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   Several patrons hunched before the bar…counter; sipping dubious…looking cocktails and staring into TV terminals; Rex found a vacant bar…stool and climbed on to it。 The barman behind the jump regarded him with passing interest。 He was scabious fellow; in leathern apron and gloves。 He lacked an eye and glared at the world with that remaining in a manner which; Rex felt; lacked a certain warmth。
   'Good day to you;' said Rex encouragingly。
   'Possibly your definition of the word differs from my own;' replied the barman; idly dabbing at the counter with a rag unfit to swab latrines。 'But if you're buying liquor it's all the same to me。' 
   'Quite so。' Rex drummed his fingers upon the counter…top。 'Now; what shall I have?' 
   'The beer tastes like bog water and the liquor is distilled from rat turds。' 
   'Do you have a personal favourite?' 
   'Tomorrowman Brew is perhaps less noxious than most;' 
   'A double then;' 
   'As you please。' The barman decanted a small measure of the demon brew。 'Eyeball the terminal。 Those I find to be without credit generally leave the establishment with a dented skull;' 
   Rex stared into the counter screen and much to his surprise it flashed up twenty credits to his favour。
   'A man of means;' said the barman; punching in Rex's account to date。 'Drink your fill;' 
   Rex placed the cup to his lips and took a tentative sip。 It wasn't as bad as all that and the nausea which inevitably followed any kind of intoxication didn't e。
   'Cheers;' said Rex; raising his cup。 'Will you have one yourself?' 
   The barman eyed him with curiosity。 'You are asking me to take a drink at your expense?' 
   'The mad shall always be mad; such is the way of it。' He poured himself a large measure and knocked it back with a single movement。 'So;' he said; wiping his mouth with the bar…cloth。 'What do you want to know?' 
   Rex finished his drink and stared into the putrid bottom of the cup。 'I'm a wanderer; a seeker after truth; if you like。' 
   'I don't like; but continue。' 
   'I'm driven by a single pulsion。 An unquenchable thirst for religious dogma in its each and every form。' 
   'Then watch the screens;' said the barman; 'there's dogma enough for anyone there; crap it all is。' 
   'Quite so; but a whisper has reached me that there are others hereabouts of alternative persuasions。 Non establishment。' Rex gave the barman a knowing wink。
   The barman shook his head。 'I would know nothing of such matters。 I merely serve the drinks and kick out the drunks。' 
   'I'm willing to pay handsomely for such information。' 
   'Ah;' the barman grinned; fearsomely; 'then you have e to the right place。 parative religion is my life's work。 I run this bar as a sideline。' 
   'Indeed。 Then we understand one another。' 
   'That remains to be seen。' 
   Rex leant forward across the counter。 'The Devianti;' he said。
   The barman's eye rolled into his head; leaving only the ghastly white。 'I must be off about my business。' Snatching up his bar…cloth; he limped down the bar to serve a dwarf; who was noisily rattling his cup。
   'He won't tell you nothing mister;' said a voice at Rex's elbow。 'Scared shitless he is。' 
   Rex looked down at the wretch; ill…clad and foul smelling。 His skin was toned a vile yellow; crudely rouged at the cheeks。 'And who might you be?' 
   'Josh is the name; mister。 Rogan Josh。 Your offer still hold good?' 
   Rex nodded。 'It does; but there is one small matter I feel you should know。' 
   'Oh yes?' 
   'I suffer from an unstable mental condition which manifests itself in bouts of psychotic violence when I find myself being incorrectly advised。' 
   The wretch flinched。 He had that wasted; haunted look; which wasn't unmon。 Pulling at his single lock of hair; he said; 'I can set you straight; mister。 Honest。' 
   'Then kindly do so。' 
   'It'll cost you。' 
   'Say your piece then and I shall endeavour to place an accurate monetary value upon it。' 
   'These Devianti。 I know where they hang out。' 
   'Hang out?' 
   'Where they live; take up residence; co…exist; assume a non…transient occupancy。 The dunghole where they do their butchery。' 
   'Go on。' 
   'They're bad boys; mister。 They eat people。' 
   'I'd rather gathered that。' 
   'So you'd better take a food parcel; unless you wanna be on the menu。' 
   'Do you want another drink?' asked the barman; who had been edging back; all ears。 'Or do you want kicking into the street?' 
   'One more for myself;' Rex nodded towards Rogan Josh; 'and one for my panion; that will indeed be all。' 
   'Oh; thanks very much;' sneered the wounded barman。 'Would it be of any interest to learn my considered opinion of yourself?' 
   'None whatever。' 
   'Not that I consider you the accidental oute of a homosexual relationship?' 
   'One for myself and one for my panion。' 
   The barman splashed two foreshortened measures of Tomorrowman into as many glasses; overcharged Rex's account and stood with his arms folded; grinding his tooth。
   Rex steered his informer away to a side table。 Here he spoke in whispered tones。 The barman; whose hearing was considerably less acute than his temper; slouched off; muttering beneath his breath。
   'Now;' said Rex; 'all I require are names and locations。' 
   The wretch eyed him with open suspicion。 'Who are you; mister?' he asked。
   'Rex Mundi is the name。 Whenever you think of four credits; justly earned; you will think of me。' 
   'If you dispense credits as liberally as you do words; then I shall be happy enough。' 
   'Quite so。 Then let us begin with the local high priest。 Always best to go straight to the top; I always find。' 
   'Thinking to pay him a visit at home; are you?' 
   'Then as you won't be ing back; you won't miss another five credits for the information。' 
   'I tend towards the optimistic;' Rex replied; 'but your point is well taken。 I shouldn't wish my murderer to gain financially from my demise。 My cash is at your disposal。' 
   'Good; then I will tell you all you wish to know。 There are some old warehouses about a mile north of here。' 
   'How will I know them?' 
   'You'll not miss them。 They are surrounded by barricades。 But don't let this deter you; just walk straight up and knock。' 
   'Assuming that I have somehow avoided the attentions of the snipers who no doubt guard the place; who should I ask for?' 
   'Assuming that this miracle has occurred; then Rambo Bloodaxe is your man。' 
   'Rambo Bloodaxe?' Rex crumpled in hilarity。 'Don't wind me up。' 
   'I'm serious; mister。 They've all got names like that。 Brad the Impaler; Deathblade Eric。' 
   Rex shook his head。 'Might I suggest; that in your certainty for my forthing extinction; you are presuming to take liberties with my not inconsiderable intellect? I feel the red mist ing on。' Rex clutched at his head and made a ferocious face。
   'Hold on; hold on mister。 I'm telling you the truth。 I wouldn't lie to a dying man。' Rex peered through his fingers。 'Anyway;' the wretch continued; 'if you return to prove me wrong then。。。' 
   'Then it wouldn't go well for you。' Rex looked at his watch。 Whether or not Rogan Josh was telling the truth; or even a sma
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