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   'There;' Elvis patted the back of his head。 'That's why。' 
   'That's no why at all;' Rex protested。
   'Well; let me put it another way; chief。 We are doing it this way because I know what is going to happen。 And because if you do it this way; you are going to e out of it very well indeed。' 
   'I do? I mean; I will?' 
   'I been there chief; I know。 And anyway you want to see justice done; the Dalai killed a member of your family。' 
   'My aunt。' 
   'Oh no; Rex; he killed your uncle。 And he did it personally。' 
   An hour later Rex left the caverns; he screwed on his weatherdome; slipped through the concealed entrance and gazed across the blasted landscape。 The amazing revelations conveyed to him by the Time Sprout had snapped the few last worn threads which held together the tattered trouser…seat of his world。 It was a very heavy…duty number indeed。 And one so heavy that it must at all costs remain concealed from the reader for fear of spoiling the superb and totally unexpected trick ending of the book。
   Let it only be said; then; that Rex Mundi was now a man with a mission。 A mission which; barring certain horrid obstacles that for the life of him he could see no way around; might ultimately lead to him; Rex Mundi; scabby; unwashed; pock…marked and now half…gone with the mange; being the very saviour of all mankind。
   No; don't flick forward; you'll spoil it!
   Dan left the two aspiring Lamarettes in his bed with something to meditate on。 Specifically; how a single individual could possess the power to ravish them both simultaneously。 Reincorporating before the bathroom mirror; Dan stuck his tongue out at himself and made a prial of winks。 Being the Living God King did have its advantages; although sadly his metaphysical repertoire didn't stretch to invulnerability。 And although he had tripled his personal guard and cast a psychic net about his quarters; he couldn't help but feel that things boded no good for his immediate future。 It was so damnably unfair。 Here was he; a man who had brought joy to millions; well; thousands anyway; and here too was this loonie; with powers apparently outstripping his own; out to kill him。 Dan did a big shuddering number。 This loonie? This was The Loonie。 The one he had dreaded。 SUN; the born again。 SUN; whom the underground press worshipped; whom; their scriptures foretold; would be 'weled by the many and feared by the few'。
   'Weled by the many;' muttered Dan。 'He's about as wele as a jobby in a swimming pool。' With no further ado he girded up his loins with saffron girders and declared in a voice of gilded splinters; The show must go on。' 
   'The show must go on;' said Mungo Madoc。 Twelve whole hours had actually passed since the Dalai said it。 But you could hardly tell that just by looking at it; could you?
   'Now; about this Armageddon;' Madoc arranged the unruly stack of Morgawr's memos before him on the desk; 'exactly how much will it cost?' 
   Jason Morgawr sprang to his feet。 'I have all the projected figures; I think you will find them most favourable。' Fergus Shaman posed his long fingers into a Gothic arch and kept himself to himself。
   'We don't have an inexhaustible budget。' Mungo did piercing eye…stares at the board's newest member。 'In fact; anything but。' 
   'All taken into consideration sir。 FX; if you understand me。' 
   'I don't; Morgawr。' 
   'Special effects; sir。' 
   Mungo sighed deeply。 'Continue for now; Morgawr。 I will stop you when I'm fed up with it。' 
   'Indeed; sir;' Morgawr paced about the boardroom; like a Hollywood lawyer of old。 Placing his hands upon leafy chairbacks; punching the air; turning to face the window; flexing his shoulders。 It was all too excruciating。 'What we have here is a situation;' he said at great length。
   'Is that it?' Mungo asked。
   Fergus; to whom Mungo's glance momentarily turned; twirled his forefinger against his forehead and said; 'Stone bonkers。' 
   'A situation which offers the series an opportunity to rise to heights as yet undreamed of。 To scale summits; hitherto considered unscalable。 To venture into territories。。。' 
   'Warily avoided by the sane of mind?' Fergus suggested。
   'Cosmic cataclysm;' crowed Morgawr。 'And all live on screen。' 
   'Did you have anything specific in mind?' Mungo asked。
   'Apocalypse。' Jason Morgawr made extravagant gestures with his arms。 'Picture this in your minds。 Earth's final hour; battle rages; bombs go bang and boom and whoosh and。。。' ('We have a picture of the bombs; yes;' said Mungo。)'。。。 the final showdown between good and evil。 Will good succeed? Evil has the upper hand; missiles are flying; bombs going。。。' ('Yes。') '。。。 fire and brimstone。 And what is this? The heavens are opening; a trumpet speaks; and across the clouds the riders e。 Angels with swords of fire。 Michael and all the saints。 Celestial chariots bearing down and at what? Up from the bottomless pit e the hordes of hell; led by the angel of death himself。 With the skull face and the horrible claws。' Jason mimed that bit。 (Lavinius Wisten said; 'Oh; my。') 'The battle rages across the sky; the armies of God and the legions of the Devil。 And are the baddies winning? Surely not。 But they are; the terrible cutting and hewing and chopping。' Jason paused a moment to draw breath。 The board members watched him; uniformly dumbstruck and open…mouthed。 Jason plunged on; 'And hacking。 The saints are losing; evil crushes them。 It's terrible; terrible。' Heads began to nod; it was terrible。 'Then look up; what is this? The sky parts; bursts of golden rays; more angels and a great light streaming down。 Can it be? Yes; yes 。。。 it is He; upon the beryl throne; shining like a thousand suns。。。 the second e。。。 the second e。。。' 
   'Morgawr!' The voice was all Mungo's。 The board members all went aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw。 'Morgawr。 The second ing; fire and brimstone; angels and devils and bombs that go crash bang wallop。 All these things are included in your projected budget? Your projected modest little budget? Your projected strike…me…down…I…don't…know…how…they…could…do…that…on…the…money little budget? Your。。。' 
   'Already been taped; sir。' All eyes turned upon Jason Morgawr。
   Mungo said; 'What did you say?' 
   'Already been taped。' 
   Fergus Shaman waggled his hand in the air。 'I think what Mr Morgawr is trying to tell us is that he had already recorded the entire caboodle with some enthusiastic and religiously minded members of the Earthers Inc。 Amateur Dramatic Society。' 
   'Indeed;' said Mungo。 'Just as I thought。' He turned toward Morgawr。 'You can't be serious!' he screamed。
   'No; truly sir; it will hardly cost the station a bean。 You see we recorded it weeks ago。 It was going to be the Big…nose…mass Show。 Armageddon; the Musical we call it。' Mungo was beginning to make small grunting sounds。
   'And sir; we can holographically project it over Earth。 Even the Earthers themselves won't be able to tell it from the real thing。 It's all Holy Writ stuff; and I've cut in lots of old stock footage to beef it up。 All it costs is time to mix it with the real events on Earth。' 
   'These actors。。。' Fergus put in。
   'Solid; dedicated; true in word and deed to the Holy Writ。' 
   Mungo turned the t
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