carry out our orders。〃
 〃We are the Magdalen Sisters of Charity!〃 exclaimed the nun。 〃These are the sacrosanct quarters of women devoted to Christ!〃
 〃We respect your position; Sister; but we are still ing inside。 If what you say is so; I'm sure the authorities will make a generous contribution to your cause。〃
 You're wasting time! screamed Bourne to himself。 He's getting away!
 〃Then may your souls be damned for transgression; but e ah
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