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oe or a hand little more; and such scars and injuries they bear indifferently。 But the loss of a nose they count equal to death itself; and this even to the loss of a piece of the fleshy tip; which other people would say is a most minor injury。
 The breaking of the bones of the nose; through battle and blows; is no matter; many of them have crooked noses for that cause。 I do not know the reason for this fear of cutting the nose。35
 Fortified; the warriors of Buliwyf and I among them left our steeds upon the hill; but these animals could not go unattended; so affrighted were they。 One of our party was to remain with them; and I had hopes to be selected to this task; yet it was Haltaf; he being already injured and of least use。 Thus we others warily descended the hill among the sickly scrub and dying bushes down the slope to the encampment of the wendol。 We moved in stealth; and no alarm was raised; and soon we were in the very heart of the village of the demons。
 Buliwyf never spoke; but gave all directions and orders with his hands。 And from him I took the meaning that we were to go in groups of two warriors; each pair in a different direction。 Herger and I were to attack the nearest of the mud huts; and the others were to attack others。 All waited until the groups were stationed outside the huts; and then; with a howl; Buliwyf raised his great sword Runding and led the attack。
 I dashed with Herger into one of the huts; blood pounding in my head; my sword light as a feather in my hands。 Verily I was ready for the mightiest battle of my life。 I saw nothing inside; the but was deserted and barren as well; save for rude beds of straw; so clumsy in their appearance they seemed more to resemble nests of some animal。
 We dashed outside; and attacked the next of these mud huts。 Again we found it empty。 Verily; all the huts were empty; and the warriors of Buliwyf were sorely vexed and stared one to the next with expression of surprise and astonishment。
 Then Ecthgow called to us; and we gathered at one of these huts; larger than any of the others。 And here I saw that it was deserted as they were all deserted; but the interior was not barren。 Rather; the floor of the hut was littered with fragile bones; which crunched underfoot like the bones of birds; delicate and frail。 I was much surprised at this; and stooped to see the nature of these bones。 With a shock; I saw the curved line of an eye socket here; and a few teeth there。 Verily we stood upon a carpet of the bones of human faces; and for further proofs of this ghastly truth; piled high upon one wall of the hut were the head portions of the human skulls; stacked inverted like so many pottery bowls; but glistening white。 I was sick; and departed the hut to purge myself。 Herger said to me that the wendol eat the brains of their victims; as a human person might eat eggs or cheese。 This is their custom; vile as it is to contemplate such a matter; yet it is true。
 Now another of the warriors called to us; and we entered another hut。 Here I saw this: the but was bare; except for a large throne…like chair; carved of a single piece of enormous wood。 This chair had a high fanning back; carved into the shape of snakes and demons。 At the foot of the chair were littered bones of skulls; and upon the arms of the chair; where its owner might rest his hands there was blood and remnants of whitish cheesy substance; which was human brain material。 The odor of this room was ghastly。
 Placed all around this chair there were small pregnant stone carvings; such as I have described before; these carvings formed a circle or perimeter about the chair。
 Herger said; 〃This is where she rules;〃 and his voice was low and awed。
 I was not able to prehend his meaning; and was sick in heart and stomach。 I emptied my stomach upon the soil。 Herger and Buliwyf and the others were also distressed; though no man purged himself; but rather they took glowing embers from the fire and set the huts aflame。 They burned slowly; for they were damp。
 And thus we climbed up the hill; mounted our horses; and left the region of the wendol; and departed the desert of dread。 And all the warriors of Buliwyf were now sad of aspect; for the wendol had surpassed them in cunning and cleverness; abandoning their lair in anticipation of the attack; and they would count the burning of their dwellings no great loss。

 WE RETURNED AS WE HAD E; BUT RODE WITH greater speed; for the horses now were eager; and eventually came down from the hills and saw the flat plain and; in the distance; at the ocean's edge; the settlement and the great hall of Rothgar。
 Now Buliwyf veered away and led us in another direction; toward high rocky crags swept by the ocean winds。 I rode alongside Herger and inquired the reason for this; and he said we were to seek out the dwarves of the region。
 At this I was much surprised; for the men of the North have no dwarves among their society; they are never seen in the streets; nor do any sit at the feet of kings; nor are any to be found counting money or keeping records or any of the things that we know of dwarves。36 Never had any Northman mentioned dwarves to me; and I had presumed that so giant a people37 would never produce dwarves。
 Now we came to a region of caves; hollowed and windswept; and Buliwyf dismounted from his horse; and all the warriors of Buliwyf did likewise; and proceeded by foot。 I heard a hissing sound; and verily I saw puffs of steam issue from one and another of these several caves。 We entered one cave and there found dwarves。
 They were in appearance thus: of the ordinary size of dwarf; but distinguished by hands of great size; and bearing features that appeared exceedingly aged。 There were both male and female dwarves and all had the appearance of great age。 The males were bearded and solemn; the women also had some hair upon the face; so they appeared manlike。 Each dwarf wore a garment of fur or sable; each also wore a thin belt of hide decorated with bits of hammered gold。
 The dwarves greeted our arrival politely; with no sign of fear。 Herger said these creatures have magic powers and need fear no man on earth; however; they are apprehensive of horses; and for this reason we had left the mounts behind us。 Herger said also that the powers of a dwarf reside in his thin belt; and that a dwarf will do anything to retrieve his belt if it is lost。
 Herger said this also: that the appearance of great age among the dwarves was a true thing; and that a dwarf lived beyond the span of any ordinary man。 Also he said to me that these dwarves are virile from their earliest youth; that even as infants they have hair at the groin; and members of unmon size。 Indeed; it is in this way that the parents first e to know that their infant child is a dwarf; and a creature of magic; who must be taken to the hills to live with others of his kind。 This done; the parents give thanks to the gods and sacrifice some animal or other; for to give birth to a dwarf is accounted high good fortune。
 This is the belief of the North people; as Herger spoke it; and I do not know the truth of the matter; and report only what was told to me。
 Now I saw that the h
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