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 In precisely two minutes; mander Koski was sitting at a table in the officers' messroom; his cold hands gratefully encircling a steaming mug of black coffee。 It was nearly half drained when the door opened and Dover entered the room; followed by a chubby character with large rimless spectacles mounted on a bald head that was edged by long unkempt white hair。
 Although the initial effect reminded Koski of a stereotypic mad scientist; the face was round and goodnatured; and the brown eyes had a crinkled grin。 The stranger caught sight of the mander and marched up to the table and extended his hand。
 〃mander Koski; I take it。 Hunnewell…Dr。 Bill Hunnewell。 Sorry to inconvenience you like this。〃
 Koski rose and shook Hunnewell's hand。 〃Wele aboard; Doctor。 Please sit down and have a cup of coffee。〃
 〃Coffee? Can't stand the stuff;〃 Hunnewell said mournfully。 〃I'd sell my soul for a nip of hot cocoa though。〃
 〃Cocoa we've got;〃 Koski said agreeably。 He leaned back in his chair and raised his voice。 〃Brady!〃
 A steward wearing a white jacket ambled from the galley。 He was long and lean and walked with a gait that could only spell Texas。 〃Yessir; Captain。 What'll it be?〃
 〃A cup of cocoa for our guest and two more coffees for Lieutenant Dover and…〃 Koski stopped and peered questioningly behind Dover。 〃I believe we're missing Dr。 Hunnewell's pilot?〃
 〃He'll be along in a minute。〃 Dover bore an unhappy look on his face。 It was as if he tried to signal a warning to Koski。 〃He wanted to be sure the helicopter was tied down securely。〃
 Koski stared back speculatively at Dover; but then he let it go。 〃There you have it; Brady。 And bring the pot; I could use a refill。〃
 Brady simply nodded in acknowledgment and returned to the galley。
 Hunnewell said; 〃It's true luxury to have four solid walls around me again。 Sitting in that vibrating kite with nothing between me and the elements but a plastic bubble was enough to turn a man's hair gray。〃
 He ran his hand through the few remaining white strands surrounding his dome and grinned。
 Koski set down his mug; and he wasn't smiling。 〃I don't think you realize; Dr。 Hunnewell; just how close you came to losing the rest of your hair and yourself as well。 It was pure recklessness on the part of your pilot to even consider making a flight in this weather。〃
 〃I can assure you; sir; that this trip was necessary。〃 Hunnewell spoke in a benevolent tone; the same tone he might have used lecturing a schoolboy。 〃You; your crew; your ship has a vital function to perform; and time is the critical dimension。 We cannot afford to lose a single minute。〃 He pulled a slip of paper from his breast pocket and passed it across the table to Koski。
 〃While I explain our presence; I must ask you to set an immediate course for this position。〃
 Koski took the paper without reading its contents。
 〃Forgive me; Dr。 Hunnewell; I am not in a position to grant your request。 The only order I have from the mandant's Headquarters is to take aboard two passengers。 Nothing was mentioned about giving you carte blanche to run my ship。〃
 〃You don't understand。〃
 Koski stared piercingly over his coffee mug at Hunnewell。 〃That; Doctor; is the understatement of the day。 Just what is your capacity? Why are you here?〃
 〃Put your mind at ease; mander。 I'm not an enemy agent out to sabotage your precious ship。 My PhD。 is in oceanography; and I'm currently employed by the National Underwater and Marine Agency。〃
 〃No offense;〃 Koski said equably。 〃But that still leaves one question unanswered。〃
 〃Perhaps I can help clear the air。〃 The new voice came soft but firm with an authoritative resonance。
 Koski stiffened in his chair and turned to a figure who leaned negligently against the doorway…a tall; well…proportioned figure。 The oak…tanned face; the hard; almost cruel features; the penetrating green eyes suggested that this wasn't a man to step on。 Clad in a blue Air Force flight jacket and uniform; watchful yet detached; he offered Koski a condescending grin。
 〃Ah; there you are;〃 Hunnewell said loudly。
 〃mander Koski; may I present Major Dirk Pitt; Special Projects Director for NUMA。〃
 〃Pitt?〃 Koski echoed flatly。 He glanced at Dover and lifted an eyebrow。 Dover only shrugged and looked unfortable。 〃By any chance the same Pitt who broke up that underwater smuggling business in Greece last year?〃
 〃There were at least ten other people who deserve the lion's share of the credit;〃 Pitt said。
 〃An Air Force officer working in oceanogaphic programs;〃 said Dover; 〃a little out of your element; aren't you; Major?〃
 The lines around Pitts eyes etched into a smile。
 〃No more than all the Navy men who have gone to the moon。
 〃You have a valid point;〃 Koski conceded。
 Brady appeared and served the coffee and cocoa。
 He left and returned again; setting down a tray of sandwiches before retreating for the last time。
 Koski began to feel uneasy in earnest now。 A scientist from a prominent government agency…not good。
 An officer in another branch of the service with a reputation for dangerous escapades…bad news。 But the bination of the two; sitting there on the other side of the table telling him what to do and where to goabsolute plague。
 〃As I was saying; mander;〃 Hunnewell said impatiently。 〃We must get to that position I gave you as quickly as possible。〃
 〃No;〃 Koski said bluntly。 〃I'm sorry if my attitude seems hard…nosed; but you must agree; I'm perfectly within my rights in refusing your demands。 As captain of this ship; the only orders I'm obliged to obey e from either Coast Guard District Headquarters in New York or the mandant's office in Washington。〃 He paused to pourhimself another cup of coffee。 〃And my orders were to take on two passengers; nothing more。 I have obeyed; and now I'm resuming my original patrol course。〃
 Pitts eyes weighed Koski's granite features as a metallurgist might test a shaft of high…grade steel; probing for a flaw。
 Suddenly he straightened up and cautiously walked over to the galley door and glanced in。 Brady was busy pouring a bulky sack of potatoes into a huge steaming pot。 Then Pitt; still cautiously; turned and scrutinized the alleyway outside the messroom。 He could see his little game was working; Koski and Dover were exchanging confused looks between taking in his movements。 Finally; seeming satisfied there were no eavesdroppers; Pitt moved to the table and sat down; leaning close to the two Coast Guard officers; lowering his voice to a murmur。
 〃Okay; gentlemen; here's the story。 The position Dr。 Hunnewell gave you is the approximate location of an extremely important iceberg。〃
 Koski colored slightly; but managed to keep a straight face。 〃And what; if I may ask without sounding stupid; Major; do you class as an important iceberg?〃
 Pitt paused for effect。 〃One that has the remains of a ship imbedded under its mantle。 A Russian trawler; to be exact; crammed with the latest and most sophisticated electronic detection gear Soviet science has yet devised。 Not to mention the codes and data for their entire Western Hemisphere surveillance program。〃
 Koski didn't even blink。 Without taking his
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