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 giving the public what they want。 But not necessarily in the way they expect it。 The Armageddon scenario … your version; Morgawr … will; as sanctioned; run visually。 The fulfilling of certain contractual obligations; videlicet the original script; will be handled separately by the backers。 Ours not to reason why。' 
   'And all this will run directly through you?' 'I'm now biologically linked to the station。 My duty is to filter out whatever is deemed unsuitable for transmission。' 
   'Such as evidence of tampering。' 'You have no quarrel with that; surely?' Jason  scratched  at  his  head。  'And  what  about our people on Earth? They will be brought out safely; I trust。' 
   'Regretfully; no。' 
   'But they are our people; that is murder。' 'No; Morgawr;' said Mungo; grandiloquently。 'That's showbiz。' 
   The umpteenth passage came to a boring conclusion。 Fergus sat down and began to grizzle。 Rex kicked hopelessly at the nearest wall。 The sound hardly echoed。 'Aw; shit;' snarled Elvis; joining Rex in the futile wall…kicking。 'How many does that make it? We'll never get out of here。' They were rapidly losing all track of time。 Rex squinted at his watch。 Two…thirty。 'How long have we been down here?' 
   'Less than ten minutes; chief。 Time sure do fly when you're having fun。' 'There wouldn't be any chance of you beaming us up?' 
   Elvis asked。 'Sure getting sick of it down here。' 'No can do; I'm afraid; chief。' 'Hey;' said Elvis。 'Surely I can smell。。。' 'Violets;' said Rex。 'You can smell violets。' 'I would have thought you had sufficient ability to find your own way out;' said Christeen softly。 'But as you haven't; you'd better follow me。' 'Baby;' howled Elvis; spinning around to view the splendid woman。 'Baybee!' 'Don't even think about it。' Rex pushed past the boy wonder and took Christeen by the hand。 'We had best make haste;' said she。
   'Battle wages on all fronts。' The newscaster loosened his tie and mopped his brow。 'Fundamentalist forces hammer at Vatican City。 Air cars equipped with the very latest in air…to…air laser cannons cut a bloody swathe across the sky in a major strike offensive。 Phew; and I'll bet those guys and gals giving their all up there are just crying out for a long cool glass of Buddhabeer。 Buddha…beer; for when the going gets really hot。。。' 
   Gloria switched off the news terminal。 The lights dimmed once more as if to say 'it's make your mind up time'。 Three further terminals gabbled greenly upon the black marble desk…top。 They displayed alarming production figures; budget over…runs; high wastage quotients; and the like。 Bit…mapped graphics ran viewing statistics and projected forecasts to the effect that Buddhavision's slice of the market was growing by the hour。 At first glance this might have appeared to be good news; but with the fall in food and medico production it was nothing short of disastrous。 Buddhavision was hard pressed to supply its own followers; any increase could mean that all would starve。 Gloria bit upon a black lacquered thumbnail。 Cordless telephones began to ring out discordant fanfares。
   'Nice to see you again。' 
   Christeen gave Rex a loving peck on the cheek。 'You're sweet。 Although you smell as bad as ever。' 
   'We ran into a spot of bother。 Dan got away。' 
   'Yes; I saw it。 But I was in no position to help。 I'm sorry。' 
   'Why is it;' Rex asked; 'that I can only remember you when I'm with you?' 
   'That's my little secret。 But see; we're nearly here。' They had entered one of the sub…basements of the Nemesis Bunker。
   'Here;' groaned Rex。 'Not here。 Why here?' 
   'Because this is where all of it is going to happen。 And I do mean happen。 e on。' Christeen led the way to the lift。
   'Some honey; huh?' Elvis whispered to Fergus Shaman。
   The other nodded enthusiastically。 'Massive bosoms。' 
   Mungo Madoc slid an intricate system of controls; all bulging bits and pulsating other bits and bits that glowed funny colours; out in front of him。 He rattled a brisk finger tattoo upon it and a cross…mesh of laser light spun out toward the shining cone。 The image of a mud…brown planet appeared; grim and forbidding; and relieved of its monotone only by two pale grey areas at its polar regions。 The image enlarged and became solid。 Mungo's gaze fell upon Jason Morgawr。 'All keyed in and ready for the off。 We shall now run your programme; Jason。 Places everyone and action。' 
   The lights went out at Nemesis。 Gloria swore fiercely and sought objects to throw。 Beyond the sloping windows the sun was going down。 Between the first and second floor; the lift was going nowhere。
   'No; let me say it for you。 Shit。' 
   'Thanks; Rex。' 
   In the darkness Fergus felt about for a switch。 His wandering hands made contact with something extremely nice。 'Urgh;' went Fergus Shaman as Christeen's fist made contact with his nose。
   High above in the darkness Ms Vrillium's voice quavered strangely。 'Gloria dear; there is someone to see you。' 
   Gloria Mundi turned in fury。 'Who?' But then words rightly failed her。
   'e at a bad time; have I?' asked Dalai Dan。
   Behold He eth with clouds and every eye shall see Him。 Revelation 1:7
   Gloria might have tried; 'Thank God you're alive;' for in fact that was exactly what she thought and exactly what Dan heard her think。 But as it was her mouth opened and closed but nothing whatever came out。
   'On your knees。' The tone in Dan's voice contained such exquisite menace and such unquestionable authority that Gloria hastened to obey。 Ms Vrillium was already on all fours and cowering into the bargain。 The High Lama strode across the darkling room and seated himself behind his great desk。 He flipped the open channels on the terminals and punched codes into the row of telephones。 And then he spoke。 But it wasn't a single voice; it was a cacophony of voices; all his; yet all issuing separate instructions at exactly the same moment。 Gloria pressed her hands about her ears。 She sensed and felt the power of pure evil。
   But to the terminal operators and those poised; telephone in hand; these heard but a single voice; directed personally to them。 A voice which offered encouragement; assuaged doubts; made praise; made promises。 When the terrible multiple tirade was done; Dan sat back in his chair and pressed the palms of his hands together。 Small sparklets of energy crackled about his fingertips。 After a moment or two the lights came back on。
   'Did you really think you could run all this without me? Did you?' Gloria hid her face; she was shivering fearfully。
   'You wretched creature。 None of it ever got through to you; did it? All this! All this!' Dan rose from his seat。 And he did it with style。 He rose into the air and hovered above his desk。 'All this is mine。 I made all this。 I hold it together。 Without me there is only chaos。 I am the Living God King。 Last of my line。 You are nothing。 Do you hear? Nothing。' 
   'I am nothing;' whispered Gloria。 'Nothing。' 
   'There; I've fixed it;' said Rex; as the lift rose again from the dead。 Christeen gave him an old…fashioned look。 Rex winked back。
   'Nice one; Rex。' Elvis was cocking a selection of brutal…looking hardware。 He thrust what appeared to be a r
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